To our "friends" down-under | Arthritis Information


How DARE you hide this MIRACLE CURE from us all!!!!!!!!!!


I expect some explaining to be done.......PAMMY! CORDY!!




  Ah, the old Emu Oil. Particularly good for OA, I believe.  LOL I just *loved* the way they made it out like you all were hoarding this WONDERFUL super cure.

Good on you Katydid for exposing those Ausies for hiding "Miracle Cures"! LOL

The fiends!  Have they no compassion for the rest of us who suffer daily through no fault of our own, for lack of this miracle cure?  Why, I'll bet they don't even have RA problems at all!!! They down the emu oil and laugh at us all.  Have they no shame?  

We are such wicked people!!_popupControl(); yeah the first emu oil made to sell on the market was made in my town. before i was diagnosed i used it heaps. it does relieve the joints a bit but i found my ice cold cream works better.