still going | Arthritis Information


fever is still going. not any higher though. its just like 99.5 right now, but i took ibuprofen like a few hours ago soooo i was thinking i wouldnt have anything, its been up and down all day, but my normal is 97.3ish i ended up drinking water during the fast had like 5 bottles full. sooo yea. fast wasnt too bad i was ful cause of all the water. tomorrow im doing the arthritis walk so i really cant be sick, but im going regardless.

is this a joint related thing? i dont ussually get fevers with flares, maybe once or twice before and the first time when i was dx had a high 104. joints are most definetly worse, but they always are when im sick

i have the craziest week at school net week exams are starting, sooo much homework to do tomorrow AHHHH cant be sick i don have time for this!


 Bless your heart Lil Mermaid, this fever has been bugging you for a few days now. Maybe you should go to the Dr and be checked out. I'm not sure you should walk tomorrow, but if you do make sure you stay hydrated and stop at the first signs of distress OK? Hope you feel great in the morning!

Thank you for updating us.  I am a little worried about it just because of the length, but I understand the desire to walk, but take your temp first.  If it is up then park your tail and sleep.  There will be other walks, and maybe next year you can walk faster if you take care of yourself this year. 

Give your doctor a call on Monday. And try to take care of yourself the best you can.

Oh, almost forgot. I hope you have a great time tomorrow at the walk.cheesehead39347.9670138889Little M, ere's hoping your walk goes well, I can understand why you're going no matter what.  When I was flaring really bad at the start of my RA I had fevers that would come and go.  Have read that that is common.  I don't know about the in between.  Could be that you have a little infection going somewhere.  Talk to your doc maybe he'll want to give you an antibiotic.LMM - you may have just caught some campus bug.  I always got sick in the beginning of a new year... lots of new germs around!  Definitely see the doctor if it persists, but many of these pesky little viruses can last for a week or more.  Time is the only cure.  My boys have had a few bouts with a virus that seemed to do nothing more than raise their temperature and make them cranky.  No cough, snotty nose, etc.
