overwhelemed | Arthritis Information


Ok well I went to the walk, we raised over 3000 dollars which is pretty neat. I feel awfull now though. The walk itself was fine but it was just a long day. My joints are awfull, and my elbow from tendoinitis is awfull to. Not fun. I have so much homework tonight that im gonna have to be in the library for hours! No way around it, I have an exam tomorrow, and 2 labs due this week and an exam wed! aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGood luck with the home work.  Take a deep breath and concentrate on one subject at a time.  Good luck with all your work this week! Oh Littlemaid, I hear ya and I am so sorry.  Wishing you the best with your studies and you should be very proud of yourself for doing the walk. Good Luck to you and let us know all about it.  That's quite an achievement....thank you for doing the walk.  Let me add to Mary B's post......take several deep breaths and take it one step at a time.  Ace those tests for us.  Lindy

Try not to think of it all at once. As the others said, just get through one thing at a time. Plan out your time for each task and try to stick to your schedule. As soon as you get started on the first thing, you will feel less overwhelmed, it's thinking about everything that is coming at you before you starting chipping away at it that makes it so overwhelming. It is a really tough week, but you can do it! Good luck, I hope it goes well.


Just chew off one little bit at a time, sweetie. If you think about it all you will feel overwhelmed. Concentrate one thing and get it done which will make you feel like you are achieving something and you will get there. Deep breathe, hon. You will get through.  Cordelia,

That reminds me of the saying "how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time". 
Thanks you guys. im working on it, in the library concentrating only on orgo and french. gonna leave in a few hours, help a friend with chem and then go to sleep. tomorrow i will tackle more, Ah these next 2 weeks will be crazy cause the first round of exams are starting.

i was honestly not sure if i could do the 5 flights to my dorm today, why dont we have elvators??

Hey hunny, when your exam is over and what not, please go to your school counselor(sp) and teachers and see about getting excused from 2 days of classes. Just explain everything that's been going on, and I'm sure they can work with you. You're going to end up burning yourself out. Maybe not now, maybe not in a week or a month, but it WILL hit you. I pushed myself as hard as you are for a long time, and it landed me in a bad place. I never took the time to just stop every now and then and rest. You have the resourses at school to help you with this, and I really hope you take advantage of it! You've been going NON STOP for months now!! You deserve a couple of days!!!!


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