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Ok Ok I will tell you.....









Carmel Apple Pie!!


And it is MMMmmm GOOD!!!!

Just cannot eat much of it at one time... gives me a belly

mmmmmmm...sounds yummy! I've never had one but does that ever sound good!! oops, drooled on my keyboard!

You just want me to get fatter don't you?

I just sharing my junk food list for the

So, now when I go back to the doc and I get weighed in and it is more then I was at my last visit I will know why.

From all the Pizza, Twinkies, and Carmel Apple Pies!! LOL

If you didn't bring enough for everybody, you can't have it!!!!

I just ate one lil' piece last night. I still have more then 3/4th's of it left lol.


standing in line with my fork and plate...

I do not know why all good things end up in a belly ache.
Maybe because we over do it?

Irish bread, ice cream chocolate and i always over do it.


okay so where do you get a carmel apple pie and if you didn't buy it how did you make it?

I'm stuck on Little Debbie Peanut Butter Bars...the ones w/wafers and chocolate.