Newly diagnosed | Arthritis Information


I would really appreciate some advice as I am new to all this.  My husband, Mom and I moved to Panama to retire in April.  Soon after arriving, I was diagnosed with RA from blood tests--although I think I have been having problems for a while, maybe more than a year or two.  What precipitated the appointment was swollen ankles and feet. I was shocked to get the dx.  Yet it makes sense, as I currently have achiness and stiffness in the wrist, fingers, elbows, knees and ankles. (I had carpel tonnel surgery on both hands years ago and was forced to change professions -- I was originally a dental hygienist.)  Anyway, by the time I was dx in May I was taking Advil 3 times a day.  My GP doctor switched me to Celebrex 2xday which seems to be doing a better job.  I can't help but notice that most of you are on drugs to slow down the progression of the RA.  Should I be on one of these too, or is the celebrex sufficient if it is controlling most of the achiness?  I haven't asked to see a RD specialist, should I?  I hear there is at least one here in Panama City.  I really appreciate all your experienced advice. Thank-you!   You need to have a referral to a rheumatologist.  Celebrex is only an anti-inflammatory drug and does nothing to slow the damage being done by RA.  You will continue to have damage from the disease until you're put on one of the dmards or biologics.  RA can go into remission without drugs but it's unlikely.  I thought I was in remission, little or no pain, and stopped meds.  I was able to stay off meds for about 5 years and did well.  All of a sudden I had a horrible flare.  Went to the rheumatologist, had xrays and I had damage bilateral hands, knees, ankles, and toes.  RA remains active and damaging even when you're experiencing no pain.  Please see a rheumatologist for further treatment. LindylCarter, I got so involved in the technical end of the post I forgot to say hi and welcome you to the forum.  Someone is around most of the time, even late at night.  Post and you'll get an answer.  It's a good, informative group of people.  Lindylcarter - generally a rheumatologist handles rheumatic conditions, so if you have been diagnosed with RA, it might be a very good idea.  And you are correct, most of us with RA are on a DMARDS of some type (disease modifier) to slow down the disease process.  It used to be that you weren't treated until you got really bad, but now if you get very aggressive treatment, especially in the first year after diagnosis, the medical concensus seems to think this is the proper course.  Never rule out any therapy, and keep us posted.  We are all pulling for you here. 

Hi Lcarter, and a big fat welcome to you


Hi, LCarter.  I am sorry you have to be among us, and wish you all of the good friends that will develop here over time. 

Get to the RD talk about questions and concerns, and take someone with you.  We will always be here to talk through our own experiences.  The problem with this disease is NO one feels the same way...and especially at the same time.  Don't ever hesitate to ask a question. 

Take care, Shel

Hello and welcome.  I hope you find an RD soon!

I agree with the others who ever made your dx needs to follow up on your disease. Your joints need to be protected with some of our serious RA meds immediately! Please, call tomorrow. We can not let this stuff rob us of the use of our feet/hands/ knees, etc! I have damage from not acting fast enough, so please go to it! Let us know what the doctor gives you as evryone is interested in treatments.

take care and tell me more about Panama, sounds interesting.....Lynda

I was diagnosed just last month, and have not yet been put on RA medicine, but I have a follow-up appointment for Nov. 6th, at which time I will request a DMARD.  I have been pretty lucky in that I have had only one excruciating flare that moved to several joints (the flare that brought me to the RD  last month), and since then just mild aches and pains.  But it scares me to know that damage is being done to my joints even without serious pain.  Now is the time to react to this disease and try to get in under control.  Good luck, and welcome!    

Hi Everybody,

My name is Patricia and I live in Panama.

I have just been diagnosed recently with RA. Of course I am devastated as I am just 32 years old, just moved to this beautiful country and started my own business just 9 months ago.

I got a flare about 1 month ago where my knees and ankles got really swollen up. I went to a specialist and he is starting me on a medication Methathaxane (i know I am not spelling it right)

I am starting the treatment on Saturday so I can rest. Has anyone been on this? Is there a lot of side effects?

Can you lead a normal life with RA???

We were planning to get pregnant next year but this news, i am very scared now. Can women with RA go through normal pregancies?

I am asking lots of questions, I know, I am just trying to get over this shock and my life has been pulled upside down and I guess I need to get advice from people who have gone through this .

I guess I am still in some sort of denial as I always associated this disease with older people. And I never had any problem with my legs before either. Well I hope to hear from all of you soon



LCarter, Welcome!  Add me to the list of people who agree you should see an RD immediately.  Hopefully he/she will start you on an aggressive treatment schedule at the outset to bring your disease under control quickly.  Good luck and please keep us posted on your progress.

Patricia, Welcome to a club you'd rather not join.  We're here to help you as much as we can.  There are women here who can answer your questions regarding RA and pregnancy and I can tell you about my methotrexate (MTX) experience.  Some people have a lot of side effects, and others, none or minimal.  I had no stomach problems but did have a foggy brain, which was helped by the folic acid supplement Leucovorin.  Your doctor should be giving you folic acid with your MTX and if that doesn't help, Leucovorin is usually next.  It's helpful to prevent mouth sores and some other side effects, like the brain fog.  I still (after nearly 5 months) have occasional days when I just feel crummy after my weekly dose and other times, no problems at all.  Go figure.  You may find that you have no problems with MTX at all, so don't be put off or frightened by the side effect issues you read about.  Good luck to you and keep us posted on your progress.

Thank you so much for your support!

It really helps me to know that I am able to discuss what I am going through with people who understand.

