APer’s - my daughter FIZZED! | Arthritis Information


Finally got around to trying the epson salt, peroxide thing last night. Unbelievable!

She had regular bath first, so no germies should have been lingering. Then I filled a small tub with the warm salt water and let her decide what to soak, between her right hand/wrist or the foot with the purple toe.

(The toe has been with us for nearly three years. It used to be the color of a red grape 24/7, and for months drs. pinched it and said it was nothing, maybe her shoes rubbed. I was like, "If YOUR toe was purple, YOU would want to know what was wrong!" Freaked out infectious disease, finally, and after antibiotics, it has its good days and bad days. Generally normal in the a.m. and purples up by the end of the day. No pain. You are welcome to pinch it all you like, to see for yourself.)

So she picked the purple toe foot. I soaked my foot, too, and we watched Private Practice and simultaneously read a book about Snow White's first anniversary.

Go-Go, I didn't have a spray bottle, so I decided to just pour the peroxide. I have an 'inappropriate choice of footwear for walking around a festival' place on my foot that I expected to fizz, and wanted to test that in case it burned, too. Little fizz, no burn. Good - safe to try on my daughter.

Her foot fizzed like crazy. Okay, maybe everybody fizzes. Tried my same place again - no fizz. Tried her again - fizz.

Well, still, maybe there is first layer to get off or something. Tried my hand - no fizz.

Maybe kiddies are fizzier? Tried an unsoaked, unarthritised part of her leg. No fizz.

Damn! Let's see that toe again! Fizz, fizz, fizz.

Girl, stick your hand in that tub! She did, but not for long (it was getting late). No fizz there (that's on our agenda tonight).

One last try on the toe. No more fizz. But three times, people, three times.       

Just curious, what does the fizzing do?

Good question LOL. Gimpy-a-go-go posted on this about a week ago. Epson salt/peroxide baths are something that some people on antibiotic therapy/antibiotic protocol/AP do.

Some people say it helps, some people say it causes a terrible flare or a way too painful 'herx' reaction.

Since everything seemed all over the place, I never tried it on my daughter. But after Go-go's post, I was curious, because it seemed liked if you fizzed, there was something germy being drawn out of you by the soak.

After last night, let's say I'm reasonably convinced!   

OK, time to clean the tub!


For my baby too - she has vitiligo - lets see what this does on that.


Okay, but now I have question. If the soak draws anything out, is the peroxide really necessary? Yes, it is an audible sign something is there to fizz, but would whatever it is go back in? Does my question make sense? Would just a soak get the same results, to draw it out?

I think the peroxide is the draw-er for want of another word.  I know I probably avoided strep for years because whenever I felt it coming on I gargle w/ HP and killed off the germs.  But a hot soak would still be good because of arthritis - it helps loosen up muscles and tendons.


I did my fourth epsom salts/HP bath a couple of days ago, and actually nothing really happened except I felt nice and warm and clean. 

So far on AP minocin my chronic bleeding nose ulcers have cleared up and my right hand is no longer a numb block of ice.  My body temperature has regulated and I am not freezing cold all the time.  I believe the minor swelling from the tops of my legs to my toes has gone away, and this inflammation started about a year ago, before my diagnosis, and I was put on a dieuritic which I pitched after about three days as that wasn't working.  I wasn't retaining water, I had inflammation from undiagnosed RA.   

Other than that, I have my three-month rheumy labs pulled tomorr ow and I cannot wait to see him next Friday. 

I am so happy your daughter fizzled! !!!!  Let the fizzling begin !!!!!

Are you putting the HP in the tub? I did what Go-go did - applied it after. Maybe that is the difference. Also, there isn't much depth to a 4 yr. old's fourth toe, so it didn't have to penetrate much to do whatever it is it might be doing.

I do know three years of purple-ness is going to take a long time to go away, even if this is doing something to help.

Good luck Friday!!! Please post an update! I'm so glad you can tell positive changes so quickly.

