20th september -Daily chatter | Arthritis Information


Morning to everyone(10.50am here) Hope all is well with the rest of the world. Its turning quite chilly this side of the pond. I have my appointment today with the rheumy specialist for my enbrel application so hopefully it wont be too long before i get it.

Have a great painfree day

Sorry I can't hang out a while but life is too darn busy for non fun/non profit (oo did I say that?) reasons this last few months. Except that I am the proud fairly recent owner of a great nephew. Long story, he was way too early but now doing fine

Hope you have a good weekend.

Well im glad you are having fun with that nephew ( i love babies) Glad he is doing fine now too.

Their delivering our sleep number bed today! Seems like we ordered it a year ago.....but it's finally here! (It's actually been three weeks)

Tink~Congratulations on the new nephew! Pin~Good luck at the doctor.

I hope everyone has a great day!

Thursday 9.30pm here.

I have had a restful day after my Rituxan infusion yesterday.

Hope your appointment goes well Pin.

Lovie I am so jealous of your bed, you will be sleeping on a cloud my lovely.

I will be around for a few more hours before heading for bed.
hi everybody, i havent been on for a few days. have been busy doing trips to adelaide with my eldest son. he is applying for a job in the army. so it means interview after interview. Well its my big day tommorrow, first embrel shot. I am really nervous now. i have been wanting it for so long and now its almost here. i had a cool travel bag sent the other day with allsorts inside. a sharps container,freezer packs etc. it will come in very handy when i go overseas next year.I found out my rheumy was supposed to organise the pack but she posted the script and went on maternity leave. I emailed wyeth and they posted the pack within two days.Glad you got the pack, Ally. I thought you should have received something like that and thank god it has a sharps container. Being nervous is normal. Get a few under your belt and you will be an old hand. Be thinking of you. 

Morning everyone!!!  Well I slept really crappy last night...Made the HUGE mistake of taking Tylenol and Benadryl at the same time...UGGG if I cant take Tylenol PM which is the same thing what made me think I could take em sepertatly...Well yea I cant so I couldnt sleep, which wouldve been fine had I just been able to be still.  But something between the 2 meds has a weird reaction w/ me. Yea and it SUCKS!!!

Pin~ Goodluck w/ your appt today.  Everything will be fine w/ the ENbrel..:D 

Tink~Congrats on the new nephew and glad hes doing good now.

Lovie~ I bet your excited to go to bed on your new bed tonight huh! ENjoy it

HI COrdilla and Allycat

Howdy everyone!  Oh Lovie, you are going to sleep so well tonight!  Enjoy.

It is another nearly perfect day in Connecticut.  How did we get so lucky?  It is amazing - everywhere I go people are talking about the glorious weather.

I'm off to the rheumy to get the results of my MRI.  Catch ya'll later.


Good morning everyone,

Woke up with some bad back pain however I think it's more that I need a new bed than from RA.  My bed is God only knows how old.  It went from me to brother and back to me.  Years old.  So, that will be something else to add to my "Steph needs list".  LOL  Lovie- very jealous of your arrival of sleep number bed.  They sound so wonderful on the commercials.  My brother swears by his temperpedic(sp).  However my "Isabel needs list" is quite longer.  She outgrows just about everything before she even wears it.  Thank God for the wisdom of my SIL who buys her clothes sizes too large because they have helped immensely. 

It seems to have warmed up here in MA.  Just like Hill, I have a beautiful day.  Am considering open some of the windows I previously closed up due to cold breezes over the last few days.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!



Good morning eveyone.  It's a nice day here, warm and sunny. I will be spending it wrking another double (am/pm feeding) so I will miss the bulk of it.  That's a big bummer when days like this are numbered.

Have been feeling off the last two days.  Don't know what's the matter.  Yesterday I was nauseous and fighting a headache all day, today I feel shaky, dizzy and just run down.

Glad everyone is doin ok, Allycat, I hope you like enbrel.  Before you know it you'll be giving yourslef that shot like a pro, and it'll seem like nothing

Well, almost time to go to work...have a good one everybody

Good morning....having slept yesterday away...I wish I could say I'm on top of things.  I did call doc. and she is going to Rx a Medral dose pack(steriods)...I hate this.

