28th sept.2007. chat for a new day | Arthritis Information


Good morning. Just to let everyone that has sympathised with me that I have a fully working shower room. Its amazing what you miss when you havent got it.

OMG my elbow hurts like nothin else today. It feels all swollen and bruised up.  I have no idea what I did cause I went to bed and it was fine...Just another day in paradise eh? LOL

Othere then that, nothing exciting.  Hubby is working late to make up for not being there tomorrow....so yea its just me and Kelsay tonight.  Hopefully its quieter then it was last night.  The HS had their Homecoming parade so the dog had to bark at EVERY noise and this went on for a good 45 mins so yea I had a good headache afterwards.
Hope everyone has a great day!!!

Sorry to hear about your elbow, it sounds really painfull, try a compress. Maybe you slept with bent up or something. I woke up like that last week and had to wear my sleeping brace for a few days. I hate that thing. Hope you and kelsay have a good night.Your elbow sounds painful, does it pop? Mine would pop loudly when I bent it about 3 weeks ago. then The Remicade infusions started to work (I guess). I'm so sorry as it is impossible to do anything without your arms. My foot has stopped hurting, but I'm in a no prednisone downer.....more coffee! Walking the beach! Lyndano, it doesnt pop, it hurts to touch it or when I lean it on the table.  i felt it just now and theres a big bump on it right below my elbow towards my handIt could be bursitis, infection, who knows?  Put ice on it to take the pain/swelling down.  If it doesn't improve, see your doc next week.  If it gets worse, go to the ER/urgent care this weekend!!!

Morning everyone.  I hope everyone has a great day.

kelsaysmommy I hope your elbow feels better once it gets moving. 

Has Humira worked for you? , could you ask for more mtx? I take 20mgs. (not losing hair), folic. or more pred, ugh. (I've finally gotten off of it but don't feel as good as on it,)Lynda

Yea Humira works great for me, as does Mtx, Im just about to take both now actually. 
Kelly, I'll put ice on it and see how that helps.  And I'll call the dr on Monday if its not feeling better by then. 

Thanks for the advice everyone!

G' morning everyone!  Shannon, sorry about the elbow - hope it feels better.

Lisa, I'm glad you are showering again.  It was getting a little "ripe" in here, LOL!

Reporting from the eastern front that all systems are "Go!".  It's another gorgeous, summer-like day here.  Hope to shovel out my cage a bit today!


                     Good Morning Everyone

It's a beautiful fall-ish morning here in N.C. Cooler weather is on the way! Yipee! Hope it's nice weather where you are!

Shannon sorry about your elbow, can you bend and lift it? I had that one time and if I accidentally leaned on a table or hit it in a certain spot I would almost cry from the pain. Sounds like bursitis, you may need a shot in it

Well I have to finish up that laundry I started 3 days ago

Hope everyone has a great pain free day! Any great plans for the weekend? Hubby is in golf tournament, Trey is moving out to his friends place, so I guess ya'll have to entertain me


Mona,  yea I can bend and lift it.  It hurts a little bit if I have to carry something.  I'm hoping I just hit it or layed on it the wrong way last night.  We'll see how the weekend goes and if it doesnt improve I'll call my RD.  But now the bumb is more noticable then it was this morning. If its not one thing its another eh? I DONT WANT A SHOT...those suckers hurt...the steroid shots..OMG i got one in my lower back and I was crying during it....it worked though LOL

 off to the bank this cloudy am in the west.  I hope they can help us out,by lowering payments.good luck at the bank Shelly!!! Once when I was pregnant I developed a huge, hard lump on my calf.  It hurt like hell and was warm to the touch.  Of course, I immediately assumed I was dying of a blood clot... until my husband reminded me that I had tripped over something an hour before that and I had hit my leg on the corner of the coffee table as I tried to remain upright.


 Well Shannon if you can bend and lift, it probably isn't bursitis, thank the Lord

Jasmine I thought I was the only one to get huge ugly bruises and never remember how I did itMy elbows never hurt until my flare a year ago, you never realize how much you use a joint until it starts to hurt all the time, so I hope yours is just short term. I may be losing my mind, I got up from the computer yesterday morning and my pajama pants were on the arm of the couch and I wondered how they got there. I wear them downstairs, now that I'm not working, but never carry them down once I'm dressed for the day, so I thought someone else must have brought the extra pair down, but the extra pair were in the drawer last night, so now I'm wondering where my head was at. Guess I better go smell the bananas. I'm working from home today, waiting for FedEx to bring my bed.  I can't wait to put it together with the boys!!!  Last year I bought a couple of ready-to-assemble dressers from Target.  The boys (who were almost 6 and almost 7 at the time) wanted to help put them together, so I agreed. I was sure that it was going to be a day-long fiasco ending in a trip to the ER.  But they have to learn some time, right?  Anyway, I put together the first drawer (complete with the side rails and the handle) and they helped hold things in place.  We referred to the directions, and I asked them to tell me what goes where.  I went to grab the stuff for the second drawer, and my oldest one said "Stop! We will build it for you."  Well, I was feeling adventurous, so I said what the heck.  The worst that could happen would be I would have to order a new drawer kit from the manufacturer, and someone might get a minor injury.  So I sat back and watched.  They worked together and put the whole thing together by themselves!  They referred to the directions when necessary, and took turns using the screwdriver and holding parts in place.  They went on to build the other 6 drawers.  When it came time to put the cabinet together, I had to help, because it was taller than they were.  But they led the way; I was just the muscle.

