Newbie | Arthritis Information


Hi All, Just joined the group. Have been enjoying the posts.  I was dxd with PMR and Osteo a year ago.  Have been up and down the Prednisone scale.  Currently tapering down again.  Last visit to rheumy, he decided that he should be treating me for Rheumatoid A rather than PMR.  He wants to put  me on Humira which is outrageously expensive.  They are checking with my insurance co. to see what or if it will cover and what the copay would be.  Is anybody out there on Humira now?  Is it helping?  Supposed to keep bones from further deterioration and boosts the immune system.  Don't think I have one.  Recently had to get orthopedic shoes due to collapsing left foot and am scheduling cataract surgery.  Have had PMR in legs and knees.  Doc told me 6 weeks ago when I was having horrible pain in my upper arms that it was the PMR moving up.  Now, he says I am in remission.  Don't know how he can tell because I didn't have any tests or x-rays done.  So who knows what I have.  I'm sticking with the PMR and hoping it will go away some day. Thanks for all the good information you all are putting out, it really helps to know I am not alone with this.

Wishing for a  good and comfortable day to all.


Welcome, kay. Have you had any tests done either to check sed rate or to
rule out things like RA and Lupus? How was the PMR dx? It sounds like you
have been reading the posts on this forum.If so, you will know that ruling
out other things, symptoms and the effectiveness of pred are the way PMR is
dx. You can find lots of good articles on PMR on line that will either connect
for ou or not. Many are listed on earlier threads.. Hope you get a better
sense of what is going on soon!Hello Kay and welcome

You certainly having a time of it, aren't you - It's good that you've joined
us. I don't take humira, just predisolone, but I think that I have heard
others mention it, and I'm sure they'll be along soon.

I agree that it seems a bit odd that yr dr has decided you are in remission.
Mine goes by the symptons rather than blood tests, but it sounds like
you've still got plenty of symptoms.

Hope you have a pain free day.


hi kay and welcome,                                                                      my dr. suggested i try imuron, which is a ra drug, he is baffeled because the pred does not help me so much, imuron has some really bad side effects, causes cancer, he said i had to make the decision to try the imuron or methotrexate, i chose the methotrexate, i do not know the cost of imuron, the methotrexate is very inexpensive,that was not my reason to choose it, i am just afraid of the cancer thing.  i get my first shot tomorrow (one a week) and it will take some time for me to feel anything. Pray for me.  I am on 20 mg of pred and can just about walk, i am in bad shape, i almost feel like telling him i need to be in the hospital when i see him tomorrow You will be in my thoughts, Georgiana. Please let us know how things are.
pgrGeorgiana, I am so sorry you  are not feeling better.  I am new to this forum, but the pred. eased the pain within 24 hours.  Now, I just have the fatigue and sometimes a little pain, if I overdo.  I am on 15 mg, soon to be decreased.  Also, my legs and arms feel like lead at times.   Hope you get relief quickly.
Shirley Thanks Shirley,
     That is what is so confusing to both the dr and myself, the pred does not seem to help, I even took a vicodin and am still in pain.

     I am glad it eased your pain and good luck when you decrease.
     Let me know how you make out.

     Thank you so much

     I will post you guys as soon as i get home tomorrow from th dr.
     Thank you for helping me through this.
     i hate to be a complainer but i am having a very difficult time.
                           Love,    Georgiana

Thinking of you today Georgiana Hi Kay and welcome to our group. I hope some of the good folks here can help you with your questions. meanwhile, I sympathise with the upper arm pain, that is one of my main symptoms too.                           Thank you Chico
                 God sent me to this forum, he knew you guys would help me


    A big big hug...I hope you can get some help.  Is your doctor sure you have PMR?  That is one of the criteria of PMR:  Prednisone helps almost immediately.   Tell him that.   There are some other diseases of the veins that Prednisone does not help.  Is your doctor the only one in your area.  He really should send you to a rheumatologist.

   I think you made the right choice in not taking the Embrel, you might take it and it might not do a thing for you if you don't have PMR.  It might take awhile for the Methotrexate to kick in.  I am no doctor, but I think your doctor should look for other things that could be wrong with you.

    Again, big hug, I want you to find relief soon.  I hurt, but not any where near the depth of your pain.    Mary

Georgiana,  Thinking of you today.  I hope the doctor can give you some relief from your pain.  Take care of yourself and let us know what happens.


Hi Kay and Welcome:  This is a good forum for you to be in.  Very caring and helpful people who have 'been there'.

Dear Georgina:  I have prayed for you tonight and your dr appt tomorrow.  I trust that you will be able to get some satisfactory answers from your dr and relief from your terrible ordeal and pain. I feel so bad for you and your suffering.  I have my pain under control, so far, with 25mg prednisone daily, reducing by 1mg per week.  But I still remember the pain before I was dx and put on Pred. 