Cooped up | Arthritis Information


Yeah I am starting to feel like a Mother

I am cooped up in the house ALL DAY with my son and after my daughter gets home from school, until about 5:00pm then we go up to the in-laws for dinner.

All I ever do is doze on the couch until it is time to feed Andrew REAL food, which is about 1 or 2 and then I am awake for the day. I feed him and then I play with him for about 15 mins or until he decides he is not going to listen anymore then I put him back in his playpen.

Then I get on the internet and log on to here. then I switch between here and I check my emails and then back to here I

Yeah, it is boring being a stay-at-home-mom especially when you have RA. You cannot be a "real" mom and do the things you need and want to do.

I have tried many hobbies. And I just get fed up with them, because sooner or later I realize I cannot do it long enought o make anything because of RA.

I like making stuff. I bought a sewing machine back about 3 years ago and only used it 4 times. I gave up because I could not figure out how to do a dart. Now 0 is sitting in the closet and never to see light

I have been having the idea of making bibs. Personalized bibs. But I do not think I want to even make the effort to get the sewing machine out or even take the time to figure out how to conjure up my

Everytime I start something I get annoyed with it, bored with it, or I just feel like I do not have the time for it anymore. I mostly find a reason for not having a hobby and it was because of daughter. She always bothers me when I am working on my hobby. I just feel like when my process gets interupted that I no longer have time to do it.


Well got to get a shower.

Talk to ya'll later.


I understand how you feel Joonie. I was a stay at home Mom for about 9 years. It hard especially when you aren't feeling good. We didn't have much money in those days and I would have killed to have had a talent like yours. Just so I could make some of my OWN money. That's one of the hardest thing about being a stay at home Mom. You never feel like any of the money is YOURS; and you can control it. (Ok; sorry....that was my problem)

Girl if you can sew you can make some money!! Have you ever been to one of these flea markets where people sale all kinds of stuff like throw pillows and purses. They look so simple to make; and they are so expensive to buy!! You could go out to one of these places and get some ideas. Go to the craft store and get some suplies. Test your self. See what you can do.

You could work on them while your daughters at school and Andrew is in the play pen.

Do you watch soaps? I LOVE Day's of Lives and General Hospital. When I was sick I got re-hooked. Now I'm watching at night and on the weekends on soap net.

Think about my idea. You could make some really cool stuff...even if you can't make a dart.




I've been a stay at home mom since forever.  Only worked maybe 3 years since our son was born in 1985...I ended up homeschooling him  from 8th grade til 12th grade.   Now he's in  his 2nd year of college...I'm so glad he's going to Jr College and staying at home.. I'm not ready for him to go anywhere.   I guess when he does move out I'll have to adopt more dogs and ferrets.

LOL @ Hulagirl!!  Yeah, sure send him my way. I will give him to our neighbors. They have hens, roosters, geese, a horse, ginees, a BIG turkey, and multiples of rabbits. All these animals just 5 feet from our back

We have trains that go by only about 200 feet from the back of the lot where we are. I have gotten use to the roosters crowing at 2:30am until 4am. I know it is time for me to go to sleep soon when I hear

I just sleep thru all of it, dogs barking, geese honking, roosters crowing, turkey gobbling, trains blowing their whitles, and anything

The only thing that bothers me is when the neighbor decides he is going to do some construction work @ 5am!! Hammer, hammer, bang, bang, bam, Now that annoys

Lovie - Yeah, I feel the same way you do about the money. I know he will buy me stuff if I put it in the buggy...but I feel like since I sit at home all day and do nothing and I mean nothing. That I should not claim his hard earned money as mine.

Sewing runs in the family. My oldest sister can sew anything. I can kinda sew, just have not worked on it enough to perfect it. I can do web design and webmaster stuff. I just do not feel like that is what I want to do, but that is what I have always wanted to do, and worked myself to learn how to do just about all of it.

I do not know. I am just stuck in a rut and need to get out of it. I just only have so many good days. Maybe I will have more good days when I go back to the doc for meds. I sure do hope so. Have not been to the doc yet, because we are stuggling with money right now and I have enough pred to last me until September. So maybe something will change between now and then.


Hula girl,  You are so good at making me smile

Joonie,  You are a wonderful, entertaining writer.  Have you considered getting a job, even volunteer that might turn into something paid, working on a newsletter for some organization you are interested in.  You have a natural talent for story telling.  For me, the one year I was a housewife was very tough on my self confidence.  It is good to explore who you are separate from your kids and husband.  You are full of personality Joonie.

Awww...thanks Roxy.

No I do not think I am a very good story teller. I do not really have any organizations that I am interested in. I just do my brothers website it is part of an organization for school buses. BUT I do not know much about school buses. All I know about them is you have to get up very early in the morning rain or shine, hot or cold, and then you find a seat and go to sleep until you get to the same thing on the way back home.

I do not mind being a house wife or stay-at-home-mom but I get bored and when I get bored I So, I spend most of my day sleeping, no matter how much stuff I need to do. I have no gumption. I need

Jooniper, it sounds like you need some "you time".  Does your hubby babysit once in a while and let you enjoy some alone time?  I wish I had some answers for your boredom but every time I think of something I realize that you have to feel good to want to do it.  Bummer! 

I work and dream of retirement.  My job isn't bad but it's hard to keep up and lately I'm been extra tired.  I never did the stay at home Mom thing.  Today I sometimes feel guilty that I didn't stay at home but as some commercial I saw recently, we can't rewind our lives.  I tell all the Moms I meet in the grocery stores, etc., to enjoy their kids while they are little.  Believe it or not, it really is easier! 

I have one son (almost 20).  He has already been married, divorced and has a daughter.  I currently pay for all the attorney fees for the custody battle.  I love her to death but I can't help but feel that she is before her time but apparently God had other plans than mine.  I had other plans for my son, but....

My daughter is 16 and a handfull.  She is cute and can be sweet but she is as moody as they come (and I wanted a girl).  She wants to move out and live with friends and I keep telling her that my job description says I'm on duty until she turns 18.  She thinks I'm boring and too uptight.  It should hurt my feelings but it doesn't.  I'm a home body and she is very outgoing so we are very two different people.  I knows she loves me and that is what counts.

Take care of those babies and get some "you" time.

Cristene -

Yeah hubby will watch the kids for me. I just do not know what to do with myself when I get "me time". I recently went out to eat with my mommy and sister last week. I do not get out of the house much. I am kinda thinking I am feeling this way because I now have a driver's permit and hopefully soon a now I know I am not nervous when I drive.