Shannon, my RA is in the hands(fingers) and my elbows, more so my right one though. They often feel as thought I've banged them... god help me if I forget and I lean on something when they are flaring. It feels like I should have a great big bruise but as usual, nothing to show for the discomfort.


Jasmine that's so funny, my son watched me put the milk in the dishwasher yesterday.. I didnt realise until I stood up and he was giving me the look that says... 'mum you've really lost it'... so glad its not just me

Well, I'm having a slight freak out here.  The dr called to inform me that Isabel's lead levels went up again.  They're still assuming that it's from the calcium however over the last month I've read everything I was going to give her to make sure there's no calcium in it.  We've gone over the house to check that there aren't any spots where the deleading paint has scratched or peeled off and cleaned off the deleaded areas.  All of this was done last month because her lead levels went up then too.  Now, I'm wondering if there is lead in the dirt in the back yard and if although the lead inspector was supposed to test that area, possibly she didn't.  Also wondering if lead dust can be carried on clothing from one place to another because her father's house still has untreated lead paint in it and is it possible that he could be carrying it on his clothing when he has visits with her.  Looks like a phone call to the doc however they called right as they were leaving the office so I have to wait until Monday.  UGH!

Okay, end of my rant.  I hope everyone is having a good day.

OMG that's scary!  Definitely check out the dirt; it might not hurt to buy one of those mail-in lead test kits and swab your dad's clothes at the end of the day to see if he picks up a measurable quantity of lead.  Is it possible that the chelation therapy is pulling lead out of bones or other tissues so that the blood level temporarily rises?  I must admit, I don't know much about this stuff.  I hope you get answers soon. Well I'm getting bored.  I've sat in on a couple of conference calls today, worked on scheduling for next week, and fired off emails about tasks that still aren't done (though the engineers claim they were).  And there's an email flame war where the service department and the engineering department are lobbing potshots at each other, arguing over who is going to fix the latest engineering snafu.  Gawd it's like dealing with 7-year olds.  I can't wait for the delivery truck to get here, so I can go out and grab some lunch.

[QUOTE=JasmineRain]I lose my clothes everywhere.  I'm usually trying to do 10 things at once and easily get sidetracked as I'm gathering up stuff to get ready for bed at night or get ready for work in the morning.  There's always a fight, or a homework question, or something mysteriously broke itself and needs to be fixed RIGHT AWAY.

Hey I do that stuff all the time! But I go for hours without remembering what the heck I was to be doing. It is not that I get sidetracked, it is that I forget what I was going to do. So, I go back to where I thought of what I was going to do, to help me remember what made me think of what I was going to do. Just like my meds from the other night. It actually took me a while to remember what I was going into the kitchen for, and then I did remember... I forgot why I was going to eat and drink something... I just thought I was hungry

I have forgotten to eat. Yep, I have put stuff in the microwave and then forget about it. And when hubby came home from work about 2 hours later he would find my food in the microwave, and ask me how long it had been in there, and I would usually reply with "about noon? I do not know." Then he would chunk it into the garbage. OMG joonie I forget to eat too.  Especially if the kids/husband are away.

We lost Abi Kitty wed night. We thought she went and hid in a GOOD hiding place to get away from son, and that she must have fell asleep while hiding out. Well, me & hubby looked for almost an hour. We did not find her. So we went to sleep and left all the doors open to every room to make sure she could get outta her hiding place and go to the litter box.

Well... come morning she was not to be seen. She usually wakes up when daughter walks about. Thought it was kinda strange, as her litter was not used nor her food. Just figured she was sleeping REALLY good.

Then I went outside to see daughter off to the bus. And I could hear this faint meowing. I called her name, and the meow again. I went back in the house and looked in daughters room, as it sounded like it was coming from there. Then I went back outside and called her again, and again meowing.

FINALLY after 5 mins of calling her she came out from under the front porch and ran to me. She had been outside ALL NIGHT. Poor kitten looked strung out, and she was shaking and jumpy. So, I held her until the bus got there, and Boy did she freak when the bus came up. She was clawing and trying to go behind my neck to hide. And everytime a car came by she would jump.

She was totally traumatized. I brought her in the house she ate and ate and drank and drank. I went in my room to call hubby to tell him where she was at and then she came in my room meowing and trying to climb up my bed to get to me. I pet her for a while and then put her in her basket, then she went to sleep.

She got outside when MIL came over after work, the night before I found her outside, and they left the front door open, and closed the screen door but she can squeeze under the screen door, and well she went out that way.

Now she goes to the foyer when the door is open and turns around and goes back in the livingroom

Oh and the day before she went "missing". She scratched son on the face. And I called hubby up and told him about her scratching son the face, told him it looked bad and asked if he was going to get rid of her. He said he would decide when he got home.

When he got home he looked at son's face and said that the dog done worse to his face than the cat did and said if she scratches his face again we would have to get rid of her.

My old cat got outside once, back in college.  I didn't know she snuck out when I went to the store.  When I came back, I almost peed my pants laughing.  The poor thing was clinging to the screen door by her claws, meowing to get back in.  In all the rest of her 17 years, she never once snuck out again.


I do crazy stuff like that all the time Joonie and Jas

Oh gosh I'm the worlds worst procrastinator too. Why pay bills before the day they're due? Right? Thats my worst thing. I told hubby he needed to start doing it but he balked

Seriously though I do get worried because so many people in my mothers family have or have died with Alzhiemers(sp). I've even talked to my Dr about it and he said he wanted to watch and record me, wants me to do a daily journal but I'm afraid too

I keep blaming medicine and pre-menopause. *sigh*

Thanks for thinking of that scenario Robin, if I got dressed downstairs and can't remember that, I'm really distracted and I thought just carrying my pj's downstairs was weird, we don't have neighbors who are close enough to see in our windows. When the girls were little and into Sesame Street they told me 'Why can't we live in a neighborhood?'

