21 september - natter | Arthritis Information


I did wait to let someone else start off todays thread but theres no one around

Its 12 .15  and i am just wondering what to eat for my lunch...any ideas for something, warm, tasty and filling????

I just love scrambled eggs on toast or beans on toast for luch, enjoy, Janie.

Good Morning Lisa!

It is only 8:30 a.m. here but I am already slaving away at work.  Today is day three where I have awaken to minimal stiffness and feeling really pretty good

I hope everyone has a great day!!!


Good morning all,

It's about 9 am here.  I am enjoying a cup of coffee and some quiet time as Isabel is still asleep.  Woke up with a back ache again.  I really need a new bed.  LOL  Hope everyone is having a good day. 

WOOHOO it's the weekend!  The only activity I have scheduled this weekend is routine computer maintenance at home and at school/church.  Other than that, I'll be the one lounging around the house while I instruct the three stooges on what needs to be done.

I slept soooo lousy last night.  I think I finally got into a restful sleep about 2am.  Headache and steriods and maybe a reaction to the cough syrup. 

Kelly...have a question.  I took the first six of the Medral dose pack yesterday before four pm.  I do not want to run into the whole no sleep thing....What can I do for the dosing today? I took the one before eating, but can I try to take the next section before noon or something?

I did wake up in better shape than I have been in months!!!Woohoo!  I am going to get a message and then come home and relax.  Sinuses feel a tad better today, but not better enough.  I hope this clears before next Friday...I want my Remicade. 

Have a great day all...enjoy your coffee or Coke or Pepsi.  Whatever the morning drink of choice. 

Lisa...I love split pea soup, and a little stick of warm french bread.  Oh and a diet Pepsi. 


                      Good Morning Everyone!

LoL didn't realize it's almost noon! I have been up for hours, at least 3 anyway. Hope ya'll are having a good day so far, it's cloudy and rainy here in NC. Sure hope it clears before our family reunion tomorrow!

Any big plans for the weekend? I think we all ought to do like Jas; rest and order everybody else around

Hope everyone has a great day!

Shannon...try some stretching...I have constant pain in hips and lower back, and I have to stretch out a lot.  Only stretch until you start to hurt.  If you do this a couple of times...you might feel better.  Also, sit in a chair and round your back to a "C" stick your legs out and just try to rest there.  That opens up the nerve condile, and can also give you some relief until hubby gets there. 

Mo'nana...I think I will be alone again for the most part.  I am going to do just the minimum to make the house look better.  Hope your BBQ is the best!  Are you going to be on later?

Lisa...I vote for grilled cheese.  ANd if your buying the ticket, I'll even come over and make it for you.  Am told I make the best grilled cheese!!

Shannon, I'm not a big Oprah fan either.  Haven't watched her show in years.

Shelly, it makes for a long day when you don't get enough sleep the night before.  Maybe you can squeeze a nap in sometime just to get over the hump.

Jas...the 3 stooges!!  Hilarious.  I would love to order people around this weekend, but unfortuately it's just gonna be me.  I suppose I can try to get my dogs to at least stop shedding.  Tried it before and they just won't listen.  But maybe this time....

Link...I have tried to do that whole my dogs not shedding thing, and they don't listen to me either.

I plan to get my message, and then I am going to go back to bed.  I think I might just go ahead and block the whole day for subbing and just take care of me.  I am tired of being sick! 


I slept soooo lousy last night.  I think I finally got into a restful sleep about 2am.  Headache and steriods and maybe a reaction to the cough syrup. 

Kelly...have a question.  I took the first six of the Medral dose pack yesterday before four pm.  I do not want to run into the whole no sleep thing....What can I do for the dosing today? I took the one before eating, but can I try to take the next section before noon or something?

I did wake up in better shape than I have been in months!!!Woohoo!  I am going to get a message and then come home and relax.  Sinuses feel a tad better today, but not better enough.  I hope this clears before next Friday...I want my Remicade. 

Have a great day all...enjoy your coffee or Coke or Pepsi.  Whatever the morning drink of choice. 

Lisa...I love split pea soup, and a little stick of warm french bread.  Oh and a diet Pepsi. 


Medrol dosepaks are typically spread out through the entire day.  It's only for 6 days; if you have sleep issues, can you pop a couple of benadryls to get you through it?  That's usually what I do.
Well, my ticket to NC is bought.  My VA son's ticket to fly home is bought.  It's really gonna happen.  In two weeks I will be seeing my boys.   I can't wait to hug them and kiss them and look at their faces. Shelly, that sounds like a good plan.  You'll be dragging all weekend if you don't.  Sleep well.

