Painful Ears | Arthritis Information


Since Sunday, my ears have been HURTING.  I am used to them ringing all the time and I am typically very sensitive to sound.  But, this is different.  The ringing is so much louder, it feels as if my ear drums actually hurt, I asked Will to look in my ears last night because I was sure they had to be bleeding.  I couldn't even stand the tv on last night, no radio in the car and talking on the phone at the office is awful.

I have a lot of pressure around my ears, it doesn't at all feel like sinus pressure though.  I do have a mild headache but no frontal pressure, I am not stuffy at all either.  I do have a very sore throat and my glands feel swollen and my temp was 100 and it usually runs 99.5 or so.  I feel much more exhausted, didn't even know that could happen.  I feel more dizzy than usual and just wrong.

Its not like what Hillhoney described in her post.  I haven't had any acid issues in a while.  I haven't been anywhere noisy or anything.  I am at a loss.

I have THREE different doctors appts next week so I will be sure to ask them if I can make it that long.  Anyone have any ideas?
Michele, I forget which meds you're still on, but are you taking any NSAID's?  They can cause tinnitus, which I get from time to time, but luckily so far each time it has gone away.  Of course that wouldn't explain the swollen glands, temp and fatigue, so maybe something else is going on.

I'm at a loss to explain what's going on, but as someone who suddenly lost all hearing in one ear due to a virus, I wouldn't fool around.  I'd move up one of your doctor appointments ASAP.  Please don't wait.

Thanks.  But nope, not on any nsaid drugs or steroids for that matter.  We have patients coming in this afternoon and I am dreading all the noise.  I just want to crawl into bed and close the door! sounds like a possible ear infection....It does sound like an infection. If it is really painful you should get it
looked out. I had an ear drum rupture last year due to an ear infection.
OUCH!If your throat is sore and you're running a fever, it sounds like infection to  me.  Why not go to the doc and find out?I get ear pain often from RA, this has always happened to me but I don't have pressure, just pain. With the pressure I would agree with the others that you probably have an ear infection. Poor love, like you need more.  Is it possible to have an ear infection in both ears??  I have an appt with an endocrinologist Monday.  I don't have a PCP anymore as she thinks all my problems are from being fat and depressed.  Should I go to the urgent care?  I made it through the work day but I am MISERABLE and can not wait to get home and be in silence. Good luck.  Sounds like an infection to me too.  I hope you can move up your doc appt.


Yes, you can have an infection in both ears... I've had that about 5 times..... I would get it looked at as soon as you can. Isn't it funny how some docs think its all about being fat and depressed? I've had a few of those. Feel better soon honey.



Michele, I had two infected ears when I went for my check-up in August. It's pretty common for me, I have trouble with my ears and see an ENT at least once a year

YOu definitely can have an ear infection in both at the same time. I have had a problem with them all my life (not connected to RA). Just sinus problems as a child that were unattended to for too long leading to rupturing and now adult ears with lots of scar tissue making it easier for me to continue to get ear infections. 

Personally I would go straight to an emergicare/prompt care/urgent care - whatever you call them in your area. It will take them just seconds really to look into your ear with their little instrument thingy and if you are infected - get you started on treatment right away. Usually antibiotics and pain killers.

If it ends up not being a regular infection and instead an issue connected to your RA etc. , you will at least already know that by the time you see the other docs. I don't know about others here, but I really take possible ear infections very seriously as I have already been caused enough trouble by them as a result of not acting fast enough. 

I know from your other posts that you already have a lot going on and probably do not feel like dealing with one more thing - especially if it is just randomly unrelated, but I hope you will hop to it anyway since a possible "simple ear infection" can either be very easily stopped in its tracks - or unattended, can end up wreaking havoc.

Good Luck!  

Thanks Melly and everyone else.  I got home last night and collapsed.  I left my clothes where ever they fell and climbed right into bed.  Hubby made me some soup sometime later but I basically slept from 6:30 last night until 7:50 this am.  I am still tired!!!!  My ears continued to ring a LOT more loudly than usual and my throat still hurts.  My ears themselves hurt maybe a little less, I don't feel like they are bleeding but they are still painful and the slightest noise in terrible.

Hubby thinks I am just being sensitive and that I should tough it out and go to my swim class tonight.  I am afraid if I go to a clinic and they say they don't see anything wrong, hubby will just use that against me.  I don't have the energy to deal with him.  He is a generally a good guy he is just done with me being sick, as if I LIKE being sick!!  I am feeling very depressed, can't think clearly and have no energy, its all I can do to make it to my office and do the bare minimum, let alone fight with hubby, the boss for time off and the doctors.  If one more doctor tells me they don't know whats wrong, it just might push me over the edge.

I wonder if my TMJ is causing this?  My jaws don't really hurt any more than usual and I have been wearing my bite splint faithfully. Who knows, I have 3 appts next week and I can't even think straight to get my history, meds, questions, etc together!
Go to the doctor's! You might have what is called "Swimmers Ear" which is basically an ear infection. It sounds like you need some antibiotics!Any of that could cause it, and you might also just have the latest virus. What you're describing is EXACTLY what I had the other week, which I got from a girl at work, who got it from another girl at work who got it from her's MISERABLE!!!

Michelle....maybe it's a virus. It sounds exactly what I had last week. It last for a few days. I ran a low fever around 100 degrees, my ears hurt and so did my throat, my glands were swollen. I was planning on going to the dr on the fourth day if it didn't clear up but I felt better after sleeping for 4 days and taking pain meds. I lived on popsicles and ice cream because my throat hurt so badly. I've always had problems with my ear, nose and throat. I have terrible allergies and for the last few weeks they have been out of control because I live in IL and all the farmers are out getting the crops harvested and it's been dry.  Could be lots of things, I would give it a few days, if it doesn't clear up, see a dr. It could be an infection and you may need antibiotics.

I hope you feel better soon!


Yeah! I gave it to CinDee too!!!  I forgot about that. LOL Hi Michele, please take your temp. and if it is high go to the doctor. this is not to be messed with. TMJ can cause ear aches, I know, I've had it. (I just read the strangest thing that if you listen to music with those little ear phones in your ears you have a 7 times more of a chance to have ear infections!) now isn't that odd. I listen to music all night when I can't sleep. Lynda