I soak in hot water first since mine is systemic from my jaw to my toes for about five minutes.  I read this was to help open the pores just like a facial, and I pretend I am behind the red door getting a full day spa treatment instead :)  Then I add the salts.  I throw the closed bottle of HP into the hot water before I get in (I am learning), and then I just pour it all over me (its cold and I try to warm it up a bit before using it).  Then I soak for about five minutes on one side, getting my jaw up to my ears in, then turn over and do the other side.  Back and forth for 30 minutes. 

There is this slight feeling of your skin feeling like its been dried out, but when you touch the skin, it feels supple and moist, very odd.  So something happens, but I haven't fizzled yet.  Maybe I will try it the other way and see if I can get a fizzle going. 

I was given a yoga mat made out of soft plastic and I line the tub with it, otherwise I couldn't lay down because the hard tub hurt too much.  I also have a blow up bathtub pillow that sticks to the end where my head goes. 

But then I also have a white candle burning too, for cleansing light.  Next time I am bringing out the sage and feathers.  :) 

To heck with my appointment, keep us informed of your daughter's toe !!!   


now is this something that only works for AP'rs? Or can any of us try it?

KM - I forgot to post that I do the bath 30 minutes after taking minocin, supposedly this is the best time to do it.  But frankly, I would give it a try no matter what.  Since I am willing to do chemotherapy to slow down a disease process, I would give it a shot.  It's a great nice hot soak no matter what.  Plus your tub is really clean afterwards! 


KM -

I think anybody can try this stuff.  I thought GoGo thought it wouldn't work on non-APer's so she'd have to jump in and say why...but I think a lot of this stuff would work.  Here's my thinking...APer's didn't invent a lot of this stuff...they got it from other alternative/natural health people/groups.  The Whole Lemon drink is from Keep Hope Alive for AIDS people.  The sulpherated protein dish is from cancer research and can be viewed on www.arthritistrust.org under Essential Fatty Acids are Essential. 

I think the difference between APer's and non-APers (besides the split on infectious onset/autoimmune your body is attacking itself front) is that once somebody goes over to the infectious theory side they've already taken a leap in their own minds on what is happening to them.  When AP starts to work and they start to believe; it's a LOT easier to look into some of those 'non-mainstream' folk tales or other 'crunchy-new-age-natural remedies'.  So they start to experiment and some things work and some things don't but they're experimenting on all kinds of stuff like the diet link etc.

Does this make sense?


That's pretty interesting Suzanne---I'm glad she didn't get the stinging
bit. I'm curious to see if anything good happens over time, such as the
mysterious purple going away.

I haven't done an epsom salt/hydrogen peroxide bath for a while, even
though I probably could have used one. I was sure surprised the first time
I fizzled and stung!

Kelsaymom, I have no idea if it would do anything to those not on AP
(other than providing a relaxing bath), since it's just a thing I noticed
happned to me a couple of times, but since it only happens if it's a couple
hours after my ABX I assume there's a connection (but you know what
assuming does). The theory of minocin is it draws mycoplasma from
where it's hiding, so maybe some of it is close to the skin surface?
Hydrogen peroxide penetrates skin. But this is all conjecture from an
unscientific layman.

I sure feel better after these baths, though.

JSNM, you need to invest in a spray bottle! It will pay for itself in HP
savings in no time. I'm glad to hear AP is working out---it's a beautiful
thing.Last night was equally amazing.

We each soaked a hand/wrist. When I poured the HP on her, some got on my hand, so I quickly put it near my ear to listen. I was momentarily disappointed to hear fizzing, until I realized it was LOUDLY COMING FROM HER, and not at all from me!!! Unreal.

So now, she is very into this - it is a game. "I want to pour it, Mommy. I want to pour it on you. I promise I won't spill it. I want to pour it on this hand now."

So we play a little, only to both become convinced the only places that fizz are the pre-soaked arthritis-areas (it took longer to convince her, BTW, because she wants to pour, pour, pour, fizz, fizz, fizz; took a few fizzless attempts for her to get the message).

