Telephone line 9/19/07 | Arthritis Information


Good morning....actually it is still in the middle of the night.  1:55am MST. 

I hope you all have a great morning.  I will morn the fact that I cannot have my REmicade infusion today.  Gosh...what an awful month. 

Talk to you all in the "real" morning.

good morning why  cant you have the remicade this month?

Do you take it every month or what? I just started mine monday 500mg and felt icky yesterday with a slight headach and I still feel foggy. Now tonight I have to take my mtx so who knows. Hope you feel better

Shelly~Sorry you have to miss your Remicade this month..Hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

Well today starts the first day of Kelsay going on the bus.  I am kinda nervous as well as happy.  What happens if she get on the wrong bus?  I just have to think that everything will be fine and it will......right?  Other then that nothing exciting is going on.  I have to go to walmart sometime here this week to get a frame and stuff for my mom to make a wedding picture like she did for me for the wedding we are going to the end of the month. 

Hope everyone is having a great day!



Shannon...Kelsey will be just fine.  Kids love the bus rides...for the most part. 

Laura, I have a sinus infection.  I just started too.  I am also on the 500mg.  So this is the two week interval of just starting.  Yep...I felt like you do with the first one.  I will let you know how the next one goes.  I should be able to do it next Friday....hmmm if I get rest.

Have a great day...and Shannon relax....this is the slow process of letting go.  It is a hard, but worthwhile process.

Hi Shelley, sorry to hear your having trouble with the Remicade.  I have just had a break too from MTX, antiinflammatory and Neurontin due to infection, really yukky one in chest and bad gastro from antinfs.  Never mind, life was never meant to be easy, keep smiling, and keep posting, love Janie.

Thanks tummy hates them to...the antibionics.  I hope you are feeling better.  Your chest infection was a scary one. let's mimick Karen;

1. I got sleep last night...interrupted...but sound while I was asleep

2. I am thankful for the fact that my kids have a half day...I still love spending time with them.

3.  I get to stay home today....although as a cheer up I think I am going to go hold a puppy at the pet store.  (I think there is a Cavalier there)  Gosh...I wish I could take one home...I love my furry's.

So I have told you what I am thankful for....It's your turn....

Good Morning Shelly, Jane and Shannon

I know it is hard to let go of your babies when the start school but hang in there, because before you know it you will be praying they move out on their own

I missed the three things I am thankful for yesterday so here goes:

1)  I am feeling better, not perfect but hey who is!!!

2)  My sister is doing well after her masectomy and her positive attitude is inspiring!!

3)  It is almost fall and I love a New England Fall!!!


Dear Shelly, I'm sorry you must put off your treatment. Just as we think we find something to help us we must delay because of some 'other' thing. It has been 3 months of Remicade for me and even though I do still have that foot problem the rest of my stiffness and pain (hands), does seem to be better. (it better be better at 00 a month!) Your sinus infection sounds serious and I hope you can get some rest and get rid of that dang thing. Enjoy your kids. Take care and be good to yourself, Lynda

      Good Morning everyone. I hope you're having a good day so far.... I go back to see my Rummy this afternoon. I had to go off the MTX because of my liver enzime blood test. When he called me to tell me the blood test came back bad, and I needed to stop my meds. I wasn't too happy. Then when he told me I needed to come to his office to pick up a script for prednisone and on my next visit we would have to sit down and talk about an injectable. I was REALLY not happy. I was hoping not to have to go on prednisone, or give myself a shot. So I'm dreading this appointment. I know I shouldn't feel this way, what ever is going to help me get better right? I'm sure it's not going to be as bad as I imagine, giving myself the shot. I just don't like the idea. No one does i'm sure..... Shelly41, I hope you're feeling better real soon. I hate sinus infections. I seem to get at least one every Fall or Winter....Shannon, I know how you feel about Kelsay and the bus. I was just like that with my two girls when they started school and riding the bus.....Connie, I'm so glad to hear your sister is doing well.   

     I'm thankful for, being able to come here and express my fears and concerns. Where everyone understands.   


           Morning Everyone

Sorry you sickies don't feel well but I'm right there with ya

Hope everyone feels better and have a great day!

You people can keep your cooties I do not need them. I have not been sick since I quit smoking in Jan. YEH

Good morning everybody!

It is here too, going back up to 85 today.  I'm so happy that we get another little burst of summer before it gets and stays cold till June.  But for those of you who enjoy the cooler weather, I'm glad you're getting it.

