Bad Weekend! | Arthritis Information


Hey Everyone,

Hope you all had a better weekend than me. Ive been in pain since Fri night. Im still taking Predisone but only 10mgs a day until I see my Rheumy. I guess that isnt enough to totally kill the pain, and Plaquenil just doesnt seem to be helping much. I made myself get up Sat after much pep talking, I had so much to do, including a baby shower to attend so I couldnt stay in bed like I wanted to. I drug myself around all day on my cane and forced myself to enjoy the shower since it was my necies baby shower. Sunday I spent the majority of the day in bed although I got a phone call everytime I started to doze off. So I still didnt rest very much. To top it all off Im at work today hobbling around on my right knee trying to make to the end of the day.

I guess Im just tired of being in pain now. It different if it wasnt a constant thing, then I could probably function better. All I wanna do is stay in the bed cuz it hurts to much to move. But when I do I feel so lazy and then I start guilting myself for not trying harder to do something productive. I know Im whining big time today but Im really feeling it now. My feet, ankles knees, hips, hands, wrists, and shoulders are all giving me the blues.  I know I should be more optimistic but its hard when all I can focus on is pain.

My next appointment is the 23rd of this month. Im trying to be patient but its hard. Will the meds ever work for me? Am I just being impatient? I dont know, I think I need some sugar!!!!!!!

Thanx for listenting


OMG Shawnie.  You SOUND JUST LIKE MY WHININGS!!!!  If nothing else, you made me feel better to not be alone.  Sugar only works for short periods but it is bliss while you are stuffing your face with it.  I know the guilt too.  I feel it this morning but I just don't feel like doing anything.  Sorry you have to be at work I'm so sorry Shawnie, just like Roxy said if the 15 mg. of prednisone makes you feel better you need to do what's good for you and because you're worth it!!  And you're worth feeling better and not being in all that pain so take the 15 mg. of prednisone and feel better sweetie.

Take care,

Shawnie, you have the same joints affected that I.  I have small joint problems too but it's the large ones that affect me the worse.  Plus, mine problems started with the large joints and apparently this is the opposite of most people.

I stayed home sick today.  I ran a fever yesterday and I am so tired.  I have started sleeping during the day which is something I never did in the past.  I have an office at work so I close my door in the morning for my 15 minute break, set my alarm and lay down on the floor and fall asleep.  I do the same for my lunch period.  I hope no one ever catches me, it will be so embarrassing. 

Don't feel about whining; we all need that opportunity.  It is easier to do it here because everyone at this post knows what we are talking about.  I don't (try not to) do it here at home because I don't want to worry my family.  My husband insisted I stay home today.  I have so much work and so many meetings this week that it just isn't a good week to be home but he got mad at me because I was putting my job before my health.  It is hard to explain that my sense of responsibility overcomes my common sense.

I hope you feel better soon.

Cristene,  Right before they put me on short term disability, I would come home for lunch, set my alarm for 30 min and nap.  I had never done that before.  I would rather sleep than eat.  I also would go park the truck behind a tree somewhere and close my eyes.  I used to think how embarrassed I would be if someone saw me

I agree a support group would be wonderful if we all lived in the same place. Sometimes I need to just vent to the folks who truly understand what I am going thru. And the guilt thing is really bad, probably just makes me feel worse than I already do. I know I need to get over it and its not my fault that I feel the way I do, but I guess cuz Ive always been an active person its hard for me to just sit still and not do anything(plus my mother has drummed into my head that you should always be active, laziness just didnt happen in her house).


I dont know why 10mgs of predisone doesnt seem to do as well, but I will try 15 to see if that helps. Thanx for the tip.


I hope you feel better hon. You did what I probably should have done today STAY HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But thats what I get for trying to be the good employee.