She was really too excited for me to be able to focus our efforts, but I'm just going to keep at this and see what happens. After the hand/wrist, she wanted to do her toe, but I didn't think she had soaked it long enough. I did fizz several times, though.

When we were done, she wanted her Polly Pockets to swim in the tub we had used...

We are going to do this every night! My mom says, 'Why not? It can't hurt. Just think about what she is telling them at school....'

So true. I can hear her - 'My mommy makes my arthritis fizz.'               

This is soooo cool! 

Suzanne - did you notice on the RB that Jennhere has a purple finger?  You might tell her about this!  It's a bit down on the threads!


I'm glad I'm not the only one this happens to because it means I'm not crazy!
Or at least not as crazy as possible, haha.

Suzanne, I would caution to only do the HP a couple of times a week. I'm
sorry, I can't remember where I read it, but when I was researching HP baths
I found that advice. I'm really sorry I can't be more specific as to why. I'll look
for the reason again and if I find it I'll post it here.

I'm going to have an ES/HP bath tonight!

Suzanne - that is absolutely amazing.  The more I read about the infectious nature of this "lurker", the more I am convinced there is an agent (mycoplasma) that can be treated (minocin).  The fizzing is proof.  Has your daughter complained of pain in her areas before and is she now saying the pain is reduced?  Bet her shoes feel better too!  Thanks for the great updates. 

PS  I had my blood and urine tests today for my rheumy appt. next week.  I cannot wait, he didn't do a bone density baseline 15 months ago when I was diagnosed and my new great primary ordered it immediately and I am deep into osteoporosis.  I cannot wait.  Plus I bled alot after the blood draw today, which is really unusual.  It just plain gets more interesting each day. 

JSNM, are you using fish oil? That really thins your blood and I bleed a lot
more from my monthly blood test pokes since I've been using it.

I'm curious to hear your test results, too. Please share when you get them!Gimpy-a-gogo39353.4756944444 [QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo]JSNM, are you using fish oil? That really thins your blood and I bleed a lot
more from my monthly blood test pokes since I've been using it.

I'm curious to hear your test results, too. Please share when you get them![/QUOTE]

Yea, I bleed alot from shaving cuts, much to the amusement of the husband.

I believe it says you should do a Fizzle Bath twice a week.  Sometimes less is better, but she is very young and its not like her whole body is in a tub like us "age-challenged" "hurt from head to toe" posters.  I would read the directions on the HP bottle and see what it says for her age group. 

Pip - I saw jennhere was back, but it looked like an insurance/divorce drama that I can't help with, so I didn't read it all. I'll check it out, though.

Go-go - I think I have seen something about frequency, too. I never paid total attention to ES/HP posts, because it seemed like it was either the best thing that had ever happened to someone, or it nearly killed them! (I mean, I think I saw those exact words once...) But those were about 'total' baths, and when I saw how you just 'spritzed', I thought it was worth a try. We are just immersing body parts, not a body, too. It seems like, if what it seems like is happening, it should be okay to keep it up - get it out, don't let it build back up?

Cathy - she has not complained of pain (except, really, after steroid injections, go figure) since her initial abx treatment in June 2005 (before that, she cried when I touched her). That is why I moved mountains to get her back on AP.

I'll try to describe the only difference I can tell. The Toe started out in the beginning as a purple 'sausage-digit'. All the docs were in agreement: "She has arthritis, but the way she presents makes us think it is coming from an infectious cause. That toe..."; "Her wrist blah blah blah, but that toe..." Left them speechless. Never painful then, but her whole body was.

After first round of abx, it would be normal color and purple up by the end of the day and that is how it stayed. Right before she started AP, a second opinion ped rheum declared it was not a sausage-digit, because it now was more bulbous - narrow at the foot, then ballooned out.

On AP, it has stayed bulbous and usually gets purple by the end of the day.

The morning after the first fizzies, it was very purple from the joint to the end of the toe. That made me think that 'stuff' was pulled there, you know?