Yeah... I do not think she will try to sneak out again anytime soon. I am surprised she survived as she is soo small, she is a good meal for some of these wild animals roaming about. We have coyotes, foxes, possum that are way bigger than her

Her meow was soo faint, she must have been meowing the whole night, but her meow is soo small, it is hard to hear it even when she is in the house let along outside.

Steph I hope your baby is ok, that is some scary stuff you must be so worried!


I know my forgetfullness is from meds, and lack of sleep.

I HATE back tracking! It annoys the hell outta me! Like when we are in the car, and hubby will turn right, when he could have just turned left and not had to make all those turns later down the road. He is just back tracking! Like in wal-mart! He will take the long route which is full circle and then he will back track. I am like look! Start as this aisle and work your way down each aisle to see if you need anything off of it... I cannot keep walking around it kills my knee and ankle! Yeah... but there are times I go in there and do a lot of back tracking as I just get into a "need to find something I want to eat" mode, and then I cannot think of anything and when I do then I have to decide if that is what I want to eat or the other thing I just thought of. UGH!

RA, pred brain is not a good combo for the ol' crazy mind.

Much hugs for the both of you!

They just had on the news that a woman was at a clinic for a CAT scan and when no one came to get her out she wriggled herself out and found the clinic locked up for the night, she had to call 911 for someone to come and let her out of the office, I don't feel so bad about my pj's now.

Joonie, now you know where to look for her if she isn't where she should be before you go to bed. At least you have a place where she can hide if she sneaks outside and your MIL should be told to be careful about the kitten. My IL's have let our beagle run off when she was still into running away. Came home to the girls bawling in the yard with cheese in their hands, because FIL couldn't remember to shut the door when he went outside to smoke.


Well what's my excuse I have neither

I just figured MIL took her with her to get rid of her and made it look like she got outside and got lost. I mean she was highly upset about the scratching him. I just figured oh well, at least she would have took her to somewhere where no little kid could terrorize her.

But MIL did NOT take her, the cat just snuck out on her own.

Awww... Mo'Nana! If I put into writing what all I forgot in a day... it would look like I was getting it too.

All of my siblings have the "forget everything brain". You can tell them something and they will forget within 10 mins. They all do it! and they are only in their mid 40's- early 50's, but they have all been like this since they were in their 20's.

My mom is 73 and she hardly ever forgets anything. Within the last couple of years her gall bladder surgery she has been forgetting more. And she said being on Celebrex made her forgetful, so she quit taking it. And she can remember better.


Thanks Joonie

I don't know too many kids that have never been scratched by a kitty. He'll liveI got bit by one of my cats once when giving her a bath.  It got infected and I had to get antibiotics.  I've been scratched countless times, as have the boys.  Our large cat is declawed in the front, but the TinyCat has all her claws.  She needs them with the big cat and the two boys!!!  I do keep them trimmed, though.  Otherwise it really hurts when she sits on my lap and "kneads" my leg with her paws/claws.

Well the scratch was really close to his eye, but it was not a deep scratch, because I had clipped her nails. It could have been worse. But from the looks of the scratches on his head, he must have had her on top of his head, because he had a scratch on his forehead where his hairline is.

I keep telling him to stop picking her up, but he does it because daughter picks her up. Poor kitty. [QUOTE=moana]


Thanks Joonie

I don't know too many kids that have never been scratched by a kitty. He'll live

Oh and I had a corneal scratch ( from a babies fingernail) one time and I thought the back of my head was going to explode! Had to wear a patch for 5 days, go to the eye doc everyday and get scar tissue build up scraped off! There was no pain for the 20 mins the numbing drops lasted and I begged for some to take home. Dr laughed in my face and said "do you know what this is"? It's liquid cocaine"! I said "Hell-o it's liquid gold to me"!My corneal scratch was from my oldest son.  We were wrestling; I think I was trying to tickle him because he was being a butthead and I was trying to make him laugh. He accidentally scratched my eye.  OMG the poor kid felt so bad when we had to go to acute care and then the ER for my eye.  He thought it was all his fault.  And then when I split my head open and blood was running down my shirt, he was beside himself, apologizing profusely.  We finally got him convinced that it wasn't his fault, and then my stepmom teased him about hurting Mommy.  He burst into tears.  Poor thing!  My stepmom meant no harm, but she didn't know that he had been freaking out.  He finally accepted the fact that Mommy is just a klutz.  And both boys were very impressed with my stitches.  I had about 35 stitches, from my hairline to my eyebrow.  I was sure I was going to be an ugly ogre.  The kids thought it was cool that their mom would have a Harry Potter scar.

ok i need a nurses advice!!!!!!!

Kelsay just swallowed the jewel piece of one of her hair clippies....What should I do??? Should I call the dr???


ok i need a nurses advice!!!!!!!

Kelsay just swallowed the jewel piece of one of her hair clippies....What should I do??? Should I call the dr???


If it makes you feel better, call.

I am this may have been said in the past and if so I am sorry but about the lead.  Have you checked the toy list recall.  I think it's matel.  I know they recalled thousands of toys that range from elmo to dora.

My daughter had to get rid of some of grandson's Elmo's that were on the list. 

Just a thought.

Joonie so glad you found your kitty.  I don't let the three I have out.  And when they do sneak out I worry so much.


