OT - Well THAT didn’t take long.... | Arthritis Information


Well folks....things are as settled as they're going to be with me for the next week or so. And I'm sort of alone, so I should probably stick around here for some humor and support, even though it's not RA related. Hope ya don't mind!


I won't go into graphic details, as #1 you don't need to know it all and #2 again I apologize but I don't want to share it all.

The gist of the story is I'd hit a rough patch with Justin, he was being quite boy-ish and stubborn about his health care, and with me feeling better I was having a hard time dealing with him, and his illness. Sounds bitchy I know, there's A LOT MORE TO IT! Anyways, he was admitted to the hospital early this AM. Around 5am I think. He has a psuedocyst(sp) on his pancreas(sp) that is about 10cm. "Huge" was the docs exact word. Sooo he's feelin pretty sh*tty! We got an awesome doc though, he was pretty pissed that no one has taken Justin's gallbladder out yet, even though it's SUCH an issue for him. And come to find out, when they did his small bowel resection when he was 18, THEY LEFT HIS APPENDIX IN! What the hell were they thinking?? So he's trying to convince the surgeon to cut him tomorrow, drain the cyst and take out his gallbladder and appendix all in one shot. We shall see, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

This all really scared Justin, in a good way. I think this was the first time we had a talk and he brought his own faults to the table and asked me how he can change and fix it. So I'm really impressed with him right now, and just hoping I have the strength (and we have the money) to get all this taken care of.

His mother has not called him, and he wanted to call her once he was in his room. Hello, what kid doesn't want to talk to their mommy when they're sick?? Long story short on THAT one, she doesn't even know what hopsital he's in, OR why he's there. Why? Because she felt the need to spend the entire time talking about herself, and not giving the poor boy a chance to breathe. So THAT upset him. And me, quite frankly.

Anywho THAT'S what's been on my plate! But at this point with him in the hospital, I'm not gonna lie I feel just a wee bit alone out here. So here I am! Running back to my folk, who take SUCH good care of me.


Gosh I really don't know what the hell I'd do without you guys!!!!!!

Oh sweetie, great big HUGGGGSSSSSS!!!!!!!

Awww.... Katie.... I hope Justin gets to doing better REALLY soon. I know how scarey it is. I just hate for my hubby to be sick. And I worry about him, because of how he eats and his lack of exercise.


Much love and hugs for you and Jvstin!

Hi Katie, what a lot of worries for you and Justin.  You both are way too young for all of this to be happening.  You don't have much experience to fall back on to know how to handle all of this.  You both just have to do the best you can and hope that your decisions and discussions are right.  You both need to focus on getting him fixed up, healthy, and out of the hospital.  It doesn't sound as if he's been taking good care of himself and you can't do it for him.  It's his call.  Hopefully, recognition has set in for him and between the two of you his needs and yours will be met. 

I'm glad you came back to the forum, this isn't the time for you to be alone.  Sure we're faceless, but boy can we talk when you need it.  Have a good evening.  I'm off to look at carpet....yuck.  Slinging a lime your way.  Lindy

Thanks for the limes Lin


Yes, he was in the hospital last year for the same thing. So you'd THINK.......but it boils down to the fact that he's been in denial over the whole thing since the day he was diagnosed. I was pretty straight forward with him when he started apologizing to me for letting himself get so sick. He took it really well, now let's just hope that he follows through! I'm going to be there with him, I realize this is very difficult for him.

Soooo I'm at work until 11ish tonight......NOT! I am soo leaving a little early tonight. LOL It's fairly slow now that we got our monster group of 800 LOUD church women checked in.

Okay maybe 800 is an exageration.....

Katiekins, trust you to take like five seconds to sort yourself out and be back. You would be feeling alone, sweetie. Many hugs and much love to you babe.  yeah, katie it is more like 799 LOUD church women

*whistles as her handbasket speeds off into the night*


Cordy, I really didn't expect him to be this ill, I was shocked when they said they wanted to keep him. So I DID expect us to still be sitting around talking to each other about what direction he needed to go in with his health care, in order to maintain the wonderful relationship we've had for so long.

