all the pieces to my pain puzzle found? | Arthritis Information


Ok, to start off, I have been in extreme pain now for over four years, but really need feedback on the last two. Here's what I am dealing with. My left elbow is bad and have numbness down the backs of both arms. My head feels like it is crushing my spine. I have severe back spasms which feels like my spine is being twisted. My right hip feels torn and I trip a lot, I have burning in both legs and feet, huge plantar fasciatis, which sometimes prevents me from walking. (though I do own 0 orthotics that do nothing)  I sometimes cannot think straight for the pain. My menstrual cramping/bleeding/cysts are completely debilitating. 

Rheumy insists my ra and lupus are under control with my meds - inj mtx, plaquenil, folic acid, ambien cr, folic acid, norco 3x/day, prednisone. Labs look good. Said hip pain was bursitis, sent me to pt

Primary dr. has me on lexapro for depression. after 6mo. I pleaded with him to let me stop it (due to a sex issue) and he said no, that I really need it for the time being. Also taking ativan for my anxiety attacks. said hip pain was bursitis...

Neurologist tested for further nerve damage, found some more, but nothing major. He wanted me to stay at 2800mg of neurontin/day even though I didnt think it was working. I wanted to try Lyrica, he said no. I tested negative for MS which was a blessing. said hip pain was bursitis, continue with therapy. Sooo

1) primary sent me to a wonderful pain doctr. He put me on avinza the slow release 24hr morphine and am continuing with norco as needed. He did inj.s in my neck which really helped and wrote a script for massage at pt. He also changed my Neurontin to Lyrica and what a difference already!!!

2) I saw my GYN and she wants to do an ablation immediatley. It is a surgical procedure so I would be asleep for it. There is a 95% chance of no more menses or if so, very light and hardly noticeable. We talked about this a year ago and put it off because of my abdominal problems.

3) Ortho surgeon got results of mri - surprise! I have a torn labrum in my right hip that needs major surgery soon so I can walk.

4) My gastrointerologist ordered an ultrasound of my pelvic and abdomin and wants a hyda scan done (tomorrow) to see if I need to have my gall bladder out. Another surgery.

5) I went for a mammogram and it came back abnormal so they asked me to come back for a re-do and the dr would be doing it. I have a lump I found in my rt breast, but they were concerned about a cluster of smaller ones all around the bigger one. He said to come back in 6mo to see what has changed and they'll decide then (next mon)

6) I have a nerve entrapment in my rt elbow that is causing pain and also numbness in 3 of my fingers. I need surgery for that, but it is low on the priority list.

7) I have been to podiatrist a few times, my rheumy has given my injections into my heels every 6mo or so, and eventually I will have to have surgery for my chicken feet as well......

How in the world do I organize all this? I am so overwhelmed and worried about having to stop meds or changing them for extended periods of time. Do people actually deal with this much at once?  I am already on heavy doses of meds and am afraid they wont give me what i need after the surgeries. Which dr should prioritize these for me, my primary? I've hardly slept I am so stressed out, and I don't want to say too much to hubby because he is overwhelmed as much as I am.

I'm sorry this is so long, please help me figure this out.

I love you guys 


My suggestion is to sit back, take a deep breath, and scream. Loudly.

Then sit back, take a deep breath, and REALLY asses what hurts you THE MOST. Which thing can you just not take for one more day? Knock that out first, and work your way down the list. If none of them out weigh the other, what are the risks, complications, and recovery time of each procedure? You might be able to decide better from there. You primary is a great place to start to help you decide which to do first. He/she should be a little less biased than the specialists. (Ya know, the specialist for your hip will rant and rave that *THAT* needs to be done, like tomorrow....)

If I had to pick out of everything, I'd be speeding down the road of "what the hell is going on with mah boobies?" I think that should be your number one, but that is just my opinion. If there is something major going on there, the rest of this stuff may look like small peas. If not, well then you knocked the big scary thing out of the way and you can better focus on what's left.


I sure hope I helped! I know you're overwhelmed, but what you don't see is how well you've ALREADY organized what's going on. You even NUMBERED them in this post!! Kudos to you! You're more under control than you realize. :) Hang in there!!!!

I'm with Katie...and she made me laugh...mah boobies.  Pain is pain and we all deal with it.  Lumps and clusters are things that need to be taken care of immediately.

I also agree to talk with your GP.  Talking about all of those surgeries and what it takes to recover and if you'll need PT for how long, etc., will play into your decision.  Also time of year....hip surgery/ice or snow if you live in that climate etc., makes it more difficult to get out for PT.  Lots of things to think about, but your GP should be able to help you put things in order.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Hi Deb, oh my dear, I don't even know where to begin with all you must be going through. It did help me to have a GP through my heart/RA/weird pain problems, as he could at least keep track of all the meds I was taking and sort out which specialist to go to next!

