waiting | Arthritis Information


Hi to everyone, I am new to the board. I haven't been officially diagnosed yet. I saw the rheumatologist last week. He sent me for bloodwork that all came back negative for everything. But both hands and elbows seem to fit most of the symtoms for RA. Is it possible to test negative for everything but still have it? All of this started last April in one finger, and by July, the same three fingers on both hands and both elbows were affected. I don't really have much pain in my hands, but they are swollen and there is a loss of range of motion. The stiffness seems to come and go. The dr. put me on nambumetone and I have to go back in a month. The swelling between the knuckles has been reduced, but the knuckles themselves are still bigger than they used to be. Am I being neurotic? I also feel so tired most of the time.

My doc (well two different ones because I moved) have told me that it is possible to have RA and it take some time for it to become positive.  Now how much time I am not sure.

I was tested and everything was negative.  It was probably 2 and a half year later before I agreed again because I didn't see the point.  And then I tested positive, which was just a couple months ago.

Good luck to you.  I hope it's something else that can be fixed and not RA.

Hey Peg,

Nice to hear from you. I am new to the board too!

 I have recently gone back to the doctor after being diagnosed at 13, and my blood testes negative for the Rheumatoid factor too. Kind of confusing I know!

You are not being neurotic, not at all. It is werid to feel so terrible, and have the blood work come back normal. I swear my husand thinks I am nuts. When we met I was feeling great, and in college it started to come back and now I am in a flare up. In fact I am a teacher and my students are gone on a trip, I am so tired that I fell asleep at my desk!! Glad nobody came in. But anyway, I found this board to be very helpful and supportive. They understand.

I hope you feel better!

Hang in there.  I'm seronegative as well.  The nabumetone should help a great deal.  It takes a few days to a week for an NSAID to help reduce swelling and stiffness. Watch out for stomach problems; keep some Rolaids or Tums on hand, and you may want to talk to your doctor about a proton pump inhibitor (Prevacid, Nexium, etc) if you start to have problems. You can also use H2 antagonists - Tagamet, Pepcid AC, etc - those are available over the counter. DON'T WAIT to call the doctor if you start having indigestion.  It's much harder to treat gastritis/ulcers than it is to prevent them.

I take fish oil every day; it really helps keep inflammation down.  I also try to reduce omega-6 fats in my diet - they increase the production if inflammatory chemicals in the body.  The omega-3s in fish oil help counteract this effect.  This is something you may also want to discuss with your doctor.  Many people here are on DMARDs (methotrexate, etc), biologics (Humira, etc) or antibiotic protocol (Minocin).  My RA is relatively mild, and since I'm not past childbearing age, I don't want to take any of those at this point in my life.

Hang in there!!!

Hi Peg welcome to the board. I think you will find that a lot of the girls and boys on this board are in the same boat, testing negative for some or all and positive for some or none etc.

There are lots of people with ooodles of info so please ask any questions you like, nothing is considered stooopid.


Hi Peg,

Welcome to the board!!! yes, you can have RA without being positive. Something like 10% of people are negative. I am seronegative myself. My doc says that eventually you will be positive. How much time I don't know. How was your sed rate and c reactive protein test??? I know this waiting is h*ll, we hare here for you!!


My RD says that up to 20% of RA patients are seronegative.  And at the onset of RA, even more are seronegative, though many will convert to seropositive within 2 years. Wow, what a welcome! Thanks so much. When all this started with my right index finger, I just assumed that is was plain old arthritis because of my job, but then it was the thumb and middle finger, then the same fingers on the left hand, and then the elbows chimed in. In 2 months I went from fine to not be able to bend the index finger. That seems to be the worst one, with all the others at different stages. My husband made me go to his ortho doc,(he's got bad knees) and he sent me to the rheumy doc. When I talked to him about the blood test results he said to continue on the medicine and we will discuss the "action plan" when I see him in November. I haven't had any stomach problems with it yet, but it's only been a week. I have laid in a supply of Rolaids

Welcome to the board, Peg! Welcome and hope we can help.

Welcom to the board Peg.  I did forget to say welcome and I am sorry.  Still new here myself too but everyone has been so very kind.  And so so smart too.

Yes you can have both.  I do.  I was told about the osteo when I was in my 20s.  Guess it started in teens.  Didn't actually learn about it until I needed my jaw replaced because as explained to me the osteo arthritis pretty much ate away my joint.

I was pos for RA only a couple months ago.  So I am new to the RA.  Kinda depresses me because I think well crap now my joints don't have a fighting chance with both.

Hope to keep seeing you around. 

I have been seronegative for the past 33 years since dx. Just because you do not test positive for RA does not mean you don't have it. It ate up my joints pretty well! I also have OA. I have had that since my teens.

I find nsaids to be really helpful. 

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