Shannon I just saw this on something the other night, a kid swallowed a quarter, he didn't choke and there were no sharp ends so the Dr let him pass it naturally. No problems. How big and what shape was Kelsay's hairbow jewel? Let us know how it goes, poor Kelsay

Needless to say it got flushed. Man that was 1/4th of a dollar down the drain.

Well then it's a wait and see thing I guess honey. You can't do anything now except what Jas said and give her fiber or laxative to speed it up on it's way out.

    Joonie, are you sure that wasn't you and the older sister you don't like?

I am just getting on..... Trying to follow....... Shannon, I am sorry you  are having such troubles!

Hope everyone is feeling good today... Feeling ok....hip not so great and headache from Humira shot..... but ok.

Hugs to everybody

[QUOTE=kelsaysmommy]I have no idea... Im just worried cause it wasnt hers and it was someone elses and it was on the bus...Then i got thinking about the lead recalls w/ stuff...UGGG I dunno what to do[/QUOTE]

"this too shall pass"

Shannon, hope kelsay passes it soon. I am sure it was not lead filled. It must have looked yummy. I know sometimes certain things look yummy to me and I am 28

OH, so now my whole arm is sore

OK Joonie I guess it wasn't you but you gotta admit, with some of your wacky stories........

I gotta quit playing now and cook dinner. Pork Chops. How should I fix them?

Shake-n-bake pork chops.  Yum!!! shake n bake only way i eat them

Wonder how far she lives away from me??

 I have shake n bake but it's for chicken, does it matter?

I was thinking breaded and fried in the oven, mashed potatoes, gravy made from the drippings and biscuits

So I know where she lived she said it took her about 9 hours to get home from here.  So I guess supper is off dang it.  Now I will have to find something to cook myself darn it.   Homemade gravy though man might be worth the drive.

 Sorry Robin but I'll be thinking of you when we eat

Oh wait I get that here.  Yup when it's time for supper or someone wants some clean clothes or if they lose something.  Guess I am thought about a lot. [QUOTE=shykymom]

At least someone will be thinking of me.

Oh wait I get that here.  Yup when it's time for supper or someone wants some clean clothes or if they lose something.  Guess I am thought about a lot.


My neck is KILLING me, Angel is a worthless piece of sh*t worker, Christine is a nasty stupid redneck, guests are ignorant little twits, I have 50 million new paperwork things to do, that are all tedious and STUPID. AAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHH!!!!


AND MY NECK IS KILLING ME! >.< I think that's probably the root of all my problems. I yanked it in the shower yesterday and it's slowly become worse and worse. DAMN SHOWERS! WHO NEEDS THEM ANYWAY!??!

It's radiating down my arms, shoulder blades, spine, everything, everywhere. UGH! My fingers are even tingling. BAAAHHH I swear it felt like my neck bones were sliding against each other and about to fall off my spine. *cringes*


Okay well just in typing this I've made up my mind. As soon as I'm done organizing these papers, I'm taking it home and popping a muscle relaxer. LOL

Glad to hear that you are having a great day at work Katie

Its 23.11pm here so I am off to bed and get some sleep...I am going to spend all day in my shower tomorrow


ISN'T THIS 2007?!??! WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!!! < =text/>_popupControl(); Katie...please tell us how you really feel about your co-workers!!

You have also been under a lot of stress lately and that ould be why you don't have the patience you normally do for work and your co-workers.  Go home and take a muscle relaxer and crash out.

Well, interesting happenings in my world today.  The little girl downstairs (she is 16) had a baby in June.  Her, the baby, and her b/f (father of the baby) all live downstairs (yes 8 people down there it is stuffed to the gills!) and they got married today.  Yes, married.  We think she is going to be the only married student at the high school.  I really do wish them all the best with this and hope like heck for that baby's sake it lasts. It is more common than not for these marriages to fail.  Hopefully theirs will not and they all will have a good life together.  Since he is 18 he already is working roofing full time and he is also going to school part time.  She is a junior in high school.  I just can't see my girls getting married at that age.  There is still so much to learn about life and relationships and practice that stuff before delving into the fundamentals of marriage.  Just wow!! 

Dinner is ready!  Fajitas!  We cheated tonight and used a package mix for the fajita flavoring lol.  Hey, it's Friday!  Gotta get a break from cooking sometime!

Dude I'm almost 24 and I can't imagine being married yet.


I'm heading out the door right now, and I'm taking a WHOLE muscle relaxer when I get home. I feel like my ears are sliding off my skull. FUN!

Liz... all those people cannot live in that little house legally can they??? Thats just wayyy to many people in one little place.  Id loose my mind...Sometimes this house is to small for the 3 of us some days



Hi all, who is here???

Just me.........but I took a muscle relaxer and I'm going to pass out

Katie I am glad you took a whole muscle relaxer and I hope it works all night.  Nighty night Angel!!!

Hi Shelly, I'm here. You feeling any better??


I did a little, but had to survive on four hours sleep.  Now I am doing fine...pain meds...yep!!!  The longer the afternoon...the larger the pain, but hubby and I had things that HAD to be done. 

Got finances straightened out...not the way we wanted to, but it will work and take some financial pressure off me. 

Replaced our dead microwave...which died while I was making dinner. Had a great lunch together where he discussed my lack of friends...in person.  I don't miss it though and I can't help him understand. 

I told him I did want to join the local quilting group.  That is something I can still do.  I usually work on my sewing machine. 

I wish I knew how to sew, but I have absolutlely no patience for it.

My patience seems to run with my pain.  I took home ec. in High school and nearly failed...who knew I would LOVE to quilt.  I used to do the piecing on the machine and quilt by hand...still have my hoop and all.  I can't quilt by hand.  I can barely crochet with my hands.

