Cordy | Arthritis Information


Hello dear, just wanted to see how you've been doing and if your new pain meds are working for you!!!!


Katie, got a PM from her and Nevie is sick, maybe strep throat.  I know that she will be in vaction care when she gets better, but I haven't heard from her today.


Awww BUMMER!!! If it ain't one thing it's another!!! 


I know poor baby!!!!  I just wish she would catch a break for about a week I think that would make the world seem better. 

I HATE when my kids are sick.  I sent one to bed early with Niquil.  I hope he isn't getting sick...he never gets sick so when he does it is TERRIBLE.  In fact the last time he got sick was Oct. of 2004, and he ended up in the Hospital with viral Menengitis.  Jeff was gone too. 

Well here's to hoping he's not sick!!!!!! I am here ladies, yeah Nevie has been sick the last two days so with her and me I have had my hands full. She is back at vacation care today but yesterday we had to do the whole doctor, pharmacy thing which took much of the day.And she won't sleep with it and I can't take my pain meds because they put me out. So I have had a very grumpy, sick child and her mother is similar. If she would sleep it would be so much easier. And at night she has been crawling into my bed which is also disturbing. Poor munchkin doesn't remember being this sick ever, so she has been really upset about it.

I haven't had time to post anything. Am exhausted and am heading off for a nap until I have to pick her up in a few hours. I am hoping I will get to post tonight after she's in bed.

Pain meds are working but they do knock me out so I have to be able to sleep. I still think my sustained release morphine is enough dosage. I will talk to my doc about it on Thursday.

Thanks for caring. Well at least things seem to be winding down for ya. Hope the little one feels better, and you too!! 


oh...darn...just when you get a handle on one thing another pops its ugly head. 

Let me know how things go when you get more rest. 

Love the both of you, and sleep dear friend!

I shall report back. Going to sleep now. Yep, it is just one thing after another. That's exactly how I feel Shel, I get a handle on one thing and another pops up. It has to get better sometime. 

I hope things get better for you, Cordelia. Just take it one day at a time and things are bound to turn around.

Take care!

That's all I can do Cindee. Sometimes I am down to one minute at a time here, 


Sorry to hear about Nevie.  I hope she feels better soon.