Thanks Link and Jaz...I think this is going to be a declared me day.  Hubby is just going to have to get used to the fact...I CAN'T work everyday and stay healthy. 

Shelly, How do you work with kids and avoid getting sick?  You know, like catching colds and flu.  When my SIL had cancer several years ago (she is fine now) and her immune system was compromised, she was advised strongly not to work with kids.  She works in a classroom too.  She had to stop until she was done with her treatment.

Well so far I have just gotten sick.  Including pneumonia in the spring, b/c some lovely parent wrote a note that their kid was running a 102 temp all night...but school is important(ya, babysitting).  So, of course I got that and it was early in treatment...so ya, I spent a day in the hospital. 

I am going to talk to my RD and see what he says.

 I CANNOT go on like this.  We are working to rearrange our finances and that is what hubby is worried about.  I guess he has a choice me or the bills. 

Well, just so ya know....I choose you

Thanks Link...some days I wonder what he would chose, but that is up to him...Yes, he found out that I got offered a job last night and I told him I couldn't take it.  Yep...got the eye rolling. 

Ya know, if they could just feel what we feel they'd be singing a different tune.  It's not that you would wish RA on anyone, but some people would do well to maybe have it for a month, just to see.Id choose you too Shelly....I know what your talking about.  We've been going through this same thing as well.  Are you able to find a different job?  What job were you offered that you didnt take? Sorry if im asking to personal of questions


Oh, it was a substitute job for all day.  I substitute this year...I did not get a contract to teach.  I am truely very thankful, so that I can try to heal.

Thanks, and I would chose you too. 

teaching is a HARD job...what grades do you teach?  A friend of mine is student teaching kindergarteners and she says that its hard, I cannot imagine actually teaching. 

Good Morning Everybody.  I am sorry to hear that some of you aren't feeling very well.

I just have to announce that today I am going to have it out with my husband tonight when he comes home from work.  Of course I will wait a little bit for him to relax.  However, the TALK will be about our marriage.  I've waited long enough (it's been 4 months since I've been diagnosed) for him to get over his "poor me, I've got a sick wife" routine and step up and acknowledge this disease.  I've let it go, but the straw that broke the camels back was when I got my first Enbrel shot this Tuesday and when I told him how good I felt and how much it might cost us and all he said was "There is no way in hell I'm going to pay that much for that damn drug no matter how good you feel."

That's it I can't take it anymore.  I would rather be single and battle this disease alone (single mon with 2 boys) than be married and have to battle my husband for any relief and be miserable.

I believe that I have given him enough time to get over the denial and the pity party he has going.  I need someone who believes in my and supports me no matter what the cost.  I truly wanted him to say, "You know, no matter what it costs or how much we may have to work, if this drug makes you feel better, then we'll do whatever it takes."  I just wanted to feel loved and supported.

Do you guys think I am asking too much too soon?  Should I give him more time to get over himself?

Your husband might just not know how to handle having his wife sick like you are.  Not knowing your husband I cant really say for sure but my husband went through that same stage early on in the diagnosis.  I was limited on what I was able to do preRA due to major back problems so he knew that there were alot of things that I could not do, but when RA came around and it limited me even more he wasnt sure how to handle it.  In a 10 months period we had gotten married, had my daughter and then 6 months later I had this RA diagnsis.  It was a lot for him to handle.  Most husbands like to be able to fix things and when there is something that they cannot fix, ie: our health etc they panic.  I would sit down w/ your husband and talk over what is bothering you and ask what is also bothing HIM....Also w/ Enbrel there should be an assistance program that you may qualify to help pay for the copay...does your ins pay for a portion of it?

Hi there suzy. I must say I am shocked that a husband wouldnt want a drug that could make his wife better. I can understand the denial side of it but not that. I know these drugs cost you a lot of money and im not sure about your financial situation, but there is surely a way. If you feel better then it will improve your marriage.

I hope it turns out for you.

Take care honey

Yep, Suzie my dear hubby said if we didn't have insurance I guess you would die young. 

Hello Everyone!

Well, I did not get as good a night's sleep last night as I did the night before. I think it has to do with it being cloudy and looking like it is going to rain. Yeah.... it seems I am more sleepy on days like this.

Oh well...

I am fixing to go get a shower and get ready to go get my TB injection site checked out and get a piece of paper stating I am all clear.... so I can start my Remicade.