Maybe maybe maybe it was more narrow at the foot, too, but it is so hard for me to decide stuff like that, looking everyday.

Sorry about the osteoporosis, but I might have some encouraging news for you after my daughter's xrays are reread. The first read showed that where her arthritis has improved, so has her osteopenia! But I can't get too excited, yet - the dude, er, physician who read them was not a ped radiologist (and they were done at a children's hospital!!!), so we are having them reread locally. Heck, she may not even have osteopoenia....he's not even board-cert in radiology....     

Suzanne - I shouldn't be laffing, but the way you ending that .... justsaynoemore39353.4966898148I laugh, too. Or else I wouldn't be able to stop crying. It's ridiculous, isn't it???Hubby's home, so she fizzed for him last night. He fizzed in one spot, where he had bitten his nail too far (and he said it burned, big baby LOL, and yes, he still bites his nails at 55).

He's convinced. And he is going to ask his GP about it this week when he goes for a checkup. Hmmm....I'd like to be a fly on the wall for THAT conversation.....I'll let you know how that goes. The GP will probably think it is time to change up some of his meds.
Okay, so I had my epsom salt/ hydrogen peroxide bath last night and it was a doozie. I've been having trouble with my hands the last few days which normally don't bother me too much, and when I sprayed HP on them they really started stinging in certain places and I fizzed so loud all over---much louder than I ever have---and all these white spots started appearing on my hands but only in the spots I've been having trouble with. Those spots also started looking angry and red. So it looked like a had a swollen red rash with white blisters all over it. It hurt so much I thought I must be burning the skin with the HP, but then I realised that's ridiculous; people put HP onto open wounds! I rinsed off my hands but the white spot stayed because it was the HP fizzing under my skin! So I thought, if these are those little mycobuggers I want to kill as many as possible while I have them here, so I kept spraying HP on the spots until the bottle ran out. It was really stinging and I thought there might be scarring, but this morning my hands look normal except the skin that was red is a little dry.

Also, my hands don't hurt nearly as much.

I also had the wherewithal to snap some pics with my digital camers, just so you could see how dramatic it was, but this morning when I tried to download them they were corrupted. AAARGH! If it happens again I will think of the camera right away. I'd really like people to see. The whole experience was wierd in that I COULD SEE THE ARTHRITIS pattern on the outside of my hand---it's hard to explain but it made me feel kind of panicky.

What is it, what is going on when this happens? It certainly fits in with Dr Brown's theories of disease migration. While it was happening I speculated a lot; stuff like maybe that's just patches of dry skin or I have something on my skin, but I had just taken a bath so it couldn't be that.

I guess all I know its it stings and fizzes and then the RA pain is less.

That's all I'm sayin'....ya know?

BTW, I forgot to mention this bath was 3 and 1/2 hours after I took my Minocin. My other baths have all been about 2 hours after.

JustSayNoeMore, I'd be curious if sometime you tried the bath a little longer than 1/2 hour after to see if anything like this happens to you. It seems amazing we haven't heard of such a thing before.

I'd also be curious to hear what happens if a non-APer tries the bath. Any willing co-experimenters, please report!

GoGo - I usually forget about the timing of the minocin and just go take the bath :)  I read about the 1/2 hour after taking it, but I am such a loonie about time that I take the bath when I have the time.

I am shocked at what happened to you and keep us informed the next 48 hours or so, I want to know if anything else happens.  I have a good friend who a long time ago said she noticed that when she had a mouth canker sore, and it would run its course of about 10-14 days, then she would have a pimple somewhere and the infection would burst out.  So I am curious if anything else happens after a wild bath like that - what an experience.  

However, I do understand the part about the arthritic pattern under the skin.  I started seeing all this growing of irregular light colored areas in the palm of my hands a few years ago, but its only under certain times I can see it.  And never at the doctors, never LOL.  When I get out of the HP bath, that pattern is very pronounced.  But it hasn't gotten under my skin nor stung, nothing like that.  It's actually a little boring. 

