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hi everyone has anyone felt achy all over and so weak you can barely walk the night of and the next day after mtx? also fever started at 99.6 and is now 102.8 any ideas feel like sh***ino reply again lol  I really do feel invisibleHi, I don't feel that badly. I usually feel tired, and not 'just right' , but it is so good to be able to take something I believe will stop this dumb pain in my foot that I can't wait to take it (tonight), how much are you taking? could you split it up into 2 days? that's what I did until I got the feeling it would be okay. take care, LyndaHow much MTX are you taking, and how long have you been taking it?


That needs to be addressed by your RD.  That is not a normal S/E of Mtx.  Please contact your doctor. 


When I was on mtx I was really sick to my stomach and weak for at least 3 days afterwards, maybe more. My RD finally pulled me off it. My quality of life just wasn't good. [QUOTE=doobgirl32]hi everyone has anyone felt achy all over and so weak you can barely walk the night of and the next day after mtx? also fever started at 99.6 and is now 102.8 any ideas feel like sh***i[/QUOTE]

It may or may not be related to the methotrexate.  You might have a virus; methotrexate weakens your immune response.  Rest up, drink lots of fluids, maybe take a lukewarm bath w/some epsom or dead sea salts.  Give the doctor a call, and take care! 

I think if you're still like this tomorrow, you need to call your doctor and see what he/she thinks.

Hope you're feeling better soon!!



Kelstev  I tried to kill your bug.


CALL YOUR DOCTOR FIRST THING MONDAY MORNING.  I try not to repeat posts, but this is important.  Any adult with a temp. 102.8 is going to feel like s#it.  Go to the ER if it continues or rises or if you develop any odd symptoms.  Lindy

My daughter was on MTX and no, what you describe is not normal. Sounds like you may have picked something up because your immune system is weakened, or else you are having an unusual reaction to the mtx. I think this does not sound like a side effect as far as I know. Hope you feel better soon.


Hi, I had the exact same happen to me when i was on methotrexate, but i perservered thinking it was ok and doing its job. i would take it sat night then sun i was in bed all day. even needing help from hubby to take me to the loo. eventually it started showing signs of liver damage so i was taken off the methotrexate and put on arava. I am bumping this so Doob can find it easily!

good morning all thank you for replies fever got to 103.9 and couldnt break it so went to er and  the doc says I am sure its influenza i was ok great not feeling this bad i felt like death well tests came back it is mono. so hence the fact you should always coveer your mouth when you cough or sneeze somebody didnt around me i guess

the doc said fever can last up to 2 weeks ans could take 2 to 3 months to be better great

Glad to hear you went to the doctor.  I myself have never heard of the drug so I cannot be of any help.

I hope you get better soon.

Oh yuk...mono.  I had that almost 20 years ago.  That can be really rough.  Hope it doesn't last too long for you and you're feeling better soon!  Take care and get lots of rest!


Oh sweetie, Mono just stinks... sorry you are going through that. It really irks me when people go out in public sick. Never used to bother me, but now that I am on all these drugs, I am super-hyper sensitive to the morons. I hope you recover quickly. 103.9 is high for you! Gentle hugs and wishes for a quick recovery.

Bumping so you can see we have tried!

< =text/>_popupControl(); Oh geeze doob...I'm so sorry you have the flu on top of just doing your mtx.  I am glad thatyou went to the ER.  Pleasse still call your RD in the morning to follow up with him.  He might want you to stop the mtx for a couple of weeks so that your body can heal from the flu.  The downside to the biologics and dmards...making us more susceptible to catching every little nasty germie out there. 

Unfortunately, it is going to take awhile to shake this.  With the supressed immune system, things tend to hang on longer with us. 

Drink lots of fluids, rest, rest, and more rest!!  Vitamin supplements may help also.  Check with your doc to make sure you can take a multi vitamin.  

Feel better soon!!!!     

Liz, this isn't a current post.  I just brought it forward to prove a point.

But look at that - you were trying to be kind and helpful.  People here do try, Doobie. 

