The Ultimate Exam | Arthritis Information


I can't find the initial post (recent) where someone commented about uniform lab testing for RA and requested input from posters about the types of diagnostic labs that they had  had done to determine a RA diagnosis.

This is not about blood labs, but I happened upon this site in my cyber studies and am wondering if there is anyone..anyone at all...who has had this complete a physical exam when presenting at a Rheumy: chnique.html




I've only had a few that were that in-depth. But yes, my RD makes me move my joints, then she moves them, then I walk a little and she pushes here and there, it's pretty physical. I thought that was normal?

Perhaps it was because all of my bloodwork was forwarded to the Rheumy by my PCP and all of it was positive for a DX of RA but, when I arrived, all this person did was take my hands in his, turn them over and pronounce me a rheumatoid arthritic.


I didn't at my RD's. but I did at PT downstairs from my RD. I get treated at an integrative centre so it all ends up in the same files.

My RD took a look at me knee and my labs and said "I now pronounce you person with RA".
Yeh, mine was thorough I think.  She examined me from head to toe i.e., moving bones and twisting everything, weighed me, took my height, made me walk to check my gait and talked with me for quite a while.  I was referred to her by my PCP and I had already had the blood test, etc.
She wanted to be sure that I knew all about this lovely disease and informed me that although I had never been depressed, that I probably would be as time went on.  I think that she did a good job! And she was right dammit.
I had all this and more.

I also had every possible eliminating test for anything else. Including a TB test, MRI and chest x-ray.

I had no RF because I am seroneg but my ESR was 82 and my CRP was 65.

More first consultation was a thorough and full physical like that article describes as well.

Yes, I had most of this and then some.  Like Cordy I had an MRI, ekg, bone density, more labs than I thought possible, including a urinalysis and culture to be sure I didn't have an asymptomatic infection prior to starting dmards and bios.  I was set up with an appt. with a pulmonologist for lung evaluation due to having pneumonia several times in the past and some scarring on the lower lobes.  All of this was prior to starting meds. 

Once all tests and consultations were done, evaluated and I was seen then I was started on dmards and biol.  My RD wanted to make sure I didn't have any lingering disease.  After my initial exam I knew that he was a keeper.  Not the most pleasant personality but just about the best physician I've ever had.   Lindy
