Fizzle Reports | Arthritis Information


Okay, GoGo, I think the catalyst is air.  I have been completely immersed in the hot water/epsom salts/HP mixture, and you have been misting and exposed to air. 

This time I poured on the HP (all my mister bottles have either plant fertilizer, bleach, poisons in them :) and left out a limb.  With air, I could feel the fizzing, but I never saw anything.

But, the first body part I poured the HP straight onto was my left foot.  I put down the bottle, then grabbed the left foot and crossed it over and up towards me to look at.  I could FEEL the fizzing with my right hand, but I couldn't SEE it.  I also put my hands up to my ears after pouring it on my hands, but never heard anything. 

When I got out, again, I can clearly see all my lupus mask, scarf, red inflammation areas, but this is the most pronounced I have ever observed them. 

It definitely helps with the inflammation, but I had been doing epsom salts baths for years now, to treat my depression. 

Just wondering do you have to be on AP to fizzle? And if not, how are the portortions for peroxide and epsom salt?


Nah, its an open fizzing bath - you feel really clean afterwards.

Here is the link to where I started, which someone else in here posted, and I would give you credit, but I forgot ... frain bog ...

A. Peroxide baths: Mix 3-4, 16 oz. common brown bottles of 3% peroxide in a hot water bath with 2 cups of Epsom salt. Soak for 30 minutes. Do this at least 1 to 3 times per week (no vitamins should be taken 4-8 hours before bath). This is the preferred way to take peroxide. Still better is a Jacuzzi with the jets turned on. This enhances the effects. A home whirlpool such as Polinex (cost about 0) fits on a standard bathtub and also greatly improves the effect. Increase the amount of peroxide and Epsom salt proportionally for the larger tub sizes. For economic bulk purchase of peroxide, consider obtaining the concentrated 27% solution sold by the gallon as a cleaner in some swimming pool shops. It is called "Baqua Shock". This product is dangerous to the skin right out of the bottle. It must be diluted in your bath. Use about 1/10 the volume needed of 3% peroxide in your baths.

Let us know, we are conducting a very scientific, double blind, test here, so a piece of TP would suffice

I will let ya know how it goes if and when I decide doing it. I will have to go purchase the peroxide and epsom salt first and actually remember when I go shopping.

It is important that pharm grade HP be used as opposed to OTC industrial grade as industrial has some heavy metals.  Also juciers should always soak fruit and veg in water and peroxide and recommend peeling carrots as freash fruits and veg carry parasites under the skin or peel.  Don't listen to King of Juicer who said to go ahead and juice without peeling. Better to careful than not IMHO.


LuAnn -

Where do we get the pharm grade HP?  I'm assuming from your post it's not the stuff in the brown bottles.


Your Local Health Food Store would know or have it.


Stem Cell - thanks for the info re the OTC HP, I had no idea, but I do alternative energy healing/ionic foot baths to pull out heavy metals, so my "Mad Hatter" is going to be hopping mad next time I see him.  I had no idea there was any difference, but know that heavy metals are causing lots of problems out there.  Even my MD has been muttering under his breath about them. 

Joonie - all I can think of are hot compresses or using the heating pad you mentioned on another thread.  So you could try hot towels soaked in epsom salts, then use a heating pad, then maybe spray mist the HP like GoGo is doing.  Before I found out how heating up plastic wrap in microwaves can drip poisons into your food, I used to wrap the compress in plastic wrap and then put the heating pad on top of that.  It's always something.  Good luck!  I had visions of you in the kiddie pool in the backyard All I can report is I have a different experience every time I do one of these baths. Sometimes nothing happens. Like I said on the other bath thread, my last one was very dramatic with loud fizzling , angry red rashes and whit spots. I mean, I don't know what's happening so I can't predict.... PS...isn't pharma grade the HP you buy at the pharmacy?

And industrial would be the eco-friendly bleach used for clothes? Or am I way off base here?
I'm still freaking over the pool cleaner. See why it took me so long to try this??? We'll stick with the brown bottle for now.