rheumatoid nodules | Arthritis Information



I'm new to this board and I'm sitting in for my hubby because his hands are not working too well. I wonder if any of you have had experience with rheumatoid nodules?  A few weeks ago, my husband  had one removed from his elbow.  It was the size of a golf ball and was filled with blood, cement particles from his elbow replacement and "fleshy matter".  Well it's back to almost the size it was before the surgery and the doctor was rather offhanded about it and said it was filled with blood which would be absorbed by the body. To get a second opinion ok'd from our health provider takes forever.  I was just wondering if anyone here knows anything about these nodules.  I'm so glad I found this board and look forward to participating.


I have one by my elbow a lil bigger than a pea but it does not hurt and my RD said not to worry about it *shrugs*  How did cement particles get it in  it out of curiosity?

He had an elbow replacement and cement was used to hold the prosthetic, just like cement used to be used in knee and hip replacements.  There are now new methods which do not use cement. 

Your fur baby is very sweet.


Oh ok...I thought maybe from his job he had gotten cement particles in there...don't mind me, I'm blonde 
Thanks! We have 3 dogs and 3 ferrets...keep me busy.

I also have a nodule on my elbow the size of a golf ball.  It isn't painful but it sure is ugly.  Unfortunately, they indicate that the RA is aggressive--not a good sign.  They can be removed surgically but will almost certainly return.   The surgeon should have told your husband this before putting him through an operation but of them are just in it for the bucks.

I wish I had better news for you,


Murph...My husband's in the concert business and his elbows look gross!! I was worried he might be getting cement in there too!!!

Don't mind us Carol....We've got several blondes here.

Glad you're here.


Don't feel bad Murphette.  I was pondering the same thing. LOL

Nice to meet you Carol.  I don't have knowledge of nodules....yet.

Hope someone here can provide more info for you.


I may have a nodule on my right ring finger...There's a bump between the middle joint and then hand joing. Had to get my anniversary ring upped a half a size so I could wear it.
Glad I'm not the only blonde one here

Thanks everyone for your input.  He went to the doctor today and the doctor took out several syringes of blood and water.  It's still so very sore.  I love your saying Hulagirl, "it only hurts from the nose down".  That about sums it up.

Carol    I've had some around the fingers and one elbow but boy not that big.  I recently got on the inside middle joint of my index finger which my rd had never seen before so he wants to watch, it's hard as a rock. 

Welcome Carol and your hubby

Carol;  I initially typed "it only hurts from the neck down" until I remembered my jaw-tmj joints, and thus corrected to "nose".



I love "from the nose down".  That is so apt.  My hubby got a chuckle out of it too.  We often get a laugh from the over-the counter arthritis drugs that they advertise on tv.  One pill a day and all their pains are gone and they are running around living the good life.  Ha!  If only that was true. 



I hate those ads too.  If I had a gun, I'd shoot the TV

not that I could pull the trigger with these deformed RA hands

I have nodules: fingers, hands, elbow, knees, feet. Had some on my skull years ago but they disappeared.

I've had a bunch removed and some did grow back but are much smaller. One on my elbow was a golfball and I was so relieved to have it removed. A few years later it grew abck but it's just about the size of a grape.

Some like the smaller ones on my hands come and go on their own depending on time of year, how active my RA is and how much I'm using my hands. None of them bother me. I suppose they probably make me look very 'arthritic' but I'm so used to them I don't pay them any attention.  If I got caught up in my arthritic appearance I'd never leave the house!

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