I think my kitten has a middle name I keep calling her "Abi Kitty".

Welp hope everyone has a good day. I am off!

My hubby is worried about the whole money thing even with our copayment probably being about maybe hopefully around 0/month for the Enbrel. If insurance approves.  He wants to take a lower paying job.  He is 47, I'm 37.  He says he is tired of working and he wants to take it easy for a while until he can retire.  He doesn't want to work harder to get me my drugs.  He says maybe if I cut down on the stress or maybe the Dr's are wrong, I can't have such a non-curable disease. I'm so stressed out that I may be denied this drug that so far has made me feel almost normal.

I feel that it is selfish of him to do this, but maybe it is me that is being selfish. Maybe he has worked hard enough and I should just take the pain and suffering this disease has brought me.

One of my supposed friends said that in her religion, for me to be in so much pain, I must have done something to cause someone else pain in a previous life.  What a bunch of crock

Yep, you got married in sickness and health...well your sick and it is in the contract to take care of you.  I can't understand him taking an easier job. Won't that effect his retirement at this job?  What does he do that is so hard? 

He is also in BIG TIME DENIAL!  Has he been to the doc with you.  Pull down research for him. 

Once you get approved for Enbrel through your ins call up the 800 number and see if you can get assistance from them, also call your dr and see if he is able to provide you w/ a card that covers for 6 months.  I know Humira does that but im not sure about Enbrel, maybe someone that takes Enbrel can help a little here.  There are ways for them to help you so that you can be on this medication. 

Suzy... my stepmother is going through chemo and will not take Zofran for the intense nausea because it is a pill... my stepmother and father are NOT poor; they can definitely afford to spend 0 a week on Zofran.  She is stubborn and bull-headed, and feels that taking drugs just to feel better is a waste of money.  Some people just don't seem to place importance on physical comfort (and your husband may be at the stage where he thinks arthritis is just a long-term discomfort, not a chronic disease that affects the entire body.  My stepmom doesn't seem to get that Zofran would help her entire body by allowing her to eat and drink normally after a chemo session.

Perhaps you guys could go to a couple of counseling sessions?  Most employers offer employee assistance programs which will cover 4 to 6 counseling sessions per year at absolutely no charge.  My husband and I went to a psychologist who specializes in people with chronic illness after he had his heart attack and I had a bit of a breakdown (due to his heart attack).  It really helped us see things from each other's point of view.

great suggestions Shannon and Kelly(Jaz)! 

Jas the couseling is a geat idea!!  Maybe he doesn't get that there are meds out there that will 1. Slow the progression. 2. Help w/ discomfort. Suzy, your hubby's statement seems selfish in my opinion.  Why wouldn't he be willing to pay for medication that will improve the quality of your life and in turn his?  It seems to me, based on that statement that he is forgoing what you NEED(the medicine) for his own WANTS(easy job).  Counseling may be something you want to consider.  I think there is more going on with hubby than just RA denial.

Hi everybody!!!!

I have nearly slept all day!!! My fatigue is unreal.... I know you guys know exactly what I am talking about.

Suzie, I went through this same thing with my ex. There eas no way we could pay 1500.00 for humira. My husband wouldn't even read about the disease or go with me to RD. Finally in Jan. he left. I have 4 children that live with me and none of us still really know what happened. I agree with the others...see if he will seek counseling with you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


*walks in and dumps her bucket-o-sh*t on the table*

Who's ready for it?


I'm feeling okay. We're getting that tropical storm, and YES with this pressure system I do feel kinda icky. My fingers are giving me hell, but you know what? It's 7pm and I've been on my feet here at work since 3, and I have NO leg probs. So I'm not whining about the fingers. When this storm passes, I'll probably be fine.

Justin is doing much better. We had some..er...issues this AM. He was ready to leave. He was not allowed to have ice, water, OR MEDS after midnight. He spent all night calling for an ice pack for his headache and NO ONE came into his room. Turns out the tech didn't even tell the nurse. The nurse was really upset, and I guess she and another tech spent about an hour in his room calming him down. I mean, by the time they got to him, he'd gone something like almost 10 hours without pain meds. He was a wreck! They took him down stairs to run the test on his gallbladder, and then ran him back up and doubled his pain meds, gave him half a dose of the hydrocortizone (he was at 100mgs and it was making him REALLY antsy) and they gave him some Zanax(sp). They said his gallbladder is shot. It does NOTHING. So it has to come out. They want to wait until Monday, to see if they can settle his Chrons attack down before they cut him open. He's MUCH calmer now on the Zanax, and has actually been sleeping all day.

