OT: What would you do......... | Arthritis Information


So I was watching this show on TLC last night about people that have won the lottery and what the bought w/ their winnings.  There was one story on there ( i didnt get to watch that part but they won 95 some odd million, so after taxes thats like 60MIL)
So...my question to you...

What would yall do if you won 60 Million dollars in the lottery?

Pay off all debts. Quit my job.....and stop worrying about money!

I can't even imagine. We have started buying a ticket more often now that the lottery is in NC. Some bodies got to win that thing and the money goes to Education so it doesn't hurt to try. As long as you aren't waisting money you don't have.....I see no harm in it.

"Clean house" at the local school district... we have some of the worst performing schools in the state.  Our administration is filled with friends and relatives of those at the top; incompetence is rampant.

And if that doesn't work... open up a charter school or a free/low-cost private school.

Oh, and do MASSIVE infrastructure improvements at my children's Catholic school.  I swear some of their desks are holdovers from when my mother went there!

With what's left over we'd go to Mexico and laze around our dream home and travel.  Lindy


Dude! I was watching the same show last night and thought about making a post like this... you just beat me to it, plus I forgot.

I know I would buy a NEW home with NICE furniture. I would go buy me a whole new wardrobe from where ever they have the best short, fat people clothes.

I would buy 4 new vehicles. No swimming pool just a waste. I would pay off all the debt. I would pay buy my mother a NEW house & car and give her spending money each month.

I would pay off my oldest sisters house for her and her car. I would give her spending money each month as well.

As for the rest of my family I would give them one BIG lump sum, like ,000 or maybe ,000 and get it deducted at charitiable donations!

Oh I might pay off In-laws house a cars too. Not sure about the cars, as they like to get new ones ever few years. So, what would be the use?

Oh and I would pay back all the money I "borrowed" from my 2 friends in high school. I probably only owe them like a piece

I would also fix up my current home, making all the changes and updates we have always wanted to do.  I have no desire to have fancy, expensive cars, or a mansion on the hill.  Just the thought of never having to worry if I can make the mortgage payment this month would be pure luxury for me!


I would find a cure for athritis. I would buy a new house for us and another one for my mom. I would get me car.  Go clothes shopping for Kelsay and I.  Pay off debt....Invest in most of it and put money in a college fund for Kelsay.  OH and I'd start a company w/ hubby flipping houses (maybe) he has always wanted to but it would depend on the market I know I would first pay off my debts and maybe my familes too.  Depending on how much I won and had to share.   Then go from there.   Oh buy tons of clay so I never run out and can contiue to tinker with clay.

Well...we are so deeply in debt, cause of schooling...yep that would be gone! 

I would finish paying off this house...keep it for rental...tax credits and all.

Put a lot into a savings funds for the kids not to get into debt to go to school.

Would BUILD from scratch a house that is RA compatable, and  very open and comfortable. 

A NEW car.

Then I would quit...and do the volunteering that I have always wanted to do.  I would love to hold the sick babies at the hospital, and give mommy's a break. 

Oh, and I would go to SPAIN!!!!  Well, ok...I would travel a lot in a BIG, and I mean BIG motorhome.

Wow, I watched that show too.  I was really impressed by all of those people because they really did not change their lifestyle a whole lot and neither would I.  I would probably give most of it away.  Our animal shelter in the area needs help and there are so many needy families.  After doing a lot for the family I would just sit on it for a while and then make a decision.  My daughter is a financial analyst, so she would be a big help. 
I watch the flip shows too and if I was younger, I might try that as it is a quick buck and looks like lots of fun.  I also love house hunters.

I would pay off my debt, pay off my family's debt, and our mortgages.  Then I would invest a chunk, set up funds for my kids, give a chunk to some military charity, maybe for families of deployed marines.  Give chunks to some charities I support, or would like to support.  Bank the rest and live modestly off the interest.

Gimpy that was the best answer of all!!!!!! I think I love you

Y'all are gonna laugh at me......hehehe


There's the obvious pay off debts, buy a house a decent car, etc etc etc. But with THAT much money well quite frankly theres no way I could ever use or would ever NEED all of it. I'd do some serious homework on charities and do some serious donating. And then I'd probably make sure I put enough away so that I didn't have to work (though I probably would anyway cause I get bored easy) and I would march my happy but down and sign up to be a foster parent.

Yup. :)

Hmmm.... I think I would start with paying off all debts, invest enough into our retirement account to live comfortably, put a good amount into a medical account, buy a van conversion for short travels, donate to our local animal shelter, donate most to the VA hospitals - so our soldiers coming back can get the medical and counseling help they will need. I would also build a small one story A frame log cabin to live in here in the woods, and give my house to my younger brother. I would buy a motorhome for older brother and give my kids and each of my nephews and nieces a few bucks too.   

My "substitute mom" (that's what we call her or Bev, she was my dad's friend and co-worker and helped him raise me and my 4 sisters) actually won the IL lottery in 1984. I remember it well...I was a senior in high school and she called early and was so excited she said "I have something to tell you girls but can't tell you right now". I said to her "you finally won the lottery!". She always played it and always said she was going to win. SHE DID!   1.6 million dollars!

She decided to get it over 20 years. So every first week of May she would get her ck. If anyone every deserved it, it was Bev. She was the best! Her house was falling down around her and she took the money and had her house fixed up. She didn't want to move because she lived there for 30 years and her boys grew up there. She bought a Lincoln and a jeep and was a major clothes horse. She and my dad went out to dinner and traveled alot. My dad always insisted on paying his share and they would argue over who would leave the tip. LOL. She spoiled my first child and she was like a grandmother to her and a mom to me and my sisters. My dad was like a dad to her boys. It was great! They never moved in together cuz' my dad would joke around and say that when they got mad at each other they could both go to their own home and separate ways. LOL 

She got sick in the late 1990's and I took care of her. She went blind from diabetes and had lymphoma. I used to clean, cook, shop, bath, or whatever she needed. I refused her money and told her so many times that she took care of me and dad and sisters that this was the payback. So, from seeing first hand someone who actually won the lottery, I have to say, I would do the same she did. Fix up my house of almost 20 years, travel, and spoil my family.


 I would pay my bathroom builders a million just to get the job finished today
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