Ok, I guess my gallbladder is not fine | Arthritis Information


Had the HIDA scan Tues. did fine until they injected the stuff to simulate a fatty meal and that's when the pain started. Yesterday was not much better, but last night, I went down hill fast. My pain shot up to a 10 and I was curled up in a ball crying hysterically. Hubby called my pain dr (it was after hours and he was in surgery at the time) Pain doc said to give me up to 80, Yes I said 80 mg of vicoden, 20mg at a time until morning when I could reach my gastro and pcp. This morning we called the gastro and he is not in today, but I have an appt tomorrow morning. I see my primary today at 3:00, but I know he won't do anything since I am seeing gastro tomorrow. I'm feeling ok on all these pain meds so far, but eventually someone has got to get to the bottom of this. Without really realizing it, I have cut out all fatty foods over the last year and the test brought it all back. (pain, I mean). Anytime we go out to eat, I ususally end up vomiting and figured it was because I ate something too rich that my body is not used to. I even saw my primary for it, thinking it was the salads and he said it was normal at my age to become less tolerant of foods. Hello, I am 42...

Sooo, we'll see if I go into surgery right away or not. Grrr

I had several really bad gall bladder attacks before I finally went to the ER at 2am one night thinking I was having a heart attack.  Ultrasound showed my gallbladder to be so full of stones, it was three times the normal size and I was getting stones caught in the duct!  I went home 1.5dats later, minus one very bloated gallbladder!  Good luck, the surgery isn't too bad!!  In the meantime, ask for something stronger the vicodin!!!  I shot in the but of Tordal does wonders!  < =text/>_popupControl(); (((hugs)))  The gall bladder surgery is not too bad.  It is a same day procedure and they do it laproscopically with only 3 small incisions.  They throw in a couple of stitches in each incisions that you go back and have removed after like 10 days or so.  You will feel incredibly better after it is out.  You still have to watch your diet with the fatty foods and the rich foods tho.  I couldnt tell you how many times we've been to the ER with this pain and they give me an IV with either dilaudid or morphine and send me home - after waiting for hours and hours.... I finally stopped going. I have had a few ultrasounds and they are always fine. Frustrating as hell.Deb, I'm so sorry you're still going through this.  Poor thing.  Hope the doc helps you tomorrow, even if it means surgery.  Will be waiting to hear. 

I don't think ultrasound always picks up on a bad gall bladder and you have to have the scan done to see if anything is passing thru the gall bladder or not.  It's not just stones that can cause a bad gladder.  It can stop working altogether like Justin's and Danny's did.  < =text/>_popupControl();

Or you maybe have an infected, inflammed disease gall bladder because you are sick with a chronic disease of inflammation - acute cholecystitis if they remove it and that's the biopsy result, be sure they put you on antibiotics if so.  Deb, are you taking the regular Vicodin 5/500 (5mg hydrocodone and 500mg acetaminophen)?  If so, taking 4 at a time (20mg hydrocodone) would be 2000mg of acetaminophen, which is twice the maximum single dosage.  Repeating that several times in a night, up to 80mg hydrocodone, would give you 8000mg of acetaminophen, in far less than 24 hours.  You are seriously risking acute acetaminophen toxicity and liver failure.  If you're in that much pain I think perhaps you should be in the hospital where they can adequately treat your pain and monitor for side effects.  And if you have taken such a large quantity of acetaminophen, you really ought to call poison control ASAP.  It's an overdosage.

Please take care!!!!

I had an attack a few days before my scheduled surgery.  I ended in the ER.  They gave me a shot of toradol (sp?) and it did make a difference.

Maybe if you go to ER and tell them about the pain and that you are awaiting surgery (like I did) they will give you a shot.  Then something to settle your stomach too.

Good luck.  Keep us posted please.

I was just going to post what Jasmine posted.......way too much too much Acetaminophen.

I agree you need to be in the hospital and given Toradol or one of the other pain medications.  Your primary needs to admit you, put you on other pain meds, IVs, no solid foods and get a gastro consult immediately, like today, not tomorrow.  This would be the normal routine for someone in as much pain as you're in.  Your primary isn't taking any responsibility here.  Sorry to be so blunt but you need medical care not an overdose of Acetaminophen.  If it worsens please go to the ER.  Lindy


Deb, I am soo soo sorry that you are in so much pain.  I hope they move quickly and get you into surgery before the weekend.  Stay in bed and just rest.  Try some Peppermint tea to relax you. 

Like Jaz said...I am worried about the acetaminophen...our livers are so precious to us. 

Sorry to hear things are so bad Deb. I hope you can get this resolved soon.

Get well soon.

As others have posted, Toradol rocks.  Whenever I have surgery, I always skip the postop morphine and opt for a shot of Toradol, 2 Vicodin and a Coke.  Morphine does nothing except make me vomit.  Toradol has taken away pain that nothing else could touch.


Be very careful of the acetaminophen!  You need your kidneys too!


Deb are you out there?  Are you OK?  I hope your silence means you're resting peacefully at the hospital with a big fat IV full of painkillers, and a caring, attentive nursing staff making sure you're comfortable and safe.


 Good luck Deb with your surgery, hope you will be fine in a few days with no more stomch pain Hey Deb - how are you???
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