IM so scared | Arthritis Information



I am new and new to feeling so much pain. I cn't believe anything that has happened to me since May.

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.. and I only got that because I thought I had a nerve pinched causing fizzy fingers.

 I went to a specialist for this who sent me last week for a biopsy. I STILL DON'T HAVE THOSE RESULTS!

Last night, I went to the emergency room in tears because of joint swelling so bad that my rings won't go on, my shoes were frozen on my feet and my right heel I swear was broken.  The blood tests at the emergency revealed a sediment rate of 26 and a RA of 332.

 I am in a swirl. I am waiting for a lymes test now from the blood work. People tell me it is part of the hypothyroidism. MY DOCTOR SAID I COULD HAVE LUPUS,HIV, and a host of diseases.  HIV??? Does it pay to have been  a good girl all my life? DOES IT PAY to have weight lifted and rode horses and stayed in shape as best as I could? ( hypo thyroidism has made my body puffy and now I know why I am always 10 lbs away from goal)

  I am scared. Tomorrow I am h oping to see a rheumatologist. I can't believe all this since Last Night.I am so upset. I am in pain but really scared.

help to anyone who can tell me anything.

Hi Patrice......SO sorry you are in pain and scared. Alot of people on this website was there at one time and some still are. Don't be so worried about HIV, lupus and other stuff. It's common to get cked for that. I know they cked me and everything was normal, as normal as ra can get. I hope you get in to see a good rheumatologist tomorrow. He/she can help you with so many different medicines out there you can get to feeling better with soon. Take care and try not to worry so much.

Best wishes

Patrice I know you are scared and overwhelmed.  Most everyone is when they first find their way here.  But you have come to the right place.  There is a lot of support, knowledge and advice to be found here and you will quickly learn you're not alone.

I am also hypthyroid, and it can cause a lot of pain, and other complications as well.  But the GOOD news is that is very easily treated.  It will take a few weeks of adjustment to get your hormone levels where they should be, but once you are there you will feel much, much better. 

Best wishes to you - I hope you quickly find answers to why you feel the way you do, and can begin the proper treatment immediately.  Good luck to you!





Right now focus on the possiblity  that you have RA and nothing else.  The chances of any of the other tests being positive are pretty slim. The tests related to RA and Lupus will be discussed tomorrow with the rheumy.  Make a list of questions for the rheumy.  Don't go in without a list of questions.  Also make a list of all of your symptoms, pain levels, areas of pain and inflammation, length of time you've had symptoms, and most important take someone with you to the appt. A second pair of ears is invaluable at this stage of the disease.  Also take a notebook and pen to write down the instructions the doctor gives you. 

Call the doctor that did the biopsy and get the results.  Do you have a follow-up appt. with the specialist to discuss the results?  The specialist should be able to get the results faxed to him or by phone. Are you on hypothyroid meds yet? 

Take a deep breath and try and clear your head.  It's really important that you can focus at tomorrow's appt., retain the information, and ask questions.  Let us know how it goes, we'll all be here for you.   Lindy   


try not to be so scared. whatever you have prob. wont kill you


  I am 36 year old mother of 4 and I've had RA and Fibromyalsia for 3 years.... I am so sorry that you are scared but as Cindee said they do test for everything and hopefully you'll see a good rheumy soon. Hang in there and email if you would like to talk more. Actually, I would like the conversation.


Hi Patriceellen,

First of take a DEEP breath if you can. And then another. And then another. And then do it again if you find yourself not breathing at some other point.... 

I just got that advice not too long ago. And it's actually been helping me quite a bit. Something to do with the body going into a panic mode when we hold our breath when we are starting to panic. Vicious cycle supposedly. And not breathing regularly is also supposed to intensify pain signals to the brain. More vicious circle stuff...

Anyway I'm sorry that you are going through this. I am not too far ahead of you, so I don't have years of wisdom to pass on. And I'm still fighting some of my bitterness etc about the types of things you mentioned like taking care of myself, doing the right thing(s) in my life etc. But on the flip side, I can say I am already feeling somewhat better physically and much better emotionally now than I was when I was originally scared to pieces by my official dx.

And you have definitely come to a great place for support, help and information though. 

Best of luck to you!


Ah, that is what I forgot to say to you.

It doesn't matter how fit you've been, how healthy you have eaten, how much sport you have played...this disease can take you down.

Someone I know very well was such a fit person, people around her had nicknamed her the 'body', but this disease has brought her to her knees just like the rest of us. It takes no prisoners and fitness and health have no real impact on whether you develop it or it. Now this friend, the go getter, the organiser, the superwoman, can't stay awake from fatigue.

You are not alone. Yes, this disease can bring anyone to their knees as Cordelia states. I am also one of those fitness nuts so I can relate to what you are going through. I got RA in my late twenties (I am now 41), along with hypothyroidism (it is common to have both) and have run the rollercoaster ride for a good bit. But there are new meds out there that can bring you back. Enbrel has given it all back to me. I workout strenuously, both cardio and weightlifting-my routine is now near pre-RA levels and more. I have had to adjust somewhat (like I do the eliptical machine rather than running) but overall I feel great.

I think it will help once you get the hypothyroidism under control. With any luck that may be your only problem. If it is RA, or anything else, early treatment is key. Good luck and hang in there!


Hi Patrice - I am new, too, and am going through the early stages of RA.  I have read that some cases of RA are mild, most are moderate, and only a small percentage are severe.  I am going to begin this journey with the hope that my disease will be brought under control quickly and I'll feel normal very soon.  Do not despair. 

Hi Patrice -

Welcome to the board.



You know, I don't know what happened, but I was at a clinic at VGH a few
years ago where they had developed an instant HIV test, with something like
a 97% accuracy rate. Where is this test? Then people like Patrice would not
have to worry so much. I guess it takes time for it to get down the pipeline.

Hi Patrice...the first year is the hardest. I hope you have good support and
you will always have the internet community. have gotten some great advice from the wonderful people here. 

I just wanted to say "Welcome Aboard!"

Hi Patrice, and welcome.  What stands out the most from your thread is the comment made by your doctor with regard to HIV, lupus, etc.  I can't for the life of me understand why he would say that you may have those medical issues.  Yes, they test for a host of diseases in order to rule them out.  My own doctor even tested me for syphlis (sp?) but never told me.  It was negative by the way, (hey, I'm a good girl too!

 today I still have no answers. I also have not been to a specialist.

I am told to just go with the flow.


As a musician and artist, I see nothing good rigth now.

I do need all these letter  so thank you to everyone.

I need to know I am not alone.



Hello and welcome.  I don't have anything to add to the other posters. I am glad you are hear.


Facing the unknown is scary.  Right now your life probably feels out of control.  Please don't lose hope.

Can you use your art or music to express what you are feeling right now?  It might help to get it out of your mind and into your art.

Welcome to the board.  I am sorry you are in such pain right now.

Gentle hugs


Hi Patti, sorry you are here but at the same time welcome. I have an underactive thryroid (had the left side removed in the late 90's). A daily dose of Thyroxine as prescribed by your GP will get you up to as normal a functioning body as it can... as for the RA, stamp your feet, have a good yell if you need too... it all seems so confusing/complicated/depressing at the mo but the girls and boys on the board are always here, there are not stoooopid questions.



Hi Patrice, First let me say welcome.  I'm sorry your so scared, I've been there, as I'm sure other people on this site have.  The Dr's do these tests to rule things out.  Try if you can, not to be scared. I know it's easier said then done.  You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.  Take care, and God Bless you.   Dotti51


