Update - I am so, so sick of pain... | Arthritis Information


Okay, well I am at last back from the doctor's. I actually got an appointment with her but she would have seen me anyway.

So what she has done is two things:

1. Put me back on the 12 hr sustained release morphine but now a 30mg tablet morning and night.

2. Also given me Oxycodone, 2 a day 5mg, for the next two days to slam this pain and try and get on top of it.

I hope you get to feeling much better soon, Cordelia. Better days are ahead.

take care

Hi Cordy, thank God you may get some relief now, it must have been awful.  Hopefully you will get a great sleep before Neve comes home and can kick this pain into touch!  Best of luck Janie.  PS hows the carpet situation? I love oxycodone!


Happy DAy!!!! 

Major hugs to you, my dear sweet friend!!!

An amazing thing! < =text/>_popupControl(); I am so glad you have gotten relief!!!  Hi Cordy, I am so glad you have got relief from the pain. The normal never ending pain is bad enough. At least you have found something that works. Just make sure you now get plenty of rest while you can. You will have a much better day tommorrow. Hugs to you both.

So glad to hear today is better.

Yes you are lucky with your doc.  I am glad you have one that works with you.


I 've been thinking about and am relieved that you are finally getting some relief.  Phewww......constant, severe pain is a nightmare.....I hope this lasts a good, long time.


Good news. Maybe dancing in the street isn't too far away


Let's hope not, Link. Definitely in a lot less pain now. Yay! 

Oh Dear Cordy, I am so glad you have some relief from your pain!!

There is notheing better than having a doctor really listen to you! It seems that you have a great relationship with your doctor.

I can almost hear your happy voice in your posts, and great to hear you sound relaxed, at last!

Take care, Sweetie and get plenty of rest. Don't try to do too much, just because you are feeling better. Rest first.

Much love, Nini

Thanks, Nini, I know exactly what you mean about 'my happy voice'. I am more relaxed. Intense constant pain is just so wearing emotionally and physically, I feel so relieved not to be having to deal with so much of it for a moment. Haaaa!  Dear Cordy, ME TOOOOOOOO


oh dear friend you sound so much better, I am so glad.  Sleep until Nevie comes home though...your body is soooo stressed.  Also, be sure to eat something when you take your pain meds. 

Talk to you later, shel

Yeah, Shel, I am so much better. Like Nini said you can hear my 'happy voice' again!  I hope the pain relief holds over until and after Nevie gets home! Wouldn't it be nice to be able to hug and lift and tickle her with no pain?? Hey Steph,

God, it is such a relief, to get some relief.

Well there's a goal to hold onto and reach for! You two are already so close, I can't imagine what that would do for your relationship. Keep pushing girlie and you're gonna be there!!!!!!


*edited for stupidity* HAH!

arriscolwell39352.6873263889Edited for stupidity?  OMG You have an amazing girl Cordy!!!!!! AMAZING!Yeah, she is, absolutely amazing.

My body and I are heading back to bed for now. Talk to you all more later.

< =text/>_popupControl(); Oh what an amazing baby you have!!

I have a close relationship with my girls (even tho one is quite ticked with me right now lol) and I can tell you that it is the best thing in the world.  I wouldn't trade my relationship with my girls for anything.  It just makes it all that much easier to raise them and to understand who they are as people. 

[QUOTE=arriscolwell]I hope the pain relief holds over until and after Nevie gets home! Wouldn't it be nice to be able to hug and lift and tickle her with no pain??


I am so glad that you slept well....you needed every bit of that sleep and more. 

Yep, I sure did, Shell. It is just such a relief not to feel so damn bad all the time. [QUOTE=Cordelia]Yep, I sure did, Shell. It is just such a relief not to feel so damn bad all the time. [/QUOTE]

WOOHOO!!!! How wonderful.  And dinner with the folks.  Hope you ate something good.

Hey Cordelia,

I was wondering how you were doing... I am so happy you finally have some relief


Thanks Robin and Connie.

And thanks for the support, both of you this week.

Yeah, my Dad is 81 and he has only really 'got it' recently that daughter is seriously ill. He was kind of in denial before that. He didn't want me to not be okay with something he couldn't fix so he would pretend I didn't have it.

Then he 'got it' about 2 months ago and ever since then I get these cute phone calls about every two days just to ask how I am. Sweet.
Awwww that is sweet.

for you!!, Lynda

warm regards, Mary

Jesse - It has been so wonderful. And to get as much sleep as I have in the last few days. Lovely (sigh).


Good for you cordy! I am so happy you are getting enough relief from the pain that you can actually catch up on some sleep. I saw that happy dance and that is probably why your back is sore! It's gonna be fun to do more things, but you have to be careful not to over-do. I think it's cute that your dad is calling and finally "gets" it. My dad has been in denial all along, and changes the subject if I bring something up about my health, but lately he has been listening more, so maybe there is hope that he is starting to come around. Unfortunately, my parents live out of state, so I don't get to see them very often.

I hope we keep getting good reports from you!!!!! hugs sweetie!

Yeah, Deb, Dad has been so funny.

He didn't want to see it for ages but it is actually since I have been on here regularly and talking about it that he 'got it'. I think me talking about other people's experience brought home the reality of what I am really dealing with.

He started calling nearly every day and I would say, "What are you calling for Dad?" and he would say, "To see how you are."

Very cute.

Yeah, I won't over do it, promise. Not pushing myself too hard. Gentle, gentle and lot's of rest.

Hi Cordy, I am so glad to hear of your relief, I will catch up with you next week, I have been so fatigued, if its not one thing its another isn't it?  I am so glad to hear your Dad is coming around to understanding.  My Dad can't handle that I am sick so he only phones me when he has dutch courage, (when hes had a few pints) ha ha, he lives in the UK and he believes I should be back over there with family support but I couldn't live there again apart from anything else the cold weather would finish me off!!!!  Take care and keep up the good work, love Janie.

Hi Cordy

You sound unbelievably happy and fresh, It couldnt happen to a nicer person and I'm hoping too that your pain relief lasts for ages. Nevie wont believe her luck when she gets home. I love morphine..... its the best... can we come over for a morphine party?

Big hugs


I have never had pain relief so this has been a whole new experience. I found it amazing that people noticed the difference in how I looked because I wasn't in nearly as much pain as I usually has to drag myself round in.

No, definitely not overdoing things but I admit it is tempting.

Of course, just to remind me I do have RA my feet have become incredibly swollen overnight. Joy.


So glad for you!!!!!! I hope it lasts a long time!!!!


I hope you're feelng much better after some good sleep


YAY, I hope it continues on and on and on, you know like the painfree energizer bunny....and on and on and on. Yipee!

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