OT: How big were your babies? | Arthritis Information


I read this article online this morning about a woman in Russia who recently gave birth to a 17 pound baby girl....by c-section (THANK GOD). 
So, how big were your babies when they were born???
Kelsay was 7 pounds 1 ounce.  My little niece was only 4.5 pounds when she was born and a month early.  She is almost 9 months now and shes just now getting into 3-6 month clothing and the dr still has her on premie formula along w/ regular formula..She is just a little peanut...
Heres the article if yall wanna read it.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070926/od_uk_nm/oukoe_uk_russia _baby


Neve was 7 pounds, 13 onces.

My god, 17 pounds, I had trouble getting my 7.13 girl out, I needed a c section for that.

Wow how does a baby get that big? 

Mine were 6.13 and 6.7 and 6.11

Samantha was 7lb 4oz, Michael was 8lb 9oz and Nicole was 7lbs. My sisters son was 11lb 8oz.

17 lbs is HUGE. OUCH!! My friend had a little girl and she gave birth at 24 weeks, it was touch and go for a long time as the baby was only 700grams, she is 20 now and healthy as an ox.

Good morning,

17lbs wow!  Isabel was 8lbs 4oz when born.  She was delivered via c-section also because of the fibroid they found and my hip and knee replacements.  But 17lbs, that's huge!

Well my sister's first born was a little over a month early.  She was an even 8 lbs.  Makes me wonder how much she actually would have weighed if she went to full term.Oldest was 7 lb. 12 oz; youngest was 7 lb. 10 oz.

 mine were 6 1/2, then 8 1/2 (c section) 7 lb 2 oz, then 7 1/2.. the last 3 were sections

did you hear about the woman who  gave birth to 17 pounds worth of twins..2   8 + pound babies..yikes.


wow 8 lb twins...thats crazy...I thought my aunts twins that were both around 6.5 lbs were big for twins...That momma must have been huge!!! My son was 6lbs 12oz and my daughter four years later was 7lbs 11oz.Maureen was 7lbs 14 oz
Leslie was 5lbs 4oz, she came a month early

It took me an hour to push out Mo, I can't imagine how long it took with some of these big babies, 5 pushes and Leslie was out.


My babies were little, Breanna 5lb1oz. 17in, Trey 5lbs6oz 21in. Both premature, 8mos. No problems though

1st Son - 7lbs. 9oz.  - at 3 weeks premature

2nd Son - 8lbs. 14oz. - one week early

One son - 8 lbs. 3 ozs and 19"

A very short baby who grew up to be 6' 4".

Lindy, I got a tall one too.  My second ended up 6'5. First one only 5'10.  My daughter is a pip squeak, just 5'2.  Just goes to show, you never know what you're gonna pull out of the gene pool!

My first weighed 5 lb, 14 oz.

Second (and last) 6 lbs 4 oz.

Both were full term, just small.

My kids were born long ago, in the days that no one said anything about smoking or drinking. It's hard to believe that there was once a time when they didn't know that both were bad for babies.

A 17 lb baby sounds unnatural! That would be like having a newborn the size of a toddler!

My first born was 3 weeks early at 10lb 6oz
second child, one month early 9lb 2oz.  My dad was 1 stone at birth!!!!!!
hugs Janie.

whats a stone jane?

A frigging lot. [QUOTE=kelsaysmommy]

whats a stone jane?


An episiotomy from here to Australia


This thread is fun.....

HAHAHA google it Katie   Its where they cut part of the outside of your "vajayjay" (as Oprah calls it) if the baby is to big...it HURTS LOL [QUOTE=arriscolwell]

What's an episiotomy, Kelly?


This thread is fun.....


When the doctor feels the need to cut your girly stuff while you're giving birth, to get the baby out easier/faster.  Never had one.




This thread *was* fun.


I'm back to not wanting kids again. Thanks!

I know it is some unit of weight measurement, but that's all I have to offer.

A rock, a pebble. A mass that kids use to break windows. Something that sits on the other side of a hard place...Yeah, the episiotomy - first child, doctor used scissors and my husband watched with his mouth hanging open.  Then doctor had to use the salad tongs (forceps).  My daughter has WIDE shoulders, even to this day!!!

Second child, didn't need an episiotomy, son was smaller.  I just started bleeding heavily after the birth (buckets is how the doctor described it, LOL) and had to have what was basically a D & C right there, with no medication.  Believe me - that was far worse than labor ever was.  Husband was scared to death.

Third child - no need for episiotomy, because I tore before the doctor got to do it - all the way.  I wasn't sitting well for quite some time!

And men think blue balls is painful. HAH!

My children were ordered...lol...adopted.Aaron was  8 and Allyson 6 something lbs, I think........I was a 10 pounder, my dad was 12 lbs.Sis and brother both 7 lbs.

My grandmother gave birth in her home and when she gave birth to my dad, it messed up her bladder....so they say.I cannot imagine a 17 lbs baby...isn't that more than all the multiple births?

Now I will have to look all this stuff up!


A stone is 14 lbs, bloody huge, lol, janie.

Thank you Janie! Finally I know what weight is meant by "stone"

And people will, once again, think I am smart

Thanks again, Janie, for the information!

Have a good night!

Hugs, Nini

Thanks for the conversion as well...Now I get to be smart too!!! I gained 60 pounds with the first kid.  Getting in and out of my Geo Metro was a challenge those last two weeks or so!!!  I was huge as a house!!!

My mom had gestational diabetes so I think that was why she gained as much as she did.  She had a lot of problems when she was preggo w/ him.  Nothing major w/ the baby, just gestational diabetes, and EVERYTHING she ate gave her heartburn, she would drink water and it would give her heartburn.  She had a tough time w/ that pregnancy

I had no such excuse.  My pregnancy was great; no gestational diabetes or any other serious problems.  I did have issues with heartburn, but since I don't drink milk, I figured it was the baby's way of reminding me to take calcium (Rolaids).

Ok, so looking at some of the size of your children I had small babies that were long.

Eleya three weeks early 6lbs11oz/19 and a half inches.

Brandon full term + one day(yep a boy that's warm and fed) 8lbs3oz and 21 and a half inches.  He actually fit into 3mo clothes right out of the hospital. 

I had an episiotomy with Eleya...no time with Brandon....just ripped the heck out of myself delivering shoulders. He was delivered in two pushes.  Then my uterus collapsed!!!

Both my boys were 22 inches long.  The first one had unbelievably long fingers... still does!  And he's still tall for his age.  The second one is average height.  People think they are over 2 years apart - they're shocked to find out they're less than a year apart!

I've got to add mine to this.  I had twins at 38 1/2 weeks.  My son (baby A as they called him) was 8 pounds 8 ounces.  My daughter (Baby b) was 8 pounds 1 ounce.  That is just over 16 1/2 pounds of baby at once

So, my twins were almost as big as the record reported on here.  Although I never had gestestional diabities, I did swell terribly.  In the last month of pregnancy, I gained over 40 pounds and my knees were so swollen they weren't visible anymore.  But, it was the greatest diet I had every been on (lost 90 pounds in three weeks

Even to this day, my twins are tall for their age.  They turned 6 almost a month ago. My son is several inches over 4 feet tall and my daughter is almost four feet tall. 

My boy weighed 10 lb 1oz and was 22 inches long, he looked like a little budda. At 17 1/2 he is 5ft 11 has size 11 feet and is still growing
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