OT Survivor Fans | Arthritis Information


Love the Gravedigger!!!! OMG, did you see the body??? One of drs. has a male nurse that looks like that. Very hard for me to concentrate....I just keep thinking, 'Where did you find him? He doesn't look like a nurse, or even like he belongs in a doctor's office, except as some type of anatomy model...'

I thought the Lunch Lady would be the first to go, but they won the challenge. She's barely on in the opening credits, but maybe that is a trick to get you to think she won't last long. OMG  The grave digger!!   So far he's my fave.  The lunch lady cracked me up.  I mean, she just looks like a lunch lady, dosen't she??You don't see female mullets in many other places than institutional food service, actually.

What about the chick who didn't wear a bra? Um, has she never watched Survivor before? They don't let you go back in your suitcase for a change of clothes. I did see some of them ended up with tennis shoes, though.That's EXACTLY what I said.  Why would you not be wearing what you wanna be in for the next throee months??    Yeah, we were noticng that the one in heels wound up in tennys.  Then Jeff said that they were all wering the running shoes they were given for the competition.

But yeah, I agree that he would have been an interesting contestant.  Too bad.

I'm so bummed, had to go out and set the VCR....it didn't tape.  I love survivor and hate missing the first one.....

I think you can watch it on the CBS website.Lori - I think the first episodes are harder for them to produce, because there are so many 'characters'. They probably did focus more on his tribe, so you would know why they chose who they chose to vote off.

I always like it better once I can follow who everybody is.

Did you watch 'Kid Nation'? They don't vote anybody off there, but a lot of the kids must decide to go home early or it is going to be a pretty boring show. There are like 40 kids - how can you follow that many story lines?DH hates all the reality shows and I can't miss them.

So I really disliked Evil Dick on Big Brother and having that poor Eric have to do what 'America' wanted was a dumb idea, do you think he got more money to do it?

It broke my heart when the cute little 8 year old said he wanted to go home, who would send their 8 year old to something like that? My girls cried at Girl Scout camp and they had adults to take care of them.

I liked Chicken, he played that all wrong, stepping back when they didn't listen to his suggestions. I don't like the woman wrestler already.

Yeah, she's all rings and fake boobs.

the chick I don't dig, is that snotty Ny young girl, who was soo disrespectful in the Temple and other comments she made.

I think maybe they did that on purpose,  having them be dressed up, then announcing thats what they were wearing, by now people should be smart enough, to wear the right clothes, even underneath, lol.

What gets me, is when people say they didn't think it was going to be this hard? LOL.. i mean really.. and the chick w/ the pink dress... sooooo unflattering..

and the gravedigger... drool..

I miss Rob and Amber!!!  can't wait until the new show he's hosting is coming out in Jan..

Did anyone buy the special DVD of Survivors All Stars, was it worth it?if you want to sell, let me know...That was the best, but hey i'm a romantic at heart and anyone who can fall in love, in those kind of circumstances.. kudos.. not to mention being together 24/7 on The Amazing Race, which I like even better then Survivor, lol.

I love the Amazing Race, it's so interesting to see the relationships devolve when it gets tough. If that dentist had any clients when he got home after treating his wife so terrible on TV, shame on them. Survivor is about how quckly you can make relationships, Amazing Race is about how quickly a relationship can go bad under stress. I decided my DH and I would never make it on the Race.

The wrestler was pretty arrogant in the promos about her physical abilities, they set the show up pretty well to have things come back and bite you in the butt.
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