I do have to sub in the afternoon.  I am hoping the kids are good and it is easy. 

Lovie I am sooo jealous.  MIL has a sleep number...she just brags and brags about how wonderful it is. 

Well, everyone...I am going back to bed for a while.  Take care and may you all have a pain free day.

Just dropping in to say bye for a few days.  Off on holidays til the 30th.  Be good you guys.  I'll think of you while I'm living in the sun and the sand ( yeah yeah not too much sun  I know...).  I'll bring back photos and brag a lot

Catch you all in a few days


Pammy have great fun...I can't believe you and Katie are leaving me with the night crew!

share pictures and I hope the weather is gorgeous!

Sorry   I know the timing sucks

We're getting the king size adjustable. I'm super excited!! They still haven't called yet though. I'm at the office but they are supposed to call me when they are on their way and I can run home and meet them.

They said sometime between 8:30am & Noon. Here it is almost 11:30 and I haven't heard from them. Mr. Lovie is going to FLIP OUT if they don't come today. He's already in a tissy because we've had to wait this long. I sure hope there's not going to be a problem with the delivery.

Lovie39345.3532523148Pammy have a great holiday and post lots of pics......where are you going?

Well, I actually feel rested today. I got up and outta the bed when son woke up. I guess because I did not have an interrupted sleep like I normal do. Only I had to get up and see daughter off to the bus, and I was back in bed while in 10 mins and asleep before I hit the pillow.

I am guessing my re-actived mono is starting to let up on the fatigue. I do not feel as tired, but still tired. I am sitting here yawning and with watery eyes, just thinking about going back to sleep. Oh I LOVE my comfy bed.

I do not think I would give up my bed for a sleep number bed. I mean wouldn't it be on comfortable to lay in the middle of the bed on 2 different sleep numbers? I like to move to the middle of the bed when hubby goes to work. So, if we got a sleep # bed, I would be half way sleeping on his # & my # which would probably be uncomfortable. His would probably be softer, as he likes to sleep on his stomach.

I cannot sleep on my stomach, never could... would always wake up feeling sick or it would hurt my stomach. When I was preggo with son, I had this strong urge to want to sleep on my stomach, but I could not as my belly was too big

Lovie, sure hope the bed arrives alive

Do you know what it does to you when you hiccup and yawn at the same time? Well... DO YA?!

I does nothing

I have this weird thing.... when somone else washes my dishes, I tend to smell the bowl or whatever before I use it.

I hate that they fill up a sink full of water and soap and clean every dish in that same water and soap. EWWW!!! I usually wash with running water a little soap on the dish and rinse. I know not good, but at least I will eat outta a clean smell good bowl!

It is like using the same bucket of water to mop your entire house. EWW!!! Yeah... that is just gross! Spread a little of germs here, and a little there and before you know it... there are nasty germs everywhere! And some where the germs were not suppose to be EWWEW!!!


Well, I am going to go clean up my bedroom. Maybe then I can find ALL of my 5 bras! I have been stuck wearing 2-3 of them repeatedly for a few months now. And I just miss one of my bras, it is one of my favorites, but I just did not feel up to hunting it down, but today I am feeling like I can do it. Yep!

well, off to do some house cleaning. Wish me luck and that I do not get side tracked and that my shoulder blades do not start to feeling like they are on fire.

Ok taking a break... I just folding a wash cloth that had Santa's face on it... now I ask... why would you print Santa's face on a wash cloth? 

I have one of 3 reasons that come to mind...

1) You do not like Santa, and you use it to wash your butt.
2) You just like getting your butt kissed by Santa.
3) Santa is a brown noser.

I just got home from work and I haven't had time to read all the posts yet, but I just wanted to tell you all my great news!!!  Not only am I going to see my son and his wife Oct 5, but on Oct 1 my other son is going to come home for a week.  I'm going to get to see both of them!!!  I can't even say how happy I am, i've missed those guys.

October 5th, we are to be going to the Alabama National Fair! I am happy... so, Link... we will both be having a happy day that day!

Ok, I have come to the conclusion that my poor kitten did not get to eat much when she was with the other kittens. As when we first got her, you could feel her hip bones and her nails were very soft. Her nails did not even make scratch marks when her nails would come out.