The poor boy passed out before I even left for work, and as I was leaving I was TRYING to tell him where I was going, and he just kept asking me questions that made NO sense.

J: Hey....don't be like worried about me or anything, but I'm REALLY confused right now...are you coming to get me?

K: No baby, you're there until at LEAST tuesday. How are you feeling?

J: Confused. Where are you? You're really far away, aren't you? (now I hear the worry in his voice)

K: No, I'm at work, you're at Sacred Heart which is only a mile and a half away. I get off work at 11pm and I'm going to spend the night with you. You're very sick and you have to have your gallbladder out on Monday, remember?

J: ooohh....okay....it's all coming back to me now.....okay....thank you.....



SO THATS MY DAY!!!! Sorry some others are feeling like poo-poo too :( I'll try to keep the storm away from y'all.......


Awwww.... I hope he feels when his gallbladder gets out.

And poor him without pain meds! No wonder he is outta it. Hope he sleeps well.

Huggs to both of you.

We're not sure yet. There's a lot that weighs on whether or not his Chrons attack is considered "settled" on Monday. So we don't have a lot of concrete answers yet. Either way, they're AT LEAST taking the gallbladder out on monday. But, if the chrons is still bad, they may do another - very small- small bowel resection. We're only talking a couple of inches this time. When he had the first one when he was 19, they took out almost 3 feet. HUGE DEAL. This will be a much smaller and quicker one. But we still don't know if that's going to happen or not. Then, they're going to look at the psuedocyst. They think it's attached itself to his stomach, which is good. That's actually a natural way for the body to drain a cyst like that. If it has, they'll just make the opening bigger so it drains faster. He won't even feel that one. If it's not, well again, it'll depend on where it is, what it's close to, if they feel they need to drain it, etc etc etc.

So it's a waiting game. Which is why I'm SO HAPPY that he's so calm and mellow and he can sleep. He doesn't need to suffer through sitting in that room with nothing and no one. :(

Abi Kitty, likes to climb up and lay on my laptop.

Last night, I left my laptop to go clean on my room some more, and hubby came to use it and asked me why Abi was laying on my laptop with all kinds of windows open. I told him "because she climbed up there and likes to lay on it I guess. Probably because it is warm."

Yeah... she is a ball of furry laughs. And highly entertaining. I do not regret getting her just yet

Katie I am going to be mom now...are YOU getting enough sleep?  Are you sitting up to sleep, and are you eating??? 

Justin is doing exactly what he should be sleeping and waking up out of deep sleep...something he probably has not experienced for a long time.  It is cute that he keeps calling, but he knows whos got his back.  Has his mom called yet, and have you called your parents or would that open up a can of worms....If it does than don't.  You don't need any more cans right now. 

Thanks for checking in I've been wondering about you two all day.  Wish I were there...I'd take good care of you Katydid!!!

Katie, once my husband was in the hospital for a suspected mini-stroke or seizure (they never did figure it out).  He was belligerent and disoriented, and I had to call 911 and have the paramedics take him to the hospital.  OMG he was ranting at them, telling them it was all a conspiracy and that they needed to call the medical board because I did not have admitting privileges at the hospital and they shouldn't be listening to me.  They were just nodding their heads in agreement as they strapped him down... he was slurring his words and stumbling.  When he got to the hospital, they ran all sorts of tests, and kept him for two nights.  The first night, I was leaving around 11:30PM (parents had the kids) and he was threatening to walk home (his thinking was quite disordered).  I told the nurse to restrain him, and they said they couldn't do that.  I told her to give him something to knock him out, and to call the doctor and get an order if there wasn't one on the chart.  She gave him something (valium, I think) and he nodded off to sleep.  About 20 minutes after I got home, the husband called the house from his room.  He was full of piss and vinegar and he informed me that he was going to report me to the medical review board and that I was to immediately bring his pants to the hospital so he could go out to breakfast.  I told him to give me a few minutes (

Sounds like everyone is having a tought time. 

Those of you feeling puny, please get well.  We don't need no punies round here!  LOL


Man... I read "punies" as "prunies". I was thinking now she is calling all of us wrinkly!

OMG Kelly! That's funny, but not!


Shelly, I'm getting sleep. I took a nap even! I have my own fold out sofa in his room, so I have plenty of space to roll around and stuff.

His mom has not called, and he's informed me that he doesn't want to speak to her anymore. I just said "that's okay" I'm not even going to to touch that one right now, it's not the time nor the place, and it just doesn't matter at the moment.

