mono? | Arthritis Information


I found out I have mono sunday night so of course off mtx and remicade till? anybody have a clue how long I will probably have to wait?? let me tell you first 3 days were the sickest i have ever been in my 45 years. and have no idea how the next days will go as i am still not able to keep  food in.and still feel like crap


Oh sweetie, I have never had it, but boy I have seen others with it and it is miserable! Do you have someone to help you? Make sure you drink lots of liquids and rest rest rest. I don't know about remicade, but mtx will stay in your system for about 2-3 wks after your last dose before you notice a difference. I believe it when you said you are the sickest you have ever been, I really feel badly for you! Gentle hugs and feel better soon!Sorry to hear you have been extra unwell, sweetie. We never really need extra on top of what we have to deal with on a daily basis. Sounds like you can only get rest and take care of yourself.

I can't help with how long you may have to be off your MTX and Rem but from what I know it would be until the mono has cleared up enough. Can't it last months?

Be thinking of you. Gentle on self remember. they tell me the fever can linger for 3or 4 months and may take longer then 6 months to feel better

Sorry to hear you have mono.  I hear it's horrible.  Rest and get a lot of it.


Oh my, I didn't realize it took that long to recover. please take care of yourself, rest rest rest...

I've never had it, but I know people that have.  I know it can take a loooong time to recover.  So sorry to hear it got you.  Make sure to get plenty of rest.  If I remember right, mono really can wipe you out.Mono?  How in the world did you manage that?  Have you had it before?  I'm really sorry and I know you can be frightfully sick from mono.  As soon as your labs stabilize you may be able to restart your meds, but that's up to your doctors.  Your liver enzymes and a few other lab tests may be abnormal as long as the mono is active.  Have you had blood work done?  I guess with our immune systems lowered it's easier to pick up mono.  Just never thought about mono as a problem.  Take care and rest.  Lindy Sorry to hear your are feeling so bad. Hang in there. Sometimes mono doesn't last that long. I had it and it went away fairly quickly. I was down for about a week with meds. HOpe you feel better soon!


   I am so sorry to hear you have mono... I had mono when I was 17. I had the worst family Dr. He kept telling my parents that I just had the flu. I started getting sick in September right after my birthday, and finally ended up in the Hospital in May of the following year. Please doobgirl32, rest as much as you possible can. And drink lots of water, OJ and such. It took me a very long time to recover. But I had it for months before being treated. Hopefully your Dr caught it quickly.... Did your Dr say anything about getting vitamin B12 shots? Take care of yourself, I'll be thinking of you.


oh yeah I didn't mention what Lori said. I was sick for weeks and weeks, but once we found out what it was and I rested for a week, I got better. So do REST as much as you can.  It helps so much.

My daughter had it for about 6 weeks. I seem to remember she was off her mtx for about a week but then could start it again. They also rechecked her later to make sure the mono was gone. You should call your rheum to find out what to do, I may not be remembering correctly. We made her stay home in bed a week and then she went to school part time for 2-3 weeks and was still pretty tired after that. You need lots and lots of rest!


Please excuse my ignorance but what is Mono?  Janie. I just googled it myself. Its what we in aussie land call glandular fever

I had it real bad as a teenager, ended in the hospital and it lasted for a while.  I never did "let" myself get sick and I think I pushed too long and that's why I was in tough shape.

My son had it last year, and he slept for about 4 days like crazy (l8 yr old first year of college) but really was not feeling well for about 4 weeks.

Good luck....sleep as much as possible. did she get it?  Everyone knows it's the kissing disease. Doob has obvioulsy been makin out with a boy.  Linncn39351.7688888889Thanks Allycat, now I understand and yes it can be very nasty.  Janie.

I have reactivated mono a month back. I did not have a fever that I know of, but I did have VERY BAD fatigue. It was all I could do to keep my eyes open and when I did go to sleep I would sleep 14+ hours at a time. GP said reactivated mono is not contagious. So far it has been true as hubby has not been sick nor my kids. I got mine mostly likely from my immune system being surpressed that is what GP thinks anyways.

Hope you feel better soon. Get LOTS of rest, as that is what my GP told me to do... she said only cure for mine was to sleep and rest and it would go away within a few weeks to a month. And so far... I think mine has went away... as I do not feel the need to sleep so much.

Bad Doob, you've been kissing too much!

lol think if someone sneezes or coughs on you it can be passed to through spit and body fluids. They also say I can brew for weeks before it flares up and that some people never show symptoms of course tiill your immune systems are suppresswed and it shows its nasty face. lol I has been ugly veryyyyyy tired and light headed and till last night nothing was staying in not even water. It still is going out rather quickly but at least my food is some what digestinging first .(yuck) My Rd didnt seem to interested and the nurse called me and just said stop all meds till ? I was too sick to think and she didnt say dont have an apt till nov. and am not sceduled for any blood work as of yet to see when I can restart.I actually took my sick but to emergency room sunday night as I felt I was dying(lol) and had just had a remicade on the past monday and had just taken my mtx saturday night and had started getting sick right after.Tried to call my rh dr. and the on call person said If I had a fvever why was I calling him I needed to call my prmary physician I was like "well maybe because of the meds I take " so I just went to er. and my primary said the next day when i called there was nothing he could do unless it didnt go away???????? How do I know how long it should take to go away? I heard it can be a long time oh well ate first tinme in 5 days last night as was my 20th wedding anniversary (boy tHAT WAS FUN) in bed but sick lol thats real sexylmfao!!!!!!!!!

watched the new bionic woman lol


so will just wait it out and see anyone have any advice let me know



call your RD's office and ask about your treatment ..when you can take MTX and resume remicade. They should know .

Your primary should be monitoring you weekly or every 2 weeks for complications that can be associated with mono, enlarged spleen and/or liver complications, anemia.  Call your primary and request or demand an appt. and follow-up.  How was the diagnosis made?  Did you have labs?  Get copies of your lab results.  Also call your RD's office and ask to speak to him/her or request that they call you back regarding your RA meds.   No strenous exercise because of spleen, no lifting, and rest is essential to recovery.  It's important that you be monitored by your primary.  Take it easy and make those calls.  Lindy   [QUOTE=doobgirl32]

I found out I have mono sunday night so of course off mtx and remicade till? anybody have a clue how long I will probably have to wait?? let me tell you first 3 days were the sickest i have ever been in my 45 years. and have no idea how the next days will go as i am still not able to keep  food in.and still feel like crap



Sorry to hear about the mono diagnosis. I had Mono in high school and it lasted 5 months. The entire time I was on bed rest, couldn't lift anything and felt horrible. Hopefully you're case doesn't last that long. Stay rested and get well soon.

Ta2d39352.4540625Bumping this thread so you can see you did get responses to a past posting.Doobgirl. I had mono when I was 35 years old. I was a home health nurse
at the time and was single and not in a relationship. I have NO idea how I
got it. It was the sickest I have ever been in my life and I developed hepatitis
and pancreatitis from it. I was hospitalized for 3 days. That was the start of
all my chronic health problems. I have never felt 100 percent and that was
12 years ago. I strongly contribute that event to my RA. I also know that
there is a chance that people can get chronic fatigue syndrome from mono.
I had terrible fatigue for years afterwards but that seems to have resolved
for me.