Ultram ER made me sick | Arthritis Information


I took my first dose at 9:30 am after eating a piece if toast. It said to take with or without food, so I figured it must not be hard on the stomach. Next morning, I had nausaus and vomiting.  Finally managed to keep down plain seltzer after 4 hours but was in bed all day, and couldn't eat until late evening. 

The  nurse said try to take it with a large meal and if it happens again they can give me something for nausea.  I'm afraid to through that misery again. Any suggestions?

Any chance it wasn't the Ultran that caused you to get sick?


What dose did you start out with?  I've heard that people taking Ultram ER should start out on a very low dose and build it up over a week or two. It was 100mg.  No one else in my family was sick.  I didn't have a  fever or other symptoms. I had this happen before after a few days of indomethacin (an nsaid).

It is a pretty common side effect with Ultram. Try the nausea med and build up the dose slowly and see if that works.  You may have to switch to another pain med.  There are plenty of others. 

Also- do you have problems with acid reflux? 


No acid reflux but I take prevacid to prevent a recurrance of gastritis I got from other nsaids.

I didn't take the prevacid with the ultram.  I took it later like I always do, with mobic.

The ultram is supposed to help my newly diagnosed fibromyalgia.  I hope the other pain meds are an option.

I take the Ultram too. I find that if I take it close to my meal and I've had my coffee, I'll get the upset stomach. Try to take it with a meal. Eat some first, take the Ultram, and then finish your meal. I find that this helps. Of course, the Ultram takes a longer time to kick in as it has to fight it's way through the food. If you're still getting sick, stop taking it and call the doc for something else.

Hope that this helps. It's no fun when you can't think straight because of pain.

I had an adverse reaction to Ultram ER too - I could not stop vomiting and once I did, I slept nearly all day.  It took about 48 hours for my system to get back to normal.

Sad thing as I was pain free while on it.

I survived the next 2 doses with little nausea.  I took it with dinner instead of breakfast.  However, the 100mg isn't helping so after today (the 4th dose), I'm supposed to take 200mg. ultram 200 gave me even worse nausea and vomiting!  I was throwing up sips of water or dry heaves for 12 hours yesterday and am eating bland diet today.  Absolute misery!stop taking it!!I did of course.  But since I did okay with second dose of 100mg the RD wants to try again later, only give my body longer to get used to it, like a whole week vs. 4 days.  I don't know, I'd like an alternative but whose to say the next thing won't do the same thing? It's all trial and error and I'm just following the drs instructions.  Wow - from 100mg to 200mg is a huge increase, especially given your reaction to the first 100mg. Perhaps you could take the immediate release version (with very small doses) 'round the clock until you work up to a high enough level that the larger sustained-release dosage won't cause you such misery? JasmineRain that is a great idea. 
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