I'm not calling my parents yet. We can handle him being out of work for a week, so we're going to wait to see what Monday holds. If he doesn't need a bowel resection, he'll actually be back to work by the 30th, or the 1st. And we can handle that, I've already done some calculating. If he has the resection, he's looking at being out of work for about 3 weeks. THAT would kill us. We'll ask the hospital if they know of anything that can help us pay bills, and then if I still need it, I'll call my parents. They're and handful sometimes, and the issue right now is that the only reason Justin is where he is, is because he DIDN'T take care of himself.

That's something he needed to learn though, and I understand that. Everyone needs a second chance. My mother, on the other hand.....yeah.......I'm glad she's in WI.

So you can understand his frustration.

OMG poor Justin!!!!  I dont blame him one bit for not wanting to speak to her again UGGG that makes me mad

I honestly think it is healthy for Justin to emotionally detach now.  I believe things happen for a reason, and this very well may be a way to help Justin to be in a better frame of mind to deal with what happens with his mother in the future. 

And ultimately it will be a way for him to examine and understand his own behavior, which has been learned from his family.  I hope it will be the start of greater emotional health and understanding, and help him put life into perspective.

Sometimes when major life changes are ahead of us, you have to just let go and let it all evolve, and experience God's plan and God's grace.


 Jeez Katydid what a time you guys are having


so THANK YOU for putting up with me!!!

You fool, what are you thanking us for?  We love to be dumped on by you!


Katie, sounds like you have a nice set up there at the hospital. You can snuggle down and get a good sleep, I hope. I don't remember if you said when your days off are.... Please, please take care of yourself! Justin has a whole slew of people watching over him, including you, and nobody watching out for you ('cept us of course!) rest, rest, rest, and play with your kitties. Someone here may have more experience, but when I was hospitalized last year, hubby sought out the patient advocate because hubby (who was a nervous wreck) was demanding they do more for me and she was awesome. I'm wondering if the patient advocate at your hospital can guide you through the proper steps for assistance with Justin's bill. Each hospital is supposed to have one.

 we love ya!


Well we have insurance now, and they have GREAT assistance for billing so that's not even the slightest bit of a concern.


FOR ONCE!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how much relief that is!


Hey Katie I'd rather be the dumpee than the dumper anytime [QUOTE=Hillhoney]

Sniff, Sniff - okay, who took a dump?


I always blame the cat

I think it was Brisen Valley Girl has stinky poo? No way. I bet she says her sh*t smells like roses. [QUOTE=arriscolwell]Valley Girl has stinky poo? No way. I bet she says her sh*t smells like roses.[/QUOTE]

Every rose has its thorns...
Katie....I'm like Karen, I only just now have been reading about what's been going on.  Well, I did know some of it, that J was in the hospital.  I'm glad his doc's are getting to the bottom of it and that he can have his surgery and move on to recovery soon.  And I'm glad he has his loyal katie, keeping his bareings(sp) straight and standing by him.  I'll tell ya,I'd just like to smack some sense into that mother of his. 


I'm so done with that woman.

OMG Has anyone ever had baked doritos??? I just tried some.......I was afraid they'd be nasty but YUM!!


Okay, here's a funny story for ya. You know I'm pretty allergic to metals. I can't wear most earings, etc etc. I have these little metal hair clips and bobipins - I can only wear them until the paint chips though, cause then my scalp breaks out. Ick. ANYWAY I have a set left that I REALLY like and they're chipping and I SHOULD throw them away.....but ya know....I think I may after what happened yesterday....

I found the PERFECT PLACE to keep those pop back metal hair clips. Ones like these : Click Me I clipped mine to my BRA STRAP!!

Fine... make fun... but at least my bras smell like roses and not regular detergent



Oh com'on! Like ya'll never took a shower with your bra on before!

Fine... make fun... but at least my bras smell like roses and not regular detergent



Yea but I eventually graduated from college and sobered up

Anyways... I guess I am off so hubby can go get his eye full looking at his "friends" on MySpace.

We are going to go with in-laws to yard sales in the morning if they go. Since our car is broke down, the only way to go somewhere is to go with the in-laws

Ok off to take a robaxin, 10mg of pred, and ami.

Oh yeah... I had the weirdest dream... something about a zoo, and then falling off a cliff at the zoo into raging waters that led out to sea... and I lost grip of hubby's hand because my hands were not strong enough to keep hold and I was washed out to sea...