How's Suzanne little girl's toe doing?  I love it, Family Fizzle Night.   

We could start a National Fizzle Day and I bet the manufacturer's of hydrogen peroxide would fund it.  Then the Nobel Prize for Medicine.  Let's not hold anything back here :)  http://rheumatic.org/weg.htm


justsaynoemore39354.7278587963Tell me what to do with this fizzle bath and I will be more than happy to give it a try.  I'm a non-Aper currently not on any RA medication.  This fascinates me.  And I have RA in every joint in my body from the nose down.  What do I do? Fill a spray bottle with epsom salts and hydrogen peroxide.  Do I add any water?  It sounds like I need to take a bath before hand.  Instructions please.  I'll be the non-Aper guinea pig.  LOL

Too cool, Steph!

My hubby is going to conduct an experiment and come here and post about it.  We're using me, the baby (no ABX but a skin myco infection) and him - technically no AI disease.



SGordon69, that would be great!

To do an epsom salt/hydrogen peroxide bath, fill a bath with hot water
and soak 5 minutes, then add one or two cups of epsom salts and soak
for about 15 minutes.

Get out of the tub and with a spritz bottle spray hydrogen peroxide on
yourself, leave on for about 5 minutes, and rinse.

That's all!

There's variations you can do, such as not soaking in the bath before
adding the salts. Also, how people usually do it is to saok in the salt
water and then add 3 or 4 bottles of hydrogen peroxide to the bath and
soak for another 5 minutes (you shouldn't stay in the bath for too long,
especially the first time you take one). For our experiment purposes I
hope you use the spray bottle method so we can compare experiences.

Thanks, SGordon69!

I think we are fizzed out.  Last night was very anti-climatic, but I also couldn't get her to soak long, not even five minutes.  She just can't wait to fizz LOL!  We will take a break tonight, and try tomorrow.

What an amazing day she had yesterday, though!  Dance class in a.m., ran errands with hubby, neighborhhood church festival later(Catholic, BTW, which amazes hubby they sell beer there...) where she climbed big inflatable obstacle courses and jumped billions of times.  Never slowed down, and we were wiped out.

Her toe still looks the same, but I would state under oath that I got more extension in her wrist yesterday.  She's not getting it on her own, but she let me get it (active vs. passive).

Go-go, wow what a great story!!!  And I'm glad you are feeling better in those areas, too. 

Steph - good luck and I can't wait to hear how it goes!

Fizzed out ROFLMAO  I remember Fizzies from childhood!  Did they outlaw those? 

Okay, if we are going to win the Nobel Prize for Fizzle Medicine, we need an official Fizzle protocol, then apply to the FDA, then keep copious records, oh, need an official fizzle medical license, then present our results to the JAMA for publication, and have a big party in Oslo, we could fizzle in their hot springs. 

I plan on fizzling later today - I am going to try to the spray bottle approach this time. 

Thanks to the non-APers, healthy husbands, and anyone else trying this for this race to the Nobel Prize for Fizzle Medicine.  Actually, I guess this BBS is our official record ...

Well, here is another anecdote from the Annals of Fizzicine. 

My older daughter had a gross viral thing she got from swim team - molluscum.  Little warts all over.  Ped said they would go away on their own, but they would look worse before they got better and since there were some on her face, we should see a derm.

Derm said use this cream, and it will look worse before it gets better.  Come back in a month.

It looked worse, so we were happy it was getting better.

Went back to derm, who turned to me, eyes wide, and said through clenched teeth, "She's having an allergic reaction to the cream!"

Got three types of creams for the different reactions on different parts of her body, and they popped out the warts they saw left.

Some were missed, so we went back to the ped.  She said, "Well, it's an old wive's tale, but you can try Betadine."  

That stuff worked.  When we went back again, I told her it worked, and she said, "Guess what?  Hydrogen peroxide works, too.  That is what they telling are telling us at conferences now!"

So from drugs and multiple copays and an allergic reaction, I could have used a bottle of HP.... 