< =text/>_popupControl(); I know that the more pain that I am in the less patience I have for anything.  Makes it a little difficult when dealing with a spouse that is new to the chronic illness stuff.  Sometimes I just need to take a deep breath and count to 10 in my head lol.

I really had a pretty boring day.  Our car will not be ready until tomorrow since they have to replace the rusty gas tank.  Danielle was a doll and rode up the Walgreens (no school today) and filled my script for anti nausea meds so I could do my mtx shot.  We live in a pretty small town and the ride was only like 10 minutes lol.  Of course we gave her a little extra money to spend on herself for running an errand.  Sometimes bribery works wonders lol. 

I can not sew at all but Arielle can.  You know how I darn socks? Darn! Those socks have holes and have to be thrown out! LOL

Arielle had one of her close friends call me today to try and convince me to let Arielle go to the Homecoming game tonight.  She said she would help her get her grades up if I let her go. I said you can still help her get her grades up but she is not going lol.  I"m such a mean Mom.  Meanest in the world I bet right now lol. 

Hope everyone is doing well!

Ohhhh, I always wanted to learn to crochet too! Through the years, I've had several people try and teach me, but I'm left handed and my brain just can't process seeing a right hand person do it.

Whats up with everyone tonight?

Thanks for the website Katie...Hope you get some good sleep tonight and wake up feeling better!!!Good night all, sleep well. Lynda

Hey Mona how are you today?

< =text/>_popupControl(); I crochet when I can.  My grandmother taught me when I was about 10 years old.  I hope to really get back to it when the Remicade really kicks in.  I actually take a blanket I made to the doc office with me when I get my infusions since it is always so cold in there lol. 


I know I am slower now, but I do try to keep it up.  With the bone pain right now...I can't.  I need to finish Eleya's hat for her birthday on Sunday. 


I feel a little sick tonight, sugar dropped this evening before dinner and it was pretty bad

Try raising your protiene.  I have to do that a lot to combat the whole low blood sugar. 


 I did shelly but I still feel like crap. I ate p-nut butter, drank milk and then ate dinner but I still feel shakey and nauseated

 It could have been the candy corn I been eating all day

I think my sugar hit rock bottom last time I ate it come to think of it

Dang Candy will do it all the time. 

Actually, your blood sugar can rebound like that if you been eating a lot of sugar. I thought you weren't buying any more halloween candy until the actual date!

 Well I LIED Brisen, I went to freaking wal-mart and there it was!

What do you mean rebound on the sugar deal? Do I have diabetes?

 Yea I've had the hypyglycemia foe a hundred years but never this bad! Two of my sisters are diabetic

Me too, althought the MTX makes it worse.

I just got a call from my stupid drunk brother.  He's depressed...well duh...your drinking!!!!  For PITTY SAKES

Then you need to stay on top of things and make sure you're checked for diabetes at least once a year. Do you always carry something with you in case you become hypoglycemic?? You better be sayin' yes!

Yep...have to.  It is a high protiene energy bar thing.  I have just gotten checked and was on the high side of normal. 


Ya no kidding.  He was mad b/c his ex isn't letting him talk to their girls.  WEll, I don't know that I would either.

Just made DS mad, 'cause I told him no street riding(BMX) cause it is almost ten.

 I was checked for diabetes in August at my check-up. It was 86

Poor you Shelly, I'd hate to try to reason with a drunk

Oh I learned at my dad's funeral last Sept. that I have no tolerance for his actions and justifications, so I just listen to him go off, and then he is done.  He never asks about me, but of course he was never taught to be anything but selfish.  Obviously, we were not raised together.  I was at grandma's and he was with his mom and our dad. 


 Wonder where all the gals are tonight? We're a bunch of dead heads

What did you do all day Brisen you didn't work, right?


I don't know Mona...I wonder if we lost Bris.  She was not supposed to work today.


 Sounds like you were better off at Grandmas Shelly

Sheew I think I may be gonna barf so if you don't hear from me for a few minutes call 911

Mona...I am going to have to call it quits.  This is hurting the tips of my fingers even with meds. 

I will chat tomorrow.  Love ya all! shel

I layed around, slept on and off all day, and got caught up on all my TIVO'd shows. I broke down and watched Grey's today...couldn't wait for my daughter to get here tomorrow. But I missed the very end, as the recording ended right when George rang Izzie's doorbell. What happened after that????

Night Shelly! Hope you feel better tomorrow!

oh honey go lay down and take good care of yourself.

YES a thousand times yes...I was better off at grandmas for a while....then it got really ugly.  I was adopted from Grandmas when I was 12.

Mona, why do you have Zofran? Did they prescribe it for those days when you eat a pound of candy corn??

Actually, I love Zofran...it's a wonder drug as far as I'm concerned!


Moana & Joonie,  Thanks for the hugs.  It is scary but I think the doctors may be right about it being from calcium because when she asked me for peanut butter I checked the bread and it has calcium in it too.  So, she got peanut butter on a spoon.  Amost everything in this house has some form of calcium in it.  UGH!  So, aside from checking and double checking the food she eats, I'm going to keep her inside until I can figure out if the lead inspector tested the soil in the backyard.

Shyky- That was one of the first things I thought of when the doc left me the message today that Isabel's lead level had increased for 2nd month in a row.  I went immediately back over the recent recall lists to see if she had any of the toys.  She didn't.  So, I think I'm good there. Although she does have a Dora sit and spin which I think is going out in the trash just in case.

