Welcome Droopy | Arthritis Information


Original message from Droopy,

"Hello my nickname is droopy and I have tried to leave a message.I'm going through

Hi Droopy and welcome to the site. I hope you do not mind me starting a new thread for you.


RAJay39344.3653472222Welcome Droopy, hang in there, you have found fellow survivors who are all pulling for you.  Tenanciousness seems to be one of our collective touchstones, so never give up.  Hi Droopy....I don't often say this but it sounds like you could use a better
Doctor. 2.5 mg MTX might as well be none (did you mean 25mg?) and any
Doctor should know you can't go off Prednisone cold turkey. Often people
have a hrad time finding the right treatment at first but once you do it's off
to the races! So hang in there.
Jay, where did this post come from?

Hello Droopy!!  And welcome.  I thought the same as Gimpy, that 2.5 MTX doesn't sound like much at all.  That's just one little pill.  I take 9.  And I have never heard of a dcotor advising a patient to just stop taking pred.  Maybe a new doc is in order?  Just something to think about.  Anyway, glad you're here.  Don't know how long you've been dealing with RA, but I hope things will be improving for you soon, and you won't have to be Droopy forever


Hi Jay, I'm also new to this site, and I've tried messaging, and I haven't gotten a reply, or maybe I'm doing this wrong.  If so please let me know.  I was diagnosed with RA 4 months ago, and it was such a shock, and I'm in denial.  I have such crying jags, and my anger comes out of the blue.  The pain is so bad in my toes, fingers, wrists, and shoulders.  I love to crochet, and it hurts like crazy.  My RA gave me the name of a Psychiartrist that also has counselors.  I feel I'mk going to have to call.  It's funny, some days I don't think I need one, and then come a couple of days in a row that are extremely bad and I know I need one.  I just started on the Enbrel Pen.  I was on the needle for 4 months, and it did bring my sed rate down.  It made it manageable but not pain free.  I'm on Methotrexate, Folic Acid, and Enbrel.  I also was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia over 20 years ago.  So I got a double wammie.  A lot of days I can joke about it, and then there are others.  I guess I don't have to tell you.  Well this has gone on too long.  Sorry for the long message.  Take care, and hope to hear from you.    God Bless,  Dotti51Good on you, Jay for helping a newbie out. I was concerned about that too.  Hello and welcome,

I will look forward to your posts and hope we can help answer questions or be a shoulder to cry on.

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