I will start on the MTX this saturday and keep you posted.


Welcome Lcarter and Patricia!! I still kinda feel like a newbie here.....I'm not able to get on the board here as much as I'd like to---but I agree Lcarter, you should see a rhumy. Hopefully they can get you on some meds to stop the progression quickly.

Patricia---glad you'll be starting meds! I'm not familiar with the Meth. I just take Plaquenil right now...but hoping you get some relief soon. From what I understand alot of times women go into remission while they're pregnant, but I don't think you can become pregnant while you're on the Methotrexate. (please correct me anyone if I'm wrong) One of my best friends was diagnosed shortly after she had her first baby...and hers is very progressive, so they won't be able to have anymore children because she can't be off meds. I actually had my 4th baby last year. (I'm 34) So I'm done having babies!

Yes my doctor has informed that I cannot be on medication while trying to get pregant as it is very dangerous for the foetus.

He told me that I have to stop medication 3 months before conceiving and has suggested I be on the medication at least 10 months to 1 year before trying to conceive but this all depends on how well the medication works and how aggressive the arthritis is. Basically I have to wait and see. I cross my fingers!

Yes it is a great groupd here! I just signed up a few days ago and so many people have already contacted me , giving me advice, answering questions/doubts and support that is greatly needed at this moment.




Welcome Icarter and Patricia.

Icarter I don't have a RD either.  My GP didn't set me up with one.  I do go back in two months for refills and will ask him them.  I am thinking he might not have because I don't seem to be able to find a RD anywhere closer than an hour and a half away.  So maybe that's why he is waiting.

Good luck to both of you in controling your pain.

Hi Everybody,

Just wanted to give you an update on taking MTX.

I started last saturday with 10mg. Besides an upset stomach, everything was fine but after taking it a few days, I am getting a sore upper back and neck. Is that normal?

I am also having trouble emotionnaly. I can't stop crying. Did any of you get that?

Maybe this diagnosis has been soo overwhelming that I am having trouble accepting it.

Actually I am just really scared for my future, scared that I will end up in a wheelchair in 10 years or so...

Scared of being dependant on people which I ABSOLUTELY HATE.



Hi Everybody,

Just wanted to give you an update on taking MTX.

I started last saturday with 10mg. Besides an upset stomach, everything was fine but after taking it a few days, I am getting a sore upper back and neck. Is that normal?

I am also having trouble emotionnaly. I can't stop crying. Did any of you get that?

Maybe this diagnosis has been soo overwhelming that I am having trouble accepting it.

Actually I am just really scared for my future, scared that I will end up in a wheelchair in 10 years or so...

Scared of being dependant on people which I ABSOLUTELY HATE.



Hi patricia!  Very glad you got on the methotrexate!  As for the sore back and neck, I'm guessing that is probably your RA and not the meds, but I'm no expert.  I've been on it for almost three years and have never had any side effects at all, some do, some don't.  As for ending up in a wheel chair, i expressed that same concern to my rheumy, and she said that as long as I continue treating it with the DMARDs, that the chances of that happening are low.  Everybody is different though.  I cried the day I got my diagnosis, and my rheumy set me straight quick.  RA is awful, I know.  But when I get whinny and start feeling sorry for myself, I think about my boss who died 2 weeks ago from pancreatic cancer who fought it for over two years.  And I tell myself, if it was my destiny to have a life long chronic disease, there were worse ones that could have happened to me.  If you get on the right meds, find a good rheumy, and take care of yourself, your chances of living a long happy life are high.  I for one am a firm believer that a good attitude makes a difference.

My SIL has had RA sinch child hood.  Not sure how she did it, but she had 4 healthy kids.  It can be done.  We don't see each other often, they live in another state, so I've never been able to quiz her on how she did it in relation to her meds. 

Sometimes we have to depend on others to help us.  It just goes with the territory, as hard as it is sometimes.  I tell myself every day, "I WILL NOT let it have me!  Today I will prevail, today I will feel as good as I can, today I will have the best attitude I can"  Everyday I have to make a conscious decision to fight as best as I can.  I don't win the fight every day, but I do my best.  (like today when it's raining, and my arms feel like they've been filled with lead).

Hang in there!  I'm a newbie here myself, but from what I've seen so far, this is a great place!!  Finally a place where I CAN whine if I need to, because these folks know where I'm coming from and know how I feel.  Good luck!


Thank you so much for your support!!!

I feel better already. You are absolutely right. It is not the end of the world. It could be much worse.

Now I have to focus on taking care of myself and just change my lifestyle slightly like not planning to run a marathon on the days I take MTX :-)

I have takend it a second time and still getting upset stomach and slight headache but nothing more. i still do a lot of things the day after I take it but just rest a little more.

Also thanks for the positive feedbacks concerning pregnancy and arthritis. A lot of people have told me this on the forum.

So I hope that we can plan this with guidance of my doctor to at least get pregnant end of next year (my doctor wants me to me on mtx for at least 1 year before trying to get pregant) so I guess I just need to be patient now.

Positive attitude is the key to fighting arthritis!


Welcome!!  I'm pretty new here too and everyone is very nice and has a lot of info to share, which makes me happy!!

Panama sounds great and the doctors do too.  I wish you luck and a great response to meds!
Afterthought ......  you know not to take methotrexate while trying to get pregnant right???  It will cause severe birth defects or even miscarriage.

Yes of course!

My doctor just want to monitor how aggressive my condition is.

I just got diagnosed beginning of October and he wants to see how things develop, how I react to the medications before taking any decision that can affect my health.


Welcome to both of you.