I've calmed down a bit since hearing doc's message.  And I truly appreciate all the support from you guys.  Thanks.


I think she is getting rid of her candy!!

I'll join you for a little while.  I've been falling asleep at the computer!  We're still packing up and moving boxes.  Just about finished and we'll start cleaning the house tomorrow and have everything done by Sun. evening.  I can't wait for Monday.  I just want this move to be done.  Am so glad that meds have kicked in, I can clean, lift boxes, and work for at least half a day. 

We'll be back in our RV and at the resort for 3 weeks and then off to Tucson, back to Yuma at the end of Oct. for my infusion and then to San Diego for 2 weeks and over to Palm Springs for a week or so.  I'm sooooo ready to hit the asphalt.  I'll post when I can, not every park or resort have WIFI and we don't lug a satellite dish around with us.  Takes up too much room from my shoe storage

Sorry Shelly that you have to deal with a drinking bro.  I have little tolerance and can't deal with it.  Stan has a nephew that we absolutely adore when he's not drinking. When he's drinking he turns into such an obnoxious person.  We leave if he gets drunk and as much as we love him and his wife we won't stay at their house.  I feel terrible but his wife understands because we've discussed it with her.  Good luck.

Brisen, that's where my blood sugar is, the high side of normal.  Am watching it carefully since I've been on long term Pred. 

Hi Moana 


Gosh Steph that is awful, and how do you get around calcium in our society.  How good are you at making bread???  you may have to go to a natural food store and see what can happen. 

This is very scary and I don't blame you from being worried.  Get some rest, because she will need you tomorrow.

 Sorry Shelly, you had it rough as a kid didn't you?

I love zofran, i got it last year when I had an intestinal virus for 18 flippin days. Phenergan was doing nothin so they gave this magic little pill in the hospital to melt inder my tongue and I fell instantly in love

Lindy's super Women!!!

Zofran is an antiemetic drug that we use a lot in surgery/recovery. It was originally a chemo drug. Very costly.Oh Brisen, I had full range of motion 4 weeks ago.  It's been 9 weeks and I don't even think about it anymore.  I golfed 9 holes last week, first 9 since 2001.  How great is that?  I still have twinges if there's two much difference in height of steps.  I'm still careful and don't step in holes or twist and I can't squat.  Stan bought me a neat little rubber device for the end of my clubs that fits over your ball and picks it up for you.  That way I don't have to bend over to retrieve the little sucker.  I went to WalMart the 2 weeks post op, the grocery store a couple of days later and when I went back for my post op appt. I was ambulating on my own, no cane.  I'm sooooo happy.They sent me home from the hospital with sublingual Zofran after I had my forefoot fusion. I have trouble with anesthesia and usually puke for several days after.

 My gosh I'm confused??

Hi Lindy, you sound wonderful! And so excited! Hope you have a great time but please don't forget about us

Steph I'm so glad you've calmed a little bit, you were quite frantic earlier

Brisen you missed the only good drama part on Grey's, the ending was kinda wild. George told Izzy he loved her, Stupid Merideth told Mcdreamy she couldn't do it and it was over and then they had sex.

That's so awesome Lindy! I've been putting off bilat. knee replacements but am getting to the point where I need to have it done soon. I'm 49, and was hoping to be able to wait a few more years, but I don't know. I'm just taking it a day at a time.Mo - Did George and Izzy kiss? I can't believe my damn DVR stopped recording right when she answered the door! Grrrrrrrr!

 Sheeww BRB gotta find the Zofran

Phenergan sucks unless it's in demerol

Woohoo I found 5 ..8mg tabs, expires 8/30/07

Lin I'll probaby catch heck but I can't stand Merideth! She is so wishy washy

Shelly, I never thought about natural food until you mentioned it.  They have a small natural food section at my local grocery store so I will have to look.  Getting away from calcium is not easy at all.  Aside from the fact that she's 2 and needs milk every day, calcium is now added to everything.  Fruit bars, raisins, bread, oj, juice.  The list goes on and on.  The docs ask me every month if I have any suggestions for other parents of children with lead posioning.  This month my advice was read every label regardless of if you think that there isn't calcium in a product.

Moana, frantic is a great word to describe me earlier.  And I was even more nuts because they called and left a message about 5 minutes before they closed for the day.   This being a special clinic, they only have 1/2 day office hours.  So, by the time I got the message, they were already gone.  And now I can't get them until Monday.  Now why do they leave you bad news on an answering machine and then go home?  UGH!  But after encountering the bread with calcium in it, I'm starting to think that it may be the calcium cancelling out the medicine.  And also Jas suggested that maybe the lead in her tissue, bones etc was coming out in her blood.  I know this is a possibility so between that and the medication being cancelled out by the calcium, her lead count blood wise would go up.

On top of all of the bad news of lead, my cell phone crapped the bed and it's not even a year old and I'm without my van for the weekend because my brother is moving to Maine and my youngest brother borrowed my van.  I have access to another vehicle but forgot to take Isabel's car seat out of my van.  Another UGH! moment.

Sorry for the vent guys.  I don't have them often.  Thanks for listening.  The vent is done now. On a good note, my RA isn't acting up.  YEAH!


 Brisen you such a copy cat

Did you guys watch Private Practice? I recorded that also, but haven't watched it yet. Mo, I'm with you...I'm sick of Meredith too. I pretty much lost my enthusiasm for her last season after her near drowning experience. And did anyone see her on the VMA awards last week. OMG...her hair was a train wreck!

