RA and alcohol | Arthritis Information


lorster39363.6291782407 Moderate alcohol consumption is typically defined as 1-2 drinks per day for men, and 1/2 - 1 drink per day for women (with "1 drink" being 12 oz beer, 5 oz wine, or a shotglass of 40-proof booze).

Generic over-the-counter naproxen says right on the label "don't take if you regularly consume 3 or more alcoholic beverages per day."

My docs have all told me that if my stomach acts up, then cut out coffee and beer for a few weeks.  I typically have 1-2 cups of coffee per day, and 2-4 glasses of beer per week.

Not on those meds specifically........but when taking my Lexapro, both my RD and PCP are insistant that I don't drink a drop. I dont' know if that's personal prefrence, or what, but that's what I'm getting told, just for being on an AD!


I don't drink anyway, so it's not an issue for me. I suppose if it were something I enjoyed, I would question it further. Since it's not, I guess that's why I never asked.


Not on those meds specifically........but when taking my Lexapro, both my RD and PCP are insistant that I don't drink a drop. I dont' know if that's personal prefrence, or what, but that's what I'm getting told, just for being on an AD!


I don't drink anyway, so it's not an issue for me. I suppose if it were something I enjoyed, I would question it further. Since it's not, I guess that's why I never asked.


The Lexapro prescribing info says that no interaction is expected with alcohol (but they still advise against it, with no reason given). Most docs will tell you not to combine alcohol with any antidepressant, but the monographs for most of the antidepressant drugs don't give a good reason why (other than "concomitant use is not advised"). 

I guess it depends on where the meds are metabolized?   I know w/ MTX, it is metabolized thru the liver, so alcohol is a no-no.  I'm not a drinker, so to me, it is an obvious choice/no brainer.  I wouldn't drink because why take the chance?   

Personally, I think 3 glasses is 2 too many.  That is MY opinion.  I did hear on the new today that a woman who drinks 1 alcoholic beverage daily increases her risk of breast cancer.  There are so many things that alcohol can cause/increase/decrease, etc.  I just don't take the chance.


Kelly - do you think it has anything to do with the MENTAL effects?


Phats - isn't that a shame! Because the idea for so long has been to drink one glass of wine a day to help your heart! And now they say it leads to breast cancer. You almost can't win for losin'!

I think it has more to do with corporate CYA (cover your @ss)

LMAO Do you have any idea what the rule is about muscle relaxers? Specifically Flexeril? Do you know that the stupid bottle has SO MANY warnings on it, I don't even read them anymore.


Which reminds me, the Lexapro bottle has the fewest warning stickers I've ever seen on a med. It has ONE that says "may cause drowsiness, etc etc" But nothing about drinking!

Oh flexeril and alcohol is a bad idea.  Both make you really weak, drowsy and uncoordinated.  Not a good combo.

I figured as much. But is it dangerous to your system?


I was just thinking about that.......in theory wouldn't mixing alcohol with ANY medication possibly be dangerous? Because it's all filtered through your liver, isn't it? And that would be an extra strain?

The liver enzyme system isn't like one big river; it's like a bunch of highways.  Not all substances will use all pathways.  Each substance will be metabolized by one or two enzymes ("pathways").  Each of those metabolism reactions, in turn has the potential to speed up, slow down or block "traffic" in that "pathway".  Not all substances use the same pathways as alcohol.  Non-drug substances can interfere with the pathways also - most notably grapefruit juice.  It can inhibit metabolism of some drugs.  On the other hand, char-broiled meat contains chemicals that can speed up metabolism of some drugs.

There are entire textbooks written on this stuff.

Oh wow, thanks Kelly. I had no idea.


I suppose then, in answer to Lorsters question, we might be able to say "it depends" Because doesn't everyone process alcohol differently?

Most people process it about the same - 1/2 ounce of pure alcohol per hour (the equivalent of one drink).  Men process it a bit more quickly than women; some Asians lack a key enzyme used to break it down, so they get sick instead of buzzed.

hummm When the Dr put Trey on Paxil and Xanax for anxiety attacks, he asked the Dr if he could drink beer. He told him definetly not while taking Xanax but a "few" would be ok on the Paxil, but he would "rather" he didn't drink at all.  Well heck so would I but he didn't give a clinical reason for either

Katie for years now I have heard that a glass of red wine a day was good for your heart, now it increases breast cancer? Jeez!

Mona, it can hurt his liver, and that is what I am trying to get across to my dumb brother(who I am sure drinks Trey under the table by a long shot). 

I think the idea the Lori brought up...if you are taking an antidepressant, and drinking a depressant...it doesn't take long for them to collide.  Also, alcohol slows down the heart and so does the xanex, so you could end up with an unsustainable heart rate.  Just not wise to play Russian Roulette.

Lorster and Shelly, that makes a whole lotta sense! My Rhumy Dr said No Alcohol with MTX But I have a few Pints from time to time.  Funny thing is I had one test were the Liver Enzymes were slightly elevated so he said not to take MTX for two weeks. After 1 week I was hurting so he gives me a Big increase in Pred. Two weeks later Liver tests are fine but now My Lymphoctes are elevated due to Pred so again No MTX Freakin Dr's !!! [QUOTE=Shelly41]

Mona, it can hurt his liver, and that is what I am trying to get across to my dumb brother(who I am sure drinks Trey under the table by a long shot). 

I think the idea the Lori brought up...if you are taking an antidepressant, and drinking a depressant...it doesn't take long for them to collide.  Also, alcohol slows down the heart and so does the xanex, so you could end up with an unsustainable heart rate.  Just not wise to play Russian Roulette.


"depressant" as applied to alcohol is not the same as "depressant" in anti-depressant medication.

However, 13 years ago I was on the heavy duty breast-cancer chemo and I drank wine whenever I felt like it (although not to excess).  That doctor told me one glass was OK - - I thought he meant every day, but he probably meant once a week!

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