Shannon Kelsay will be fine.  At her age, even if she did catch the wrong bus (she won't though) they'll get her home safe. 

Shelly, too bad about the remicade, hope things will get back to normal soon and you won't have to miss another dose.

Connie, glad things are going so well for you, hope it continues.

Lynda, I am so happy that you're feeling better. It's about time.  And now your old screen name really doesn't fit you anymore.  Yay for that!!

Lori...  I super didn't want to have to give myslef a shot too.  But now I take Enbrel in the clicky pen and it made such a gigantic difference in the way I feel and I guess it's keeping the joint damage away as well.  It's not that bad.  I guess you can get use to anything huh?  But it wasn't even hard to get used to.  Sure, I liked it better when I didn't have to do it, but when something works as well as enbrel does for me, well, I can't be anything but thankful. So try not to hate the idea of it too much.  It might make all the difference.

Shannon, make friends with the bus driver.  It will give you peace of mind to know that the person who is in charge of your baby is someone that knows who you are.  It has worked for me with my children.  I am now on the other end of the spectrum wishing my oldest was riding the bus--instead of being able to drive herself to school.  Same type of transportation, just a different way to worry about it.

Linn--glad to hear that the clicky pen thing is making a difference for you.  I just heard yesterday that my insurance has approved my Humira script and I will start on that next month.  I hope that the difference it makes outweighs the idea of injecting myself.


Well she got on the bus fine, I almost cried cause she just got on it like it was no big sayin bye or anything :(It's a beautiful day here in the ChiTown 'burbs... it's a damn shame I have to waste it by sitting in my cubicle in the Pits of Hell.

I've got to work at Bingo tonight... got to keep those unruly blue-hairs in line!  They are savages!!! Shannon, I am not even allowed to hug my kids when I walk them to school.  They don't want their friends to see.  It's not cool.


I did cry Shannon with both kids.  So, when Brandon got to Jr. High he said he wanted dad to drop him off, so he wouldn't drown.  I stayed home and cried. 

I guess my kids are extra special...I get hugs from them everywhere.  Brandon still calls me mommy, and now all his friends do too.  They are so very precious!!!

I slept for three hours straight...dreamt and everything...with NO pain pills...just slept.  I am hoping to do that later too.  I am still so tired.

All you sickins!

I went and got my TB test today. I think that was the least painful needle poke I have ever had!! YAY!!

Spent a couple of hours at my sisters house as she took me to get my TB test done. Now I am home.


Ok so I was reading an article on Yahoo news about the guy that sings "Copacabana" (his name excapes me right now) and I all the sudden I busted out laughing.....My little Cousin Riley LOVES to sing that song.  ITs so cute to, shes almost 3 and has a realy cute tiny voice and its just the cutest thing to hear her say that...I'm going ot have to video tape it and show you...

that is all, just wanted to share my excitement for the day..I do NOT want to talk about the bus thing today  :( Im a bad mom

Golly Gosh are not a bad mom.  What happened?  You are making sure she has the skills she needs to survive life, and that you have enough energy to care for her LIKE a GOOD mommy!

I didnt get out in time to get  her and they brought her back to school so I had to walk and get her


Shannon sorry you had to walk anyway but I have to snicker just a little bit

Oh Shannon, she is going to laugh about it later.  It is easy to misjudge time when you are relying on a bus driver.  She is probably fine, and no harm done except to you having to walk to school to get her.  She probably loved the ride. 

No more beating yourself up...she's fine!

why are you snikering mona?

Aww... poor shannon. It will not be the last time. Just have a plan with her. Did they take her back because you were not there? Does she get dropped off in front of the house?

We have a plan with my daughter and well... she put that plan to use a month back... but the strange part about it is... I WAS HOME! The kid did not see the car in the driveway (not unusual) and son did not open the front door and greet her as normal. So... she got off the bus, walked up on the front porch knocked (did not even use the door bell), and then walked over to the neighbors house.

Well... I came outta the bathroom about the time the bus went back by to get on the main road, and I opened the fron door to let her in. I figured she was on the front porch or the swing set. Then I called for her and nothing. I started to freak. I thought she was kidnapped or missed the bus from school. I called hubby as he was over in-laws and then I was sitting on the porch and remembered what our plan was and then I got the phone and called the next door neighbor's house and she said "yes marybeth is over here, she said you were not home." About the time I hung up, hubby and FIL were home and I told them were she was at and hubby went and got her.

