Arthritis Information -So many questions


Hi I'm Gayla. About 2 years ago I became very ill.  Sometimes I would feel okay and then it would be like I would hit this brick wall and had to push myself just to keep moving.  It was exhausting!  Horrible getting out of bed in the mornings...I could hardly move but eventually I would work through it and it usually seemed to improve as the day progressed.  Walking up or down stairs could bring me to tears.  Couldn't close my hands at times.  And the pain seemed to move around my body from on day to the next.  My hands, feet or knees would become swollen and stiff.  Eventually I was tested for RA and was told it was in my blood, but they weren't sure if that's what I had as my pain wasn't always located in both hands at the same time or both feet at the same time. (Does RA always present itself that way?) 
So now 2 years later....I continue to experience many of these symptoms but they tend to come and go.  Now I'm finding knot's are beginning to form on the joints when I've had great pain in it for an extended period but mostly just in my right hand.
Do these symptoms resemble RA to you guys....even though its not always on both sides of my body at the same time? 

I've been trying to manage all of the pain with holistic remedies and asprin (the meds they gave me made me sick to my stomach), but sometimes the pain flares so bad it makes everyday tasks almost impossible.  I haven't gone back to the doctor since the knot's started forming...but I was just wondering if any of these symptoms ring true to you as being RA.   Or, if any of you know of anything else it could be.  I've got a doctor appointment coming up soon, but I was just wondering what your experiences have been as it relates to these issues.
Gayla39355.1817476852Gayla - none of us here are medical doctors and couldn't venture a guess as to what you have, but we hope your upcoming doctor's appointment sheds some light on this for you.  There are lots of sites (including this one off the main page) out there explaining arthritis, autoimmune, testing, medications - unfortunately, you have to be your own advocate and you are the best one to figure out what is wrong and what you should do, with a good physician working with you as you build a team.  Good luck and keep posting!