21 with JRA still..? I feel... So Odd. | Arthritis Information


Somehow I managed ta come across this site, and yes, the "ta" instead of "to" was on purpose.  :p  But my name is Sara, and I'm 21... However I'm still suffering from JRA. According ta the Doc it basically should of ended when I turned like 18, or at least thats what my Mum remembers him telling her. I had a brief remission, but it came back full force and then some. I've always tried ta be a productive part of society despite pain and days where I couldn't move. Those are my bad days, the unmoving. But on regular days, its in my wrists, fingers, and knees. I can't say for sure whats up with my back, I suppose it could be that or something that happened on a trampoline when was little. I stopped going ta my Doc because he stuck his nose in business that he shouldn't of and took it into his hands ta send letters ta my family and 'regular Doc'. So its been a long time since I've had any input from a Doc, and being without insurance, it will probably stay that way for a long time. Now JRA didn't get found til I was 7, a friend of the family went ta swing me down a step, because I liked getting swung or what not... And well, from what they told me my wrist popped or something and I started crying and crying and so they took me ta the Doc... And then they figured it out. The last thing I was taking though, was Celebrex, and I stopped taking that once I started getting pain in my wrists (aside from the JRA normal pain) and then numbness in my hands. It was a rather odd experience. And then that was it. I actually got expelled from school due ta my JRA (the gym teacher couldn't comprehend that I couldn't predict which day it would be at its worst, she told me ta choose one day and stick ta it every week) My Doc sent a note saying for me ta self regulate my activity... And of course as I did this, she didn't accept it as a reason ta not participate, and so a detention would line up. And since I argued on why I had them, they would turn into Saturday detentions. And enough of those result in expulsion. 10th grade intelligence. LOL, or yea, at least thats what I can show in records. Anyways, I've tried ta learn ta drive, and it hurts me ta the point it brings tears at times ta steer. So in the times of late, after I listed things JRA has affected. I realized how much it really has affected my life and my productivity. Got expelled, can't drive, my work history is sporadic, and I have these... nodules on my feet which I had 2 removed when I was younger and they tested them and said they were a result from the JRA. How I have no clue, but thats at least what they told me... However I have them again, and no insurance ta take them off, so standing or walking can be extremely painful. Let alone when I accidently touch my foot ta the ground whilst sitting, at times can shoot pain through my foot. So I know this is long winded and no I'm not whining or anything. LOL, I juz want ta know if there is anyone else who has had any of the same problems, or all of the same problems... I mean, does anybody even recognize the groups of people who were diagnosed with JRA young and it never went away..? Or do they look at us like we're a hypo..? And another question if anyone can answer it... Since its not RA and probably still considered JRA...... Should I still be worried about my eyes as an adult..? I know I used ta have ta go get them checked out every month or two... Do the risks stay the same for JRA now that I'm older in other terms..? 


Sorry this is so long... I think I'm juz excited that I was able ta come across a site that could help me answer questions and know I'm not alone with the feeling like the odd one out.


Thanks...  =)

Welcome Wicked - I have noticed an uptick in the numbers of new members on this Board.  Sorry you qualify to be here, but we are all pulling for you.  Keep posting and keep the faith. 

Hey Wicked,

Welcome. I am a newbie as well.  Ijust turned 24 and I also have JRA. I actually have very similar symptoms to you, and I also feel the same way about people thinking I am a hypo! People just don't get it becasue we are young and don't think these things can happen to young people.  It sucks.

I have just recently gone back to the doctors. (Actually a week ago) I haven't been since I was 13.  

If you can try and get some insurance, I think it is really important to get it under control so it things don't get any worse.

Hope to hear from you, and hope you are feeling well. Sounds like we have very similar lives :)



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