She later admitted she just wanted to go over her friends house and play and did not even ring the door bell, but lightly knocked on the door, and she figured I was not home because I did not greet her at the door. So... now... I do not greet her at the door, as now she has to come in the house to see if I am home or not.

But man I freaked BIG time.


 Shannon OMG I read your post ALL wrong! What an insinsitive idiot you must think I am


I open mouth and insert foot nightly here!


Is your foot as high as you get...hmmmm???j/k

Nice, I see how it's going to be!  LOLIts ok hurt feelings.So gee, what should we talk about tonight ladies? 

Awesome news about your's though!

Hi Girls,

It is awfully quiet tonight. I am not going to be here long I am getting Bloodwork done in the AM. I am looking forward to seeing my results. I had them done last year and my cholesterol was like 119. It has always been low but the 35 lbs since last year sure feels like 100% fat

My cholesteral was always really low until I developed my thyroid disease.  Then it started creeping up.  But I stayed under 200 so it wasn't an issue - yet.

I think hormones are a huge part of it.  As estrogen levels drop, I think we really have to watch our cholesteral.  I have been taking Co-Q10 and fish oil for years now, but this year I increased the milligrams, so that might have helped.  But I think the biggest thing is changing my diet and losing 20 lbs.

Don't you feel old even discussing it???  Doggone, I'm old. 

Are you a sero-neg or poss person. I probably saw it somwere but do not remember? I am poss at 144 but I know nothing more than it is a High poss.

Totally old Karen! And please feel free to just shoot me if I get to that age where I start talking about my daily BM! 

  Hey Friends! If I have any left that isnt afraid I'll insult them! Sheesh what a day and night! Hows it going tonight without Joonie and KATIE,? and me

I need a little help in the terminology and definition departments. Anti-CCP is what? CRP is what?  

I was just curious more than anything.

I know that CRP that ties in with cardiovascular disease, but I've not heard about a correlation between anti-ccp and CV disease. I'll have to check that out...Hi Mona! We missed you!!

We all have those days do not loose any sleep over it.

By the way, feel free to fling a little my way - I figure I am a bit overdue! 

Jay, didn't you do your homework last night - now you want us to tell you what the answers are!!!

Jay, hyperlipidemia is the medical term for high cholesterol. Anti-ccp is a more specific test for RA, more specific and accurate than the rheumatoid factor. CRP stands for C-reactive protein, and it's a blood test that measures inflammation.


 aww thanks you guys

and BTW you all know what a ditz I am you should watch out for me and tell me when I put my foot in my big mouth,

Karen I forgot there was a test.

And I'm your blonde ditzy counterpart Mona. I swear, I read Shannon's post the same way you did, so I COULDN'T tell you you put your foot in your mouth cuz I didn't even notice! 

 my freaking cholesterole and trygliserids (sp) are out the roof! I went off me Crestor for 3 weeks when I was having so much dwith my legs.

Hey Jay, if you ever find your memory again, let me know where it was hiding. I seem to have lost mine also!


 Karen you have a big job cut out for yourself keeping all us wackos in line

 I missed most of that what was the deal,tell me

Ummmm, Mona? Did you just say 'wackos', like in plural? Who exactly are you referring to? Certainly not moí!

I remember my Mom telling us kid she had severe CRS when we were young. Mona that is Can't Remember Sh!t since your having a bad day. So with that being said I believe it is hereditary!!!

I realy do need to go to bed ladies. Talk with you later on today.

Yeah, I'm going to be laughing about that one for a long time, I must say! 



I swear, I went dowstairs to fold some laundry and all of a sudden it hit me. OMG, I was laughing hysterically!


 I must have meant Shelly and Joonie alls I know!


 Karen so you dont let the bed bugs in

Good answer Mo!Man, a girl could get a cramp!


I was spammed hum.... now tell me what you were cracking up about while you folded laundry

You have to read it, then think back to what we were talking about a couple of nights ago, then think with a dirty mind like Karen!  LOL


 Oh I'm having my hair done again tomorrow Just don't like it!

You gonna be a blondie again?


 Yep and maybe curly

You need to read all of Katie's thread about being gone for a while.


  Why whats wrong?

Nothing's wrong, I just didn't chose my words so wisely when responding to something Karen said. 

 I saw a little bit of that when ya'll were saying you and kATIE WERE IN LOVE, BELL AND WHISTLES, AND G SPOTS SORRY ALL CAPS

She's not going to get it Karen. Hell, I didn't even get if for a while!  LOL



Damn, now I have to go back to the store and buy another case of lightbulbs.Stop it Karen! You're killing me here! LOL