Since we have had her, you can not feel her hip bones anymore and her nails will scratch the CRAP outta ya and draw blood on me when she scratches me. They feel really sharp now, as before they just felt soft.

I guess it is time to clip her nails. I will do it after I give her a bath. That way they will be a little softer and easier to clip.

Ok... so I was sweeping my bedroom floor when hubby came home from work. He comes in and he looks in the door and says "What are you doing?"

Yeah.... I replied with a really smartass tone "What does it look like I am doing?" Then he said something about when I ask you a question you better answer it without a smartass tone.

Then I told him "Well, when I am married to someone who can answer easy questions just using his eyes, than I would not have to use a smartass tone."

Then he laughed and walked off. He is such a pain in the ass!


I'm just sitting here at work, counting the hours down! I can't wait to get some much needed sleep tonight!

Pammy have fun and take LOTS of pics!

Link - YAY YOU GET TO SEE BOTH BOYS!!!! How's that for things working themselves out, eh??

Yeah Katie!  Just goes to show their's no sense in worrying.  Things always work out in the end.

Joonie, they make wash cloths with Santa's face because their is obviously a market for it (you). The question is, why did you buy it??


An hour and a half left.......that's all.....and then, SLEEP! Ah, sweet sleep!

OH! I had the BEST turkey veggie soup today! Man it was amazing. it had zuccini(sp) and all kinds of unusual veggies, But the taste was SUPER!

I am happy for you too, Link.

Joonie, I wish I had your guts!!!  Hubby asks the stupidist questions.  Maybe I'll take my lead from you. 

Where the hell is that Special K and her test results?!?!?!

Yeah, me and hubby always give each other smartass remarks. It is kinda like how a brother & sister act.

I am a germaphobe right? Well... since having Abi... I think of all the kitty germs she is spreading throughtout my house. I get this way worse, after I have went to check on her and she is in her litter box, and she is covering up what she done, and in the process steps all over her poo she done without me knowing to take it outta there.

Yeah... but then she does something funny and I forget for a while that she is spreading her kitty cooties everywhere. My bedroom is off limits to her, well it was until today... she has been watching me clean my bedroom and hiding out from son under my bed and desk.

Now you get my whole I hate cats...although I do like them I just don't like the litter box.  If I could get one that is trained to go on the toilet...then we'd be in business.

I used to have a cat that trained himself to use the toilet.Anyone home???


Hi Brisen I just got here

Kim's husband still doesn't have a job here, so he will stay at his present job in Idaho until they sell the house. Meanwhile, Kim will live in temporary housing (that is provided by her new company) until Keith moves back here. I am sooooo glad to have her back and living so close...it will only be about an hour and a half ride to see her!


 OH...I missed Survivor but watched all of Greys Anatomy! Love that show

I see our li'l Katie is back

 Don't ask about the 'do, it sucks again so this is my last trip there

 Greys may have been last seasons ending, I missed it then. But it was good even for a rerun

 You also have much better choices then I do, we live in a small town so the pickins are slim

Now you'll start hanging out with her all the time and drop us like a hot potato

Hows Christopher doing? Trey is ok I think, he came in alittle while ago and took a Xanax, said he was nervous and jerky for some reason, he's in the bed now *sigh*


Karen was supposed to get the results to her CAT scan, I don't remember what Jay was going back for.

I think Christopher is doing 'OK' too. But he seems to be almost obscessed with spending time with the other family. He get's home from work, changes, and goes right over there..every night. I don't know if that's good or not. Every night when he comes back home ,he brings something of Jeremy's as a rememberance. The family encourages him to do that. I just want him to be happy and move on.And I think the only reason he's doing 'OK' is because his doctor upped his Xanax dose.

Well Trey goes back to the Dr tomorrow so we'll see if any meds need changing.

I looked up weaning off Paxil Brisen and it is pretty awful for most people

Good night!


I read that and my Dr said to wean slowly for about two weeks but people who did that said that wasn't near anough time. Most say it takes at least 4 weeks and the brain zaps can last a year or more

 G/night honey

I know what ya mean

Kim think's she's a princess and totally takes over my computer when she's here.

LOL you tell KIM the real princess is right here!!  Why did you spoil your kids so much.? Sheesh, I knew better than to do that
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