Am I being too sensitive? | Arthritis Information


My RD gave me 90 of the 5 mg Lortabs back in June.  I still have some left; about 20-30 maybe.  When I was at the RDs office yesterday, I told him that I didn’t have very many of the 90 pills left that he gave me in June and since I was there, could I get a prescription for another 90.  He gave me this speech about how the Lortabs weren’t anti-inflammatories and did I know they were addictive, blah, blah, blah.  I know I must have had this weird “why are you telling me this” look on my face.  I’m not a child; I’m a 47 year old woman.  I told him I only take them when I absolutely have to because I cannot stand the severe pain and they help a little.  I also told him I was careful because I didn’t need to add an addiction problem with everything else I have.  Then he said he had to tell me that.  Huh?  What?  Have any of you received this same speech from your RDs?


In the three years since my diagnosis, this is only the 3rd time I've asked for something.  I could see him giving me the speech if I hounded him for pills every month.


I just feel like he thinks I’m an addict.  I’ve been really depressed lately because I’ve been flaring so much and I tend to be very sensitive when I’m depressed.  Am I over-reacting?

Hi dear, I can understand why you were offended! Like you say we are adults, and we HATE, having to take all this medication. I wonder if the manufacturer (or the government), makes the doctors say that! It doesn't sound like it was for you specifically? Do you think? I'm sorry you are hurting and depressed, been there done that! I hope you feel better soon.Lynda

*edited to correct a bonehead spelling mistake

I feel withholding pain meds is like withholding DMARDS or biologics.  Controlling pain is part of the treatment and doctors are doing a disservice to their patients by withholding medication.  Lindy

I always get really nervous to ask for pain meds.  Just cause I'm worried about looking like an addict.  I saw my RD last week and he didn't have any prob giving me another script, but like Kween, he can see from my records that I don't exactly go through them like candy.  They last a long time.

Doesn't sound like your using too much if you still have 20 or 30 left of a prescription that was giving back in June. You only asked because you knew you'd like be out before your next appointment and you didn't want to hassel with trying to get your prescription re-filled over the phone.

He likely feels like he has to tell everyone that. Try not to take it too personally. It's obvious you don't have a problems and I'm sure he knows that.

It's probably standard protocol at his office; perhaps he's had other patients develop problems and he's just covering his butt?

Some doctors seem to be more sensitive to controlled substance issues.  When I was in the ER last year for a scratched cornea, I was told I could not drive for a few days, because they had given me percocet.  I never once received a warning not to drive because I couldn't see the damn road due to the scratched cornea!

Hey everyone!!

My Rd makes me go through that whole speech everytime also, and everytime I feel like a little kid.... He also says that do you understand or do I need to explain again???

(The lecture is probably a good one for some patients, but nobody ever needs a belittling lecture delivery. I had a rhueme make me sign a form when I asked for pain meds after a surgery...I wanted a lighter med like darvacet instead of percocet. I asked him to look at 3 inches of paper that was my chart and find another pain script in there (there was not one) he explained that it was to protect his butt leagally).  

Hmmm...yes, there seems to be this need to treat us like addictive children rather than adults with severe chronic illness that endure enormous amounts of pain and only very reluctantly take a tablet to relieve it.

My opinion is this. If I stayed on pain relief for the rest of my life but I had more quality of life with it, what does it matter???

No, I don't think you were being sensitive. I think you are feeling sensitive because of the depression and that's fine. Sensitivity tends to go with it. You obviously did not need his speech right then.

I am sorry you had to endure the indignity of that.

Rules are rules and perhaps if they do not do this and someone does become addicted that there could be litigation?  Seems likes people are just looking for a good reason to sue someone.  When attorney's advertise on TV doesn't that tell you something about our system?  Gosh, is anything in health care going in the right direction? True. I suppose they are 'obligated' to do the lecture like they have to tell us the possible side effects of each DMARD.  My Rd is the exact opposite. I tell her that I dont want to take any more strong pain meds because the fear of becoming addicted and she gets stern with me and says "you have to take this medicine and dont worry about being addicted to it because you are not and you won't"!!! Yeah, my doctor is very similar actually. But then she has seen my pull myself off the very addictive oxazepam twice all my myself cold turkey so she knows I won't take anything I don't need.

I think that when you have a severe chronic disease the last thing that matters is whether or not you may be addicted to pain meds. Quality of life is a much bigger issue.

Thanks guys.  I never thought about the legal aspects.  I'm hoping thats why he gave me that little speech, though it still didn't make me feel very good.  I feel bad enough physically and emotionally, I just didn't need that.

kweenb39354.3486226852Yeah, you dont need to be treated like a child when it comes to that or anything for that matter. Your quality of life is at stake here.I agree about the legal aspects.  Don't take it personally.  For every legitimate request there are probably 3 addicts begging for narcotics.  They must be careful.