Well, here is another anecdote from the Annals of Fizzicine. 

My older daughter had a gross viral thing she got from swim team - molluscum.  Little warts all over.  Ped said they would go away on their own, but they would look worse before they got better and since there were some on her face, we should see a derm.

Derm said use this cream, and it will look worse before it gets better.  Come back in a month.

It looked worse, so we were happy it was getting better.

Went back to derm, who turned to me, eyes wide, and said through clenched teeth, "She's having an allergic reaction to the cream!"

Got three types of creams for the different reactions on different parts of her body, and they popped out the warts they saw left.

Some were missed, so we went back to the ped.  She said, "Well, it's an old wive's tale, but you can try Betadine."  

That stuff worked.  When we went back again, I told her it worked, and she said, "Guess what?  Hydrogen peroxide works, too.  That is what they telling are telling us at conferences now!"

So from drugs and multiple copays and an allergic reaction, I could have used a bottle of HP.... 


Newer, more expensive isn't necessarily better, that's for sure!!  I've worked in the pharmaceutical industry for most of my adult life.  Unless I'm dying, I won't take a newer drug, especially for chronic use.  I prefer the older drugs, with a proven track record.  Same goes for my husband.  He has a cardiac condition, and takes several medications regularly.  All of his medicines are generic.  We can definitely afford the newer whiz-bang stuff, but even his cardiologist prefers the older drugs, because they've been extensively studied.  So often, a "new" drug is just a slight modification of an older drug.  The main enhancement is to the drug companies' bottom line.

Jasmine, thank you for your post.  I am just about two inches away from stopping Boniva, I do not like what is happening.  Cathy

Okay, well considering I'm not able to take a bath because I can't get up out of the tub once I'm in, I think I will soak a part of my body like Suzanne has been doing with her daughter and then do the spray bottle.  I've copied the instructions, Gimpy so I'll try one probably Wednesday.  I'm going to soak my right hand because it's been bugging me lately and the wrist bone has been sticking out.  So, expect a report of my fizzing experiment on either Thursday or Friday.

Oh, one last thing.  Should I handle this soaking of a part differently than if I was soaking whole body?

Well, I would skip the presoak and just go straight to the epsom salt soak.
You have to put a generous amount of salt----fortunatly it's cheap! I'm
curious what will happen.

Good luck, scientist!

Thanks Gimpy.  I bought epsom salt recently for a cut so I have a HUGE container of it.  I'm VERY curious to find out what happens.  I will keep you all posted on this and see if I can take pictures if I have those spots.  I want to hear some fizzing.  LOLOkay, so I did another epsom salt bath/hydrogen peroxide mist tonight and my hands had the same reaction, although not nearly as dramatic as the one on Friday. That one was a lot more spots and red stinging that went on for a long time. Tonight it only lasted for about 5 minutes. But these pictures I took can give you a general idea. (Even these pictures aren't great so you can only see the white spots where they were really pronounced. There were more on a lot of the joints, mostly on my right hand. Sorry the pictures are so red----I couldn't use a flash and it was hard to take pictures with my left hand):

Gimpy-a-gogo39357.0935416667Drrrr....here's the link to the page they're on, since I can't seem to make
them show up:

Oh boy GoGo, that is pretty incredible.  That is what HP does when it hits infection - fizzles and boils up like that to clean it out.  Is this hand and those areas where you have alot of RA pain and stiffness?  I felt great yesterday after my big soak, but I sure don't get anything like that, but I can see those patches/patterns just under my skin.  Just think, our first pictures for the entry into the Fizzle Hall of Fame!  LOL  Cathy PS You might want to check your settings, sometimes you have to enable html inserts to be added to posts - all these boards have different settings.  Or below look at your POST REPLY, at the bottom is a box to check to enable Forum Codes, you might not have that checked.  AMAZING, Go-go!

