Re-Activated mono | Arthritis Information


How many of ya'll had reactivated mono since you have been on immune suppressants?

My GP told me I had reactive mono when I went to see her Tuesday. That is why I have been soo fatigued. She said it was probably reactived by my immune system being surpressed.

Anyways... thought I would post some info on it for ya'll.

Some patients suffer from recurring mono. Their primary  symptom is usually fatigue and they end up being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  It is often in times of stress when a mono relapse occurs.

The bottom line is how healthy your immune system is. If you still get recurring mono with sore throats, swollen glands or fatigue, it is nature's way of telling you that something is wrong with your immune system.

It may be suppressed from poor eating habits, nutritional imbalances, stress, smoking or a chronic underlying disease. Your genes can also make you more susceptible to disease.

Fortunately, through general lifestyle practices like a healthy diet, stress reduction, regular exercise and taking some immune boosting supplements, you can strengthen your immunity and make a full mono virus recovery.




  Wow, I didn't even know there was such a thing. I had Mono when I was 17. I thought when you go it and got over it, that was it.

Nope, once you get mono, you have it. It just lays dormant until it is re-activated. Really? That's really interesting. When I was in Jr high I was sick with mono SO much! That was about the same time I was having terrible wrist and ankle problems that they never did figure out what it was. They even put a cast on my left wrist for 4 wks thinking that would cure it.....They sent me to a university hospital and never diagnosed me with anything--just made my parents think I was making it all up.