I'm so sorry you must endure all of this pain. Is the plaquenil working for you? do you think? I went to methotrexate from plaq and I liked it poor dear. Lynda Gotta agree with Katie on the "mah boobies" thing.  Talking with your GP is a great idea to sort all of this out.  I would also look at it as...what do I really want done first after we sort out what is going on with the boobies?  Do you want to walk, have no or light periods, take care of the nerve, is the gall bladder making me not want to eat?  Which is highest on your priority list?  This is a tough call to make.  I would be stuck between walking and the female issue thing to take care of after the boobies are done. 

Good luck with this Deb.  Keep us posted on what you want you do and what your GP says. 

I'm agreeing with everybody else.  You are much more organized than you realize - now all you have to do is rate what gets dealt with first.



I'm kind of puzzled and think number 5 should be given a closer look. What
does that mean "they'll DECIDE then"? Is there any way you can get a 2nd
opinioon on that one?

That IS a lot on your plate, but the only way to deal with it is one thing at a
time. BTW, you can purchase cheap night braces to help with the plantar
fasciitis. I haven't used them myself so I can't give a personal testimonial,
though.Poor Deb, I am so sorry that you are in awful pain and have all this to deal with. Yes, girl, you have already organised the whole thing a lot just in writing this post.

I would sit down and write the whole thing out on paper, adding to each item possible problems, complications, questions etc. This will be therapeutic for starters just to get it out of your head and you will probably feel less stressed just for doing this. Write as much as you need until you feel you have it all on papers.

I agree with the boobie issues, think it is kind of the first thing that seems a priority. I think your pcp needs to be helping you work though all this, for god's sake. This is too much for one person to deal with.

Screaming is definitely required.


Ok, I do agree with everything that has been said and the boobies have got to be seen.

I have a question on the ablation(cause I've been there, done that). Deb are you going to have children????  Why don't you eliminate the whole..well...what if the ablation doesn't go right thing.  I had a hysterectomy in 2003, after this and that and whatever...I tell ya the truth the hysterectomy was probably the best thing FOR ME!  I love it.  Now I had problems since I was 14, and had surgery to get prego twice, and am still paying for the damage of a stupid doctor when I was young. 

Try to list(after mah boobies) what is most important for your comfort and relief.  This is going to take probably no less than a year..recovery time and all. are not going to be cut on right now, but you do have to let the family know that you have to do this. 

I am so sorry that you are making these decisions and hope that the boobies are just fine.

I'd be concerned about #5 myself. My OB sent me for a mamogram and then an ultrasound in the matter of days when they just THOUGHT they felt something. A quick response is in order for anything like that in my opinion. Wait 6 months and see? No; not me....I'd go for a second opinion right away.

Curious why your neruologist said no to Lyrica. Did he give you a reason?

I am so sorry you are having to face all of this. I agree with the others and also wouldn't be waiting to see about mah boobies.  As far as the feet/hip issue-will it be necessary to walk properly for rehab after you get the hip fixed?  If so,maybe the feet should come before the hip?  Just tossing the thought out there.  I have been told repeatedly that I also have bursitis but some days I swear there has to be something else wrong there because the pain can be over whelming.  Sending love  and hugs. Bursitis can be very painful and serious at times.





Sorry you are going thru so much, and have a kitten giving you hickey's as well.

the way I would organize it, is make appts, and go by that. I am sure you will be led in the right direction of how to handle all of this.

Much hugs, love, and prayers for you.

I   would  also  like   to  send   hugs  out  for  you 


I  hope  things   start   to  get  better   really  soon

Shelly, yes I am done having children. I almost died having last son -I went into septic shock. My babies are now 161/2 and 18. My eldest joined the Air Force and the day of his leaving the nest is wreaking havoc on my emotions.

My neuro didnt want to switch me to Lyrica because he said neurontin was doing it's job. Not!

I just keep wondering, how much more can one person take at one time? Why me? I have spent my whole life volunteering and helping others.

I am not sure Deb, there is always a reason though. Just keep looking for it. Wow, Deb that is a lot on your plate.

I agree with the others that the breast issue is something I would have checked.  It is not abnormal to have an "abnormal" exam and there are other angles that the mammo can be done at to see if there is something.  There is also ultrasound as a diagnostic tool.

I have had the ulnar nerve entrapment and had the surgery to have the nerve released on both elbows.  It did help some, but not with all numbness and and loss of use.  It was a more difficult surgery by far than my carpal tunnel.  I did wear a brace that was made for me (full arm ) for a while and that helped. 

Most people don't think much about their gallbladder.  One close friend and my brother in law had severe gall bladder problems.  Of course, they were stubborn and put off going to the doctor. 

As far as advice goes, I can only echo the others with boobs being the priority if at all possible. But other than that, it really seems to me that someone who has as much on their plate as you do, really does need and deserve some professional help in sorting through all of that. Is there a therapist (one who is highly experienced in working with people with chronic disease) in the picture?  Personally if I had all that you have going on at one time, I would want that kind of objective feedback for myself! 

Best of luck to you!


Other angles for to take a mammogram? Do they hang you from the ceiling and then put your boob in upside down? Just curious, never had a mammogram before. I have had the gay gyno "examining" them... if you can call that an examination.