Patrick Dempsey(McDreamy) was such a nerd in his early movies.  My God!  has he turned out good.  And Micheal Anthony Hall that is John on Dead Zone.  Both of them played the nerds in their earlier movies and look at them now.  Of course, I had a thing for the nerds so I always thought they were cuties.  LOL  I'm not big on Meredith from Grey's either.  Something about the character turns me off.  Probably as one of you said(sorry RA brain) she is wishy washy.  You copied ME Mo...as usual!  LOL!

Steph I am so glad that the RA is leaving you alone.  That is huge, because you can think. 

You are going to have to investigate all of the foods, but I would have the soil checked, especially if you grow food in it. 

I hated when the kids were young and I would leave their car seat in the wrong car.  Will your brother be able to bring the car seat over to you? 

Get some rest and tomorrrow is a NEW day!


I said it first!! Ha ha Ha Ha Ha ha

Steph I used to think Patrick was so ugly in his nerdy days, skinny and all adams apple

Private Practice was good I think I'm gonna love it, great actors on it. Judging Amy girl co-stars!

She's lacking character and depth, there's no dimension to her.  She's selfish in a very sneaky way.  I would never want her as my best friend.  Now Christine I would.  I understand her, Meredith I don't understand.  I guess you could say "I don't like Meredith"

I love Dead Zone but can't get it here in Yuma.  Do they have it out in DVD yet?


 In other words Lin Merideth is pretty boring, she better fire her writer all I'm sayin

I loved the vet (Chris O'Donnel) drools...

Yes, not dealing with RA right now is a good thing because I do need to be able to think.  I've definitely started looking more closely at the foods I'm giving her especially ones that I wouldn't normally assume has calcium in them.  That's what's getting us.

I think the lead inspector tested the soil and it came back negative but I have to pull her report to confirm.  Until I can do that tomorrow and see that soil was tested, I'm just keeping her out of the back yard.

My brother unfortunately is either in Maine or almost there right now which is about 5 hours away so getting the car seat really isn't an option.  However I had nothing to do outside the house this weekend and planned for him needing the van so...  If I really need to go out, my nephew or niece will just have to come sit with Isabel.  I guess that's a good excuse for me to get some Mommy time, huh?  LOL

Yes, fortunately, tomorrow is a new day.  And it will be a better one I am sure.

Ok, it's past my bedtime.  I only had about 4 hours sleep last night because I forgot to take my afternoon Lyrica and my leg and foot woke me up throbbing.  I stayed up, played on the computer, read, wrote in my journal, and petted the kitties.  Tonight I just want to sleep.  Nighty night.  L Good Night Lin, enjoyed the chat

Lindy, I watched every episode I could of Dead Zone this season.  It's on at 10 here in Mass and towards the end of the season, I kept falling asleep before it came on.  I really need TiVo.  LOL  And yes, they do have most of the seasons on DVD now.  My brother has some of them. 

Good night Lindy.


I love Matt Damon! He's a hottie for sure

Sorry about the car seat but who knew? Right? Can you tell the lead has affected your baby at all Steph? I wouldn't even know what to look for in a child with lead poisoning

Well, Moana, I have to go catch some zzz's.  Have a good night.

EWW! matt Damon! and EWW! to ben affleck too. Gag me with a spoon fo' sho'! Hehehehee I like the 40 year old virgin

 Good night Steff, hope all will be well with the baby, try not to worry

Hey Joonie...you have taste for crap in men, how come hubby is so cute???

My kinda man is Ryan Reynolds. Go google him. He has a sense of humor and is very hot! Even hubby is jealous I like him. I have very few celebrities I like and he knows that. So for me to like one means a lot.

Nothing good happened at wal-mart today. No hairy exposed cracks, no quarter moons, no nothing really. Kinda odd.

No joonie story, unless ya'll give me a topic then I can come up with something that in my mind relates to it

What did hubby say about son's scratch when he got home??

I can say my horse voice is better tonight. It is this messed up hot when ya go to sleep and cold when ya wake up weather.

Have I told ya'll I LOVE my Abi Kitty today? Well, if I have not...


Hubby has grown quite fond of her. As soon as he comes in from work he pets her and plays with her. And here he said he did not like cats... I guess he likes kittens

I love kittens but Trey is sooo allergic. Dogs don't bother him.

Hubby loves Poochie as good as I do, he talks baby talk to her, cracks me up!

I KNEW your hubby would end up liking her! What's NOT to like about a kitten! Oh yeah, I read your post about her being locked out all night. You must have been so scared when you got up this morning and couldn't find her!Mo, what kind of dog do you have? We have a beagle, and she's the BEST! She slept and snuggled with me all day!


 Joonie I'm sending you all my candy corn, it made me sick as a buzzard dog today

So ya'll google ryan reynolds yet? Whatcha think? Hottie isn't he?

I wanted a hound dog last year. They just look so cute with their big floppy ears that they could step on and sad pouty eyes

I clipped Poochies nail to close the other day and she cried and will not let me touch her nails now. I felt so bad she laid her lttle head on my shoulders and just laid there




Ok I would like to point out... any dog that has the word "poo" in its breed name I do not want! To me when I read "poo" it is like turd.

Oh my daughter made up a new word today. She said "weork". Which is a weird dork. It was quite funny.

Hubby said he would never pay much for a dog either but he paid dearly for this one. He fell in love with her about before I did

Mona - I just googled Pompoos and they're adorable!

  Oh how adorable

Brisen you are going to die when I send a picture of Poochie in front of our BRICK fireplace w/ the same GAS LOGS you have you will not believe it!

Joonie Brisen is living my life and I'm living hers, only on different coasts!

