Pink Eye | Arthritis Information


Good Evening Everyone~~~~~~~~~~~

After suffering part of yesterday and all of today, I just found out that I have pink Eye or a cold in my eye.  The Doc told me that it is a virus and to keep soaking my eye with a facecloth soaked in hot water.  I have not had such discomfort since childbirth. Also nonstop tearing.  It feels like a hot poker is being stuck into my eye. And my eye is extremly sensitive to light. 
Do you guys have any magic formulas for this? 

Thanks in advance,

If it is Pink eye, it is an infection of the conjunctive lining of the eye. It WILL NOT go away without antibiotic drops or ointment. It is HIGHLY contagious and will spread to the other eye without treatment. If you touch your eye, wash your hands right away! Treatment takes only 3-4 days...

I have had epidemics of pink eye at work (high school) twice a year and i usually get it at least once a year. It is considered a communicable disease and i am not allowed back to work til i have had treatment. We send kids home all the time for it.

Pink eye presents as a crusted eye in the morning (like you cannot open it without picking the crust off) and its itchy and burning all day. It can be light pink to dark red.

I hope you just have bad allergies and not pink eye. Let meknow how it goes and good luck!!!

I dont believe a Doctor told you to just soak your eye w/ a hot towel and did not give you either oral or drop antibiotics. As Unicorn said pink eye is very contagious and can be spread easily. See a doc right away so they can properly treat it. And whatever Doc gave you that advice needs to be FIRED!!!!!!!


Hi Sophie,

I'm sorry your eye is so sick.  Was it your General Physician that told you that you needed to soak it with a hot towel?  You really need to see an Ophthalmologist.  Pain and sensitivity to light are symptoms that must be addressed by an Opthalmologist.  For conjunctivitis (Pink eye) Eye drops and cold compresses are usually the prescribed treatment.  The light sensitivity not always, but sometimes can be a symtom of Iritis or Uveitis, RA related eye conditions.  Best to play it safe:0)

See an Ophthalmologist as soon as you possibly can so you can get that eye on the mend.  Make sure family members don't lay on your pillows or use same towels as you until you find out whats going on, like shawnie said if its Conjunctivitis it is highly contagious.

Let us know how you do, toms/EyeRedWithoutPus.html
TRY CHECKING WEB MD THEN SEARCHING FOR PINK EYE.Sophie... hows the eye? i thought about you the other day... has it cleared up? update us.. we were and are concerned!Just to let you know that there is now an over-the-counter treatment for pink-eye.  It's great when you know that's what you have for sure.  Saves a visit to the doc.  As they've said, its best to treat it quickly as it is very contagious.