Cathy, too bad she isn't a peds patient. I would elect you to write an abstract for the Keystone Pediatric Rheumatology Symposium - they have extended their deadline for abstracts, you know (um, that's scary, I guess there isn't much going in that field, huh?)


Suzanne - don't tempt me.  LOL 

An Abstract About An Abstract:  Fizzling a/k/a fizzing, as the newest delivery system.  Poster board with pictures.  LOL

Yes, those patches are where the hand pain is. Usually I don't feel any
involvement in my hands but I had a lot this week.

The white patches are actually kind of "in" the skin, and the HP stings like
crazy. I so wish the pictures I took from the first time worked out,
because it' was a LOT more white patches with red rash-looking areas
underneath, and you could really see the pattern of the arthritis. I guess
the infectious thing is less, or less on the surface, in these pics.

My middle finger, where you can see a lot of white on the joint in the
front of my hand, was once seriously infected with some kind of yeast
fungus in the nail, and it took me months of topical anti-fungal to get rid
of it. The finger has never been the same. I guess it's a week spot so the
mycoplasma concentrate there (if what we are looking at is mycoplasma,
which at this point is starting to seem likely).

I took those pics 3 hours after taking 100mg Minocin. I'm going to print
them and show my RD next time I see her.


I secomd that suggestion.  Your writing is very insightful.  When I have time I like reading your conclusions.

:) LuAnn

LuAnn, thank you, that is a huge compliment.  And I like hearing about your progress.  Take care ~~ CathyGoGo, thanks for the answer on if the HP fizzle matched your RA or pain or inflammation.  That's pretty convincing evidence.  Let us know what your rheumy says.  Maybe we should get a booth at the next American College of Rheumatologists Convention :)  Suzanne - I keep going back to your message, there is no research going on in pediatric rheumatology?  I know that it is the least picked profession, when it's such an amazing science.  I am getting the impression they don't make as much money as, say, the gynocologists or psychiatrists.  I am too lazy to do a google search, what is Keystone?  Thanks.  CathyI have no idea - maybe something the ACR slapped on their event? It is a ski trip sponsored by the ACR, looks like to me.

I'm sure there is some research going on, but it did surprise me to see 'Deadline extended', you know?

The AF funds a researcher, who I am considering starting a fan club for LOL! I'll start a new thread with the part of his 'message' that gets me all...tingly...

According to our ped rheum, they make no money. Nobody wants to go into it, because you are so pitifully destitute and nobody will hire you because you don't bring in any patients, and they just don't realize how much cash you can bring to the institution by ordering xrays, MRIs, and labs (he says as he orders xrays, MRIs, and labs).

Why, oh why, does this man ever open his mouth in my presence? Does he think I do not listen???   Argh...it's all so frustrating. No where in the world? Or just no where in the US?

So last night I sprayed my hand with HP for science. I didn't have any Minocin all day, and I was hurtin' so I took an epsom salt bath (always SO NICE even without the HP), and I thought I would try putting some HP on my hand to see what happened. Not much happened. There was a little stinging on my pinkie knuckle and a few white pinpricks. It didn't last long. I tried to take a picture but my camera won't pick up enough detail so it just looks like a normal hand.

Curioser and curiouser, said Alice...
It has slowed down for my daughter, too, but she has come to look forward to the soaks as well! Just a little on the toe last night (no white), and she didn't soak her hand/wrist long enough, so it didn't surprise me there.

I am getting more range out of her wrist, though. I don't know if I should stop the ES/HP for a few days, in hopes of another big fizz OR keep up the soaks because the frequency is helping. I never got this from her normal evening bath time, so it isn't just warm water helping.   Suzanne, we are on the verge of breaking fizzle technology here, so I bet no one has any idea on if you should stop for a few days.  I personally take rests from all my vitamins and therapies, and then go back after a short break.  Some things I drop completely, others I am back on in a couple of days because I missed them.  I am religious about medication, but baths, salts, HP?  I have no clue.  I like it that you are getting better ROM in her wrist - a very good sign.  You are a good Mom, she is a lucky girl. 
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