UGH! He is hell bent on diapers. I have put underwear on him, but that did not turn out well. Let's put it this way... him & hubby were outside while he was wearing his under-roos, and well... hubby had to hose him down outside in the backyard and then I had to make sure he was clean with a shower.

Oh and it is ok to have sex before the big game LMAO!! That is what the tv just said

Oh and thanks for the tip about sex Joonie, what a pal

 Ok Joonie I found a tiny pict of her on photo bucket I saved but shes on a pillow on the sofa, can you help me?

I'm having a dejá vu here of Mo trying to post a dang pic!

 Hell-o no but Breanna will, she did it last time

Yeah... I knew there was a reason I did not sign up for photo bucket

When I broke my leg and I had a hard time cleaning up after her we gave her away to a very loving person and she pampered that dog like it was her baby.

Brisen I have never filled out her papers and given her a real name yet. Baby our shih-tsu either

Hubby takes her to the dog park every Saturday and Sunday, where she is the Queen of the park! Everyone knows Molly there! LOL

Yeah... we have 3 outside dogs. I am not much of a doggie person. I like them, but... I am afraid they will knock me over now.

We have a mutt from the pound, daughters dog. We have a mutt we got for free, which we bought to keep daughters dog warm thru the winters. and we got a white lab for free for son beginning of the year.

I do not see the dogs too much, they are in the backyard and well... too many blind dips and holes for me to be walking around out there. I will be fell and broke something or really hurt one of my knees finding one of those dips.


 My babies love Dingos! baby loves to wear clothes and sweaters but the pooch will not


 I dont like outside dogs except Halle, my neighbors rottweiler, she an angel

Rottweiler's scare the crap outta me! My ex neighbor's used to have on and she was mean.

I thought I wanted a white lab before we got Molly, but I'm so glad we didn't get one. Some days I'm just not that steady on my feet, and if a big dog jumped on me I'd probably go down.

 baby is my daughters dog that I get to keep

My neighbors Rott is in a huge cage and we walk over there and her and Poochie kiss thru the fence. Halle is harmless shes so sweet and lick me too

Oh I saw the pict thanks! I gotta go to bed I cant hardly see straight

She likes to climb up my chest and sit on my shoulder and purr in my ear. My mom do not like to hear cats purr, it drives her nutz.


Ok night everyone! I need to go wake hubby up off the couch. And get son into bed, and then off to take a shower to get Abi cooties off me before I get in my bed. I would just not feel clean if I got in my bed with kitty cooties on me.

Night Mo'Nana! You sleep in tomorrow too!

and those ain't bed bugs that are a biting you.

Good night Joonie I

Are you gone Brisen, where are ya?

I'm here...

Well, a puppy does not use a litter box. I change her litter every 2 days.

Too bad cats were not germ-a-phobes too

 Me too, do you have to work tomorrow? Surely not?

Hubby is in another golf tournament so I'm sleeping! If Poochie will let me, she can be a real pest in the mornings

Ewwwwww...it totally grosses me out! She's getting better, but still sneaks into the litter box if I don't watch her like a hawk.

Oh and I must confess! I ate 14 slices of CiCi's pizza in one sitting and 3 glasses of coke. coke is bad for my IC, but am I going to give up carbonated drinks? HELL NO! The pain is bad, but the heating pad and IBU takes care of it! And might as well drink coke as, when the ole "monthly bill" rolls around IC acts up even when taking Amitriptylin!

I am a gluten for punishment with this darn IC

I tried to give up carbonated drinks a while back, but I'm just way too addicted to my diet coke.

Is baby a boy?

Yes, we have a cat too. Actually, 2 cats. And I said I'd never own a cat, but darn that Kim. They're supposed to be hers, but she 'gave' them to me when she saw how much work they were. I've had them since they were tiny kittens.

Heck with waking up hubby to go to bed. Him & son are asleep on the couch together. I wake up hubby and son will wake up too. Might as well let them both sleep.

But I am taking a shower still, it helps my neck/back/shoulders after sitting up as long as I have today without laying down to let it rest.

I am going to take my Humira tomorrow night again. I am thinking about putting it off until I get over this sinus draining as, I do not need a sinus infection. I will see how I feel tomorrow and play it off of that if I take the Humira or not.

If it's just your sinusus draining, you can probably go ahead and take your Humira tomorrow. With Fall around the corner, all the dropping leaves and dust have started my allergies to flare. As long as you're not feeling sick or running a fever, you'd probably be OK to take it.

 Well be careful Joonie with the humira if you are sick. Oh lat the guys sleep

Brisen baby is a boy and he does have a name on his papers , its Sir Star... something stoopid

I fixed pork chops battered and fried in the oven, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and biscuits for dinner tonight! Dont that sound good Brisen

 does your family eat meat? Do you cook it?

Ok it is 3am, I am going to bed for real this time. Just been trying to delay getting outta this chair, as the pred has wore off BIG time and I can feel everything swell up even more. UGH! I wish pred was a longer lasting med.

Kim and I are vegetarians. Hubby and the boys eat meat, but I don't cook it in the house. Mostly BBQ or I'll cook a crockpot roast in the garage. I can't stand the smell of meat in my house!


OK joonie, TTYL! Love ya!Nighty night! Had fun talking to ya both! We should do it again! Same time, same channel ... so tune in

Brisen I love meat, i cant believe you hate it so bad. Do you eat any meat at all? I dont cook fish at home at all, shoooo!

I am going to bed now. we will never get a chance to chat tomorrow we'll be to sleepy

 Hey Brisen why dont you start the chat thread for today? It's 4 freakin oclock!
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