Quit My Job- thanks for listening! | Arthritis Information


Hi to all , I am still pretty new here but  I read  the posts every day faithfully. I was diagnosed earlier this year with RA(sero neg) and most recently Fibro. After feeling like absoulte crap last week I called in a day before to my office manager to tell her I would not be coming in last Friday. I had a fairly active job as a secretary and acting Nurse taking the patients back in a Internal medicene practice. It was very hard to do blood pressures at times since my hands were giving me so much pain. Well to make a long story short..I went to work on Monday and received a letter with my paycheck stating that I could revert back to the days I was originally hired for ( 2 days in 2000) or take my days paid days off when the office is closed. We would have a week at Easter a week at Christmas were the office totally shut down.

 We were given 8 vacation days and 3 personal days for the year. The only other time I felt like i could not do my job was in January when I called in sick ( I was swollen as the dickens and newly diagnosed) Since it was a doctor's office and I was a patient, everyone had access to my chart and was aware of the medication i took. At that time the office manager had the nerve to ask me If I was having more of a problem than RA because I was filling my Xanax more often ( a month script-lasted 2 months) I confronted her and told her at that time it was none of her business but my mistake was not telling the Doctor. Now this and many other little annoyances really pushed me over the top and I walked out.

 I feel 2 sick days for a majority of the year is not bad. I did take a vacation in August to Hawaii( maybe envy is the reason for the gripe!) But they were asked off well in advance and it was only 2 vacation days.

 Has anyone else had problems with work and RA , This for me is more of a she had a problem with me or I'll just call her Sybil if you get my drift!LOL She is one of those people who would act as if she were your best friend just to get Info from you and would turn around and use it to suit her.  Thansk for listening to me vent---it means alot   Chris


Chris, Im sorry that your going through a rough time.  DId you have ins through your work?  Are you going to find another job somewhere else?  Yes it is none of their business to ask about the meds you are on.  They of all people should know the HIPPA laws. Did they give a reason to why they wanted you to only work 2 days a week?  Are they allowed to look in your chart whenever they want? Is that a HIPPA thing?  That just doesn't sound right at all.  Hope you get to feeling better sweetie!


Vent anytime Chris, that's the purpose of this forum.

You sound like you have had a rough time of it at work. I haven't had the work experience because I have been able to work for years due to my RA but I do think that there are general problems with people understanding RA and how it impacts on your life. It's an invisible disease and people don't have a clue often how we struggle to function everyday. You just don't get it until you are in an RA body.

How are you feeling about what's happened now? Do you feel it is a new beginning for you or are you really upset still about the loss of your job?

 The 2 day a week thing came from she thought I was taking too many days off. I think that as long as the days were given to me for the year and were approved that it was just her way of trying to control me . Yes I agree totally illegal with Hippa, but still with paper charts , the info was easily found.

Cordelia, yes I feel so relieved . I am lucky enough at this point in my life to stay home financially for a while. Though I have to cut back on my Walmart trips LOL My youngest is 11 and he is thrilled to come home to mom!



Chris, does she not realize that you could sue her butt off???  I don't care if your chart is paper or not...did people go randomly looking through other patients charts??  If you work there they should respect your privacy, and the doctors should be alerted as to why you are quiting, b/c you DO have the right to a law suit if you have proof that other people were looking.  Is your office manager a nurse???  If she is not...she does not have the legal right to know.  I am incredibly outraged...you should have been treated with dignity and respect of which you got neither. 

Yes, I am a teacher and do have a lot of problems performing my job at this point.  I am six months into dx, and the disease has not been controlled one day.  I too took my allotted days, and had other things happen...different accusations, but I was pushed out too.  I also have a hard time with catching everything those little people come in with.  (I am sure you had that problem, especially if you were on a biologic).  Also, the emotional strain and standing and walking around most of the day.  I am glad I am subbing and if we can afford it I think I will continue for a couple of years.  I love the flexibility, and the fact that I do not have to grade and plan for four or five hours a night.  I can come home and relax and just be done with it when I am finished. 

Sorry this is so long, but I think I might look into what you could do. 

Chris, I thought you were relieved.


I am so sorry you had to quit your job.  I know exactally what you are going through though so big hugs to you.

I too had to quit my job.  First off my ortho doc insisted then my reg doc insisted but I chose not too because I was the one who had insurance for myself and both my children.

At work I switched over positions for better hours and could do my job for the most part.  (no squatting) and if I wore my braces I seemed to be okay.  I had others willing to help me move things if needed.  But my supervisor (who was a friend before that position :(  ) started giving me jobs she knew I could not do.  And riding me for who knows why.  So I gave up and put in my two week notice.

But before leaving I made sure everyone knew it was her and not me as to why I was leaving.  ;)   I didn't have anything to lose by then because I was giving everything up anyways.

Dear Chris, I have heard this story over and over and that is why so many people with RA keep quiet and don't get proper treatment (call it something else and just take the pain pills!) OMG no wonder we have such advanced stages of this joint damage. I hope you can treat your disease as best you can, get some rest and get a new job where people understand. It sounds like you are a very valuable person in the medical field. Lynda
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