Help mu friend. | Arthritis Information


 Hi all,

My friend gave me the below about her condtition, Docs dont know what it is. If anyone can help as what to try or what tests to undergo? She is about to try Chelation therapy aswell but metal toxins. Thanks G

 Starts with sharp pain in joints (can either just happen or if I do something like bump my hand on a desk or fall on my hand then it causes this flare-up)
 Joint becomes sore, stiff, inflamed, swells up
 Area is normally warm and red and other joints surrounding are cold.
 Sometimes lasts for a day but can last up to a couple days
 If it starts in my right wrist it normally moves to my left wrist a day after, or whichever joint it affects the opposite joint gets affected too.
Fatigue of whole body when have a flare up

Areas affected

Type of pain
Some cases it's just a mild stiffness.
Sometimes it's so severe that even running my affected finger joint through my hair is too painful.
Tasks such as turning a key, opening a door, tying shoe laces etc are too painful to do.
If pain is in my knees then walking is affected. Sore to stretch, bend, move knee.
If pain is in feet, ankles etc then wearing socks or shoes is painful, walking is limited

Diagnosis (suggestions from doctors such as rheumatologist, homeopath, GP, hand surgeon, physio)
Rheumatoid arthritis (except that blood tests show negative for arthritis)
Too much toxins in body (body not able to get rid of toxins)
Possible Lupus?
Tight shoulder and neck muscles constricting blood flow to hands (tight back muscles constricting blood to hips, knees, feet)

Heat applied to affected area relieves pain (hot water bottle or soaking joint in hot water)
Relieving gels such as deep heat, voltaren sometimes work
Pain tabs such as grandpa or disprin sometimes works
Splinting the joints helps sometimes too
Take Flexadrin or arthroguard daily but not yet had an improvement
If my fingers have flared up my shoulder muscles are always tight and sometimes massaging them helps relieve the inflammation but sometimes it causes it to flare up more.

Had this for about 18 months now

All the blood tests for arthritis show negative?

ESR, CRP and Rheumatoid factor or have they just tested for RF?

If that is all they have done she needs an ESR and CRP as you can have no RF and still have RA, it's called being seronegative.

Cordelia thanks,

As far as i know they have only done one or two tests for RA. Will pass this on and see what the next step is.


Thanks again

Oh, a pleasure, no problem.

Yeah, this needs to be checked because unless all three tests are done, you cannot really eliminate RA and her symptoms have to be something either RA or another auto immune disease.

See she could have an RF but not have RA or have RA and show normal ESR or CRP.

I know it is terribly confusing but unfortunately the reality of it is extremely variable.

Do check what of those three have been done? That is really important to eliminating it.

Hi garrithv
This sounds so familure.  I had this kind of pain on and off since HS.  But it took until my late 20s before they told me I had osteo arthritis.  Other than my jaw I was doing okay.

Then it happened in the knees and a few surgeries to help out with that.  But the thing is RA kept coming back neg. As well as for Lupus.  Then two years ago I was put on an antibiotic which I was having a horrible reaction.  Some docs said no can't be the meds.  Made every joint swell hurt and my hands sound like what you describe.  Still test for RA neg.  Found out it was like a toxic posion and some people get that and what happens is it makes what already is bad even worse. 

It still took 2.5 years from that point and still pain and braces before my RA did show positive.  The doc said the only bad thing about RA and or Lupus and a few other conditions, is it takes sometimes years before they get a positive even though they know that has to be the reason.

Please tell her she has to keep going back every so often for more blood work.  Keep at it.  I wish her luck in finding what is going on.

Shykymom, do you remember what antibiotic you were on? It sounds like
you may have had a Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction, which would indicate that
AP therapy would have a really good chance of working for you, if you ever
decided to go that route.

Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction (herx):

GoGo -

That was my reaction to her post - she HERXED!

Garrit -  She sounds like PRA.  I couldn't even put a sheet on my body!  The pain is horrendous!  I only got the mild stiffness after I moved into RA.  And yes, you can be sero-negative on PRA too.


To every one that helped thank you.

I have told my friend to register here and take things further, i think having a community like this will help seeing as these problems are not solved over night and she can get support and advise here.

thanks again


You may also consider a Lyme Western Blot test....

i have crutches and a cane, been tested for everything. have fibro.but know years later i have a little finger that requires vicoden. researched all night. i wook up in the middle of the night about a month ago and three fingers just hurt so bad they woke me up and i was already on pain meds. the little finger is very swollen the middle jiont is large, do you just get a nodule or a node over night. the finger is so swollen you can't bend it. and if i bump the finger wow. i have had alot of fatique. my wrist and elbow hurt and knees, but i have fibro so unfortunatly jiont and mucsle pain are normal to me at excrustating levels. my eyeballs hurt and light makes it worse. i thought maybe allergies caused the fatique and eye pain, but i'm not snezzing.


anyway it's all about me. every time i jump in on a topic it seems all have left. and i would greatly appreciate a little insight. i know i have some kind of arthritis in my hand. due to the swelling, due to the nodule or node on the little finger. i have swelling on the other fingers but not a node on the other fingers. well i will see the doctor tomorrow. should i have him run some blood work or does it sound like osteo? the fatique is my major problem. i don't really have stiffness in my finger. i have stiffness every where but my finger. just can't bend it because it's to swollen. or it's to swolllen to tell if it's stiff.Hi Milly , I just put your questions on a new thread so everyone could see to help you.With the finger swelling it could be RA, PA or even OA which all cause swelling.

Hi Milly!

Are you Garrit's friend?  Or somebody different?  If you are Garrit's friend, check out the Palindromic people.

This board is cool because its 24/7 but...many times there are a few people posting and then the go to work or to sleep and then the posting stops.  Only to start up again in a bit with other people.  So, it's not you.  It's the nature of the bulletin board.  Just keep'll get answers.

If you have a node it does sound like RA.  Have you seen a doc?


tomorrow i will see my doc. thanks. Well its after midnight here and my eyes are having a hard time staying open. So talk again tomorrow maybe. Nice to meet you Milly, and please dont get upset when your post dont get answered straight away. Sometimes I have posted at night and the next morning find heaps of replies. Goodnight