He just decided to get super sick and speed the process along!

Hey your not alone you know, you have all of us crazy bunch of supporters. Failing that i'll send you a ferrett

On a more serious note, take care of yourself so you stay in remission and You will need your strength for when Justin gets home.

Take care honey


Ohhh hunny!!!!!!!!!  I really hoped it wasnt something bad and we just ran you off...Really I think the latter would have been a better choice.  I hope Justin gets to feeling better and that all this has brought him back to reality about his healthcare.  Just be there for him as much as you are willing and know that WE are ALWAYS going to be here for you!!!

Big hugs to you hun!!!

Oh and and this group of "800 church women" does it tell you what kind of church it is?  hehe Just wondering

I hope this is the start of better times, Katie.  Keep us posted what is happening with Justin, and take care of yourself. 

I'll be around if you need to talk.  And I'll also understand if you don't feel like it. 






The 800 church women - New Olive Baptist Church. *shrugs* Whatever!


Welcome back, Little Girl

Of course it's scarey to be that ill! But it looks like it is a blessing in BIG disguise, that they kept him. First, it got you two talking about whatever was going on. And, of course, now maybe they can get the gall bladder and appendix taken care of while he is there for the main problem.

I'm not sure they will do it all at once, though. I guess it depends upon how he, physically, handles the pancreas problem. They don't usually like to throw too much at the body at one time, though.

Good Luck, Sweetie! Hugs to you and Justin! Please let me know if I can help you, okay? Don't really know what I could do from California, but maybe say a little prayer for you.

Too bad his Mom didn't listen to him. I know she has a lot on her plate right now, but DAMN...that's her kid! (Sorry, the "mommy" in me just came out

Big hugs, Nini

Well he's on the phone. At midnight he's cut off from any water or ice, and early early in the AM tomorrow they're doing a "dye job" on his belly. LOL That's how he worded it...how cute.

Hope everything goes well tomorrow


   I'm so sorry Katie. I will keep both you and Justin in my thoughts and preyers. 

Well, katie.  First let me say that I'm glad you're backKatie, Justin is sooooo lucky to have you. You have a good head on those shoulders. I hope tomorrow brings some good news. At least he is in the right place and has the right person by his side. 

Katie...all my love to you baby doll!  You guys are in a situation where one of you is up and the other is down...so what hubby and I are learning to deal with after 19ish years of marriage you guys are dealing with now.  My heart goes out to you.  I know you love him, but men do change hard.  You need to know what your limits will be and how much you can handle, without it throwing you into pain and inflamation.  You know that we LOVE you around here and will always be here for you.

So now I will stop mothering...and say you are in my prayers and so is Justin.  I hope everything works out better than you thought it would. 


Yep yep. Now as long as he takes this as a lesson of what happens when you don't take care of yourself, and he changes his ways, we'll be DANDY-RIFIC.


Thank you all, again!

Yep! I totally understand. 

YOU will be joining us LATER right!!!!  Pammy is gone, so I was wondering how I was going to handle those three on my own. 

LMAO I have no idea, I'm honestly going to try to leave work around 8 tonight. So I probably won't be around. Sorry!! I haven't slept yet today, so I was going to stop by the hospital and spend a little of the evening with Justin, then head home for the night. Shew am I TIRED!!Just remember to take care of yourself too Katie...


I'm glad to see you're back.  Not much more to add to what everyone else has said except I will be thinking about Justin and you.  I hope all goes well.  Maybe this will be the wake up call Justin needs.  Get some rest, sweetie.




Yep...sleep and have a good time, but you will see them probably unbridled...although they weren't bad last night from what I read.  I was sleeping.  I hate infections. 

Honey,you just remember you are never alone with all of us here to love on you. I've been worried!

You take care of yourself, too. You two are in my thoughts and prayers. Tell Justin we're all pulling for him!

Oh Katydid, I'm so sorry you're going through such a rough time right now, but I'm glad you're back to let us help you get through it.


nitey nite love

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