Then son woke me up and said "Mommy... I go super fast!" And then made car noises and ran into the livingroom. It was quite funny and entertaining!

Joonie...I must say I have never worn my bra in the shower...now I've walked in with socks on. 

I've done that one. When I used to sleep in my socks, and wake up at the ass crack of dawn to shower, I'd forget about my socks sometimes.


Did you know that wearing socks to bed is supposed to increase your life span? Heard it on the John Tesh Radio Show.....

I've gone to work:
with conditioner still in my hair (I simply forgot to rinse it out and deal with it)
With my shirt on backwards
With my shirt on inside out
Wearing two different shoes
Without shoes (luckily I had my gym shoes in the car that day!!!!)

But I've never showered with socks on

Yep, the Germans will tell you that too.  In the summer's I would catch heck for walking around bare foot.  They are NEVER bare foot.  She also bought socks for Eleya, because she thought she didn't have any or we were too poor. 

Yep! prolonging your life by wearing sock...i do in the winter, b/c my ankles hurt when they get cold.  Also, the pressure on them helps with the fatigue after teaching all day. 


 I can't stand anything on my feet when I'm trying to sleep. I barely can can stand a sheet




 Good Night Katydid


bye Katydid!  We

Hi Jay and Bris.  How was your days?

Long day Shelly, but TGIF!


 Hey Brisen, we didn't talk about ya while you weren't on here. Karen might have but I don't remember

 If you're not here you're fair game to be talked about

I'm so glad you are getting time with your daughter.  It's the best, isn't it?

Now if you carefully study this thread, you will see I have been on good behavior, and not said anything against you.  That would be Princess doing that!

Yes Karen, I DID see that!

BTW...what did you find out yesterday at the doctors?

Oh, nothing I guess I didn't already know!  My hip is gone, lots of damage, bone spurs, cysts.  I have an preliminary appointment with a surgeon on Oct. 4th.

He changed my NSAID and gave me a form for getting a handicapp parking permit.  He is very good, and let me ask tons of questions, without ever making me feel he was in a hurry.  I got a good doctor in this one!





 WEll Karen what did you find out? It's like pulling hens teeth to get her to talk about herself

OK we posted at the same time, my meds are kicking in,sorry

 Don't ya'll hurt really bad? It's like bone rubbing bone right?


Forget getting the struts tightened, I just want a new damn car!

Oh, not me.  My goal has always been to go out with everything I came in with! 


Nope, turn my body into a hybrid and I'd be one happy camper!

Darrell--I was on bed rest for ten weeks...she was born two days after I was up and going.  She is fine...a miracle..more than the normal when we saw the placenta.  She's a fisty fighter that one....ya...Native American, Irish, German and Sweed.  Yep...she's got the combo!

Karen...Gosh that is awful about your hip, keep us informed. 

Ortho says he will not replace my knees until I am fifty.  He will and may have to scope them every year until then.  I really want my ankles worked on, but the healing process for that sucks.  My hip eventuall...oh, just sign me up for the ortho credit card.


I want the new car too Brisen

I just know there are so many people in the world who have problems far worse than mine!

And there is a plus side to this - I can do a celebrity impersonation now - My husband told me I looked just like Walter Brennan today! 



Karen what I would give for your perspective.  I do love you and your wacky sense of humor.  You are a great friend. 

Awesome attitude Karen!

But who's Walter Brennan? I'm thinking he's the old guy that was on the Real McCoys...am I right?

Well, she's 17 now...we'll see if she makes it to 21.  No she is a great kid and my rock most of the time.  I absolutely adore her...well and I adore my 15y/o son too.  Yep!  That's the one!  He had that special little hobble hop he did, remember?

OMG...yes, I remember him AND his walk!  LOL



Well, ladies and gents...I am going to try to sleep before 2am tonight.  I need to go and change the laundry and then I think I will be toast...actually toast sounds sooo good. 

All my little chickens are home now from work and play, so mommy's going to bed. 


 Good night Shelly

I'm still waiting  up for one of mine.  I know I shouldn't - he's over 21 and a very resposible kid, but I always like to see him and talk to him when he gets home.

Have a good sleep!

Good night Shelly!Karen, I still wait up to talk to my son when he get's home and he's 23! LOL


 Trey went to an overnighter in Hickory with a friend so he won't be in tonight. He better get back here in time for the reunion or I'll kill him

 Yes I did and I think thats why he's staying gone tonight!

Talk to ya'll tomorrow!


LO Karen I've heard that joke too

Good Night Brise and Karen TTYL
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