Knees & Elbows Question | Arthritis Information


Does anyone here ever have pain behind the knees in the creases and in the creases of the elbows?

It seems like a funny place to have pain.  I can understand my knees hurting in that are because of the use but I didn't think I did that much with my elbows.

My knees do that sometimes if they're really flared up, but I have a problem with my right knee collapsing on me.

I have not noticed those exact areas Cris but when I have inflammation, it hurts all around inflamed area.  Like everything gets SQUISHED.

Is it slightly puffy in the area behind your knee? Like there might be fluid in there?

When my RA first started, I had cramping in both my calves and behind my knees. I mentioned this to my Rheumy, and he said..Oh yeah..that goes with the RA. He didn't think anything of it. I would mention it your next visit. But that has gotten better with meds. I don't get it in my elbows thou...