Giving up my Job | Arthritis Information


After years of being a massage therapist it comes with heavy heart that I am going to have to give up my job and close my office.  It is just too physical and during and after giving a massage I am in soooo much pain I am almost in tears, but I feel I am letting my clients down because they rely on me and I make them feel so much better but at my expense.  It's just so frustrating.  I just like to make people feel better (it's the caretaker in me).  Not to mention the lack of income.  I've been going to my RD for the last couple of years to shoot up my hands and wrists so I can continue to use them, but now it's affecting my feet and knees from stand for so long.

I'm sorry for going on, it's just so depressing to give up the one thing that I love because of this stupid, stupid disease.  Thanks for listening.
MINA, SO SORRY YOU ARE HAVING TO GIVE UP SOMETHING YOU LOVE  THAT  ALSO BRINGS SO MUCH HELP TO OTHERS!!  MANY OF US HERE ARE CONCERNED ABOUT THE SAME THING.  HOW LONG CAN I WORK WITH THIS DISEASE......  I DON'T HAVE A HUSBAND AND STILL HAVE A YOUNG ONE AT HOME SO NO CHOICE FOR ME RIGHT NOW BUT TO KEEP PLUGGING ALONG.   MAYBE YOU CAN THINK OF AN ALTERNATIVE JOB THAT COULD STILL BRING IN SOME INCOME!  GOOD LUCK TO YOU DEAR!!Mina, I am sorry to hear about your situation.  I don't know if you can get another job but I have worried for years about how long I will last.  I'm praying I can go another 12 years at minimum.  At least then I can technically retire, not sure if I can survive on the income though.  I hope things work out okay.Thanks so much, it's just the thought that this disease constantly knocks you down, I have a huge garden that I can't keep up in.  We went to the state fair yesterday, so I'm totally wiped out today, and my knees are killing me, when does it end.  I'm sorry here I go again, I'm 43 and whinning, I don't know what kind of job to do I worked for the State for 18 years got medically due to a back injury, tore up from the floor up.  Oh well.


  You have been very brave to continue your massage work.  I have difficulty giving my hubby a massage as it makes my hands hurt so.  Good for you- you did your best to keep it up.  IT IS A STUPID STUPID DISEASE.  I think I am going to get a punching bag with RA ON IT AND BEAT THE SH*T OUT OF IT every time I think about it.  It would be hard on the hands but good for the soul. 

GET MAD MINA.  It's ok. Hey Roxy, thanks so much.  I can see you totally understand and I'm sorry that you too had to give up your passion it's just not fair
Take care,

Ah, Mina:

I understand all too well the feelings you're experiencing.  It was a sad day when I realized that I could no longer do anything that was considered "gainful employment."   

When you are so used to working (especially you in a caregiving position), it is hard to come to grips that a particular phase of your life is over.

I would check with my state employment office for career re-training (if you're not ready for Social Security Disability.)  They may be able to assist you and give you ideas of what you can do that is within your abilities with a little training.  The courses are free -- and I believe most States offer this service.

I do wish you well.




I'm sorry you've had to give up the career you love and enjoy.  THAT STINKS!! 

The "soft" punching bag sounds like a money maker.

I know I'd buy one:0)

All the best to you!


I am sorry you are having to leave your job.I remember reading you were a massage therapist in on of the posts and I thought, how does she do is such a physical job especially with your hands and wrists.Maybe you can take the nurturing nature and start a new job.I know of a man that goes and sits with and visits some of the people in rests homes.That is one of his jobs.Just an idea.

take care of yourself like you have taken care of all your clients.I hope the pain goes away soon.


Thanks everybody, I like the idea of sitting with elderly folks I have a couple of geriatric clients and just the touch is so important to them and helps them keep going which helps me keep going 

Mina, are you in California?  I ask because you mentioned the State Fair and ours happens to be in progress.  I can relate to knee pain.  I hate it. 

I do hope you find something you can love as well as your massage therapy. 

Yes, I live east of Sac. in Georgetown.


Yes, I've been there many times.  I'm in Antelope which is off of I-80 west of the Antelope exit in Citrus Heights. 

You, Roxy and I are in close proximity.  When we are feeling good, I think we should meet.  I wouldn't pressure anyone who didn't want to but there are many times when I wished this group met face-to-face in a clinic meeting room or something.  It would be a little easier to conduct conversations and compare notes.  I'm just glad to have a place I can relate to other and they to me.  Before I found this website I was all alone and this has been so helpful.   

That's too funny, I lived off of Tupelo in Citrus Heights many years ago, it's changed a lot down there.  Roxy just posted this morning that she wants to find a support group to go to so we should set something up, I think that would be great
Mina, I was going to send you and Roxy a private message about us trying to meet one day but I can't figure it out.  I keep getting sent back to this board.

I would love to meet.  I would drive down.  Maybe we can take a walk along the Sac river or something soothing like that.  Are there any nice trails near you?  I hate the traffic down there so how about right outside metropolis
OK  Come up with a time you two.  I am the most flexible. 

For everyone else on here, if you recognize someone in your area that has ra, try to get together.  I think it is going to be the best "medicine" since my ra diagnosis.  Mina, You are a sweetheart !Roxy, you're a doll 
Hi Mina.....It is sad that you have to give up your business.  How about subleasing it to another massage therapist and that way you would still have an income.  Not as much of course, but every little bit helps.  And perhaps you could even go in for an hour or two for choice clients.  You must have all of the equipment so subleasing would be easy.  Just a suggestion Mina.
I know a lady that has a beauty salon and she found that she too had to slow down, but she did as I mentioned above taking 40% of the income.  And she paces herself and sees a few clients.  She is a people person so this is working great for her.
Hope this helps Mina.
Sending a hug.
Sophie, that's a great idea but unfortunately my landlord won't let me sublease because of insurance reasons, but I have definately thought about it.  I'm still going to keep a few of my special clients and work on them at their homes and not have to worry about the overhead and the stress of having to work a lot to make my rent.

Thanks and welcome aboard Sophie
