To excercise or not? | Arthritis Information


Have a GREAT DAY everyone!!


Hmmm...I think if you are really flaring, it may be not such a good idea although exercise in general is a good thing.

I think listening to your instincts about your own body is important in these exact moments. What do you think? That is probably the most important question here.

I would follow your gut and then talk to your MD about it when you can.

Cordelia, thanks for the input...I tend to be cautious about excer when in lots of pain...for 35 yrs I had major back probs (2 surgeries) and whenever I followed the docs directions to excercise it just added to the problems...have a good one!


I agree with you.

I think if you are in tons of pain and flaring exercise is not a good idea. You can stir things up more than help them.

So you know what you should do which is leave it be and when you can see your MD in a week you can mention it. 


Don that is usually what happens to me when I exercise, is it always adds to the problem and is not a benefit.  I wish I could say it was great after exercise, but I would be lying.  I do try to stretch no matter if I am sore or not.  I really listen to my body while stretching though.  It seems easier to pull things at this time. 

Take care and rest as much as you can.  I find that the normal housework on flaring days is enough. 

Ladies thanks for the advice....think I'll soak my paws in epson salt hot water again...did it last nite and they felt good for awhile!! Take care of yourselves also!!


Hi Don, I agree with the others, your hands 'get excercised' from just daily activities and using an exercise ball could cause more pain. This stuff isn't like a lot of illlnesses that some how benefit from movement (like tendenitis). I don't like to think of splints either, but others here actually us them at night and they help. When I had an awful flare in one of my elbows I didn't use it for a whole day, OMG I thought it would never 'work' again! It was stuck in place.

After showering and moving around in the morning I usually feel better. I drink lots of coffee to overcome the dull ness of this disease, (prob. too much!), but I feel better after. I have a foot problem the metatarsial (padding onf the bottom, left toe thing), and it's finally going away after another drip of Remicade. I was so distrustful of this medication, but now I'm an advocate. Along with methotrexate I've gotten so much better.

Move as much as you can, gently, and don't think you can exercise this stuff away, it doen't work that way. I hope you have lots of good days! Lynda (I played golf yesterday at the beautiful Morro Bay Golf Course (Calif), no pains afterward, the county has a website! Hurrah

Lynda and Jasmine, tks for the help...I've looked at those gloves, also the heated gloves for this winter, if this stays bad...we;re gonna have some bad storms here today so I think I'm gonna take it easy...take care....


I've always found that exercise always seems to help me.  I remember years ago going to PT and having to dip my hands in warm wax until it was nice and thick on my hands.  Then they had me peel it off and roll it into a ball (anout the size of a baseball) and they'd have me knead it for a while.  So I suppose that's kind of what your wife was suggesting with the squeeze ball.  Now it never took the pain away, but during that time while doing it, my hands felt better.

I guess it's kinda like when u first get out of're so stiff from not moving.  Once you get going you start to feel better.  Of course though there are times when no matter what you do, it's just too painful and not a good idea to push yourself.



Hot wax baths for aching hands are the best.  It has also helped with the skin problems on my hands.  I love them, and do play with the wax some afterwards.  I also got some putty from the PT, and I first started with some that was easily manuvered, and then increased the intensity as I have gotten stronger. 

I have to watch for tendon damage...b/c PA attacks the tendons and it would be very easy to hyrniate them.  I've seen pictures and NO Thanks!

Shelly, thanks for the input....guess I could sneak in and use my wife's hot wax thingy for hair removal!!!LOL



Don - I have had this question for a long time! I have asked, but I just usually do not exercise, as my knees are usually swelled everyday or other day since being off and on Humira so much within the last 6 months and now I am not taking Humira as I have a cold, and last time I took Humira when I had yucky green stuff, I got a sinus infection and was off it for over a month.

Anyways... I do my "exercising" when I go to wal-mart. And most days like yesterday and the day before.... it was all I could do to make it thru wal-mart. My ankle swelled to the point I thought I might have broken it and my knees swelled even more. So... exercise is not always a good thing to do. Today my ankle is better, thanks to pred, and my knees are still swelled but I can at least bend them a little better, yet again thanks to pred. Without pred I would be SOL!

I only spend about 15-20 mins walking around wal-mart and I get that kind of swelling, but my RA is not under control.

Just remember when in wal-mart... benches are your friend



Ok, so Don please do not use the Hot wax...I actually have a parrifin wax bath that i use.  Actually I just used it on my hands and elbows, and I am doing a little better.  I am going to use it on my feet and ankles and then lay down.  Did some cleaning in the basement, and loaded the dishwasher, so I am done for a while(until I have to start dinner).  It has been a nice day off. 

Still in SOOOO much pain. 


a good rule of thumb is if you feel an increase in joint pain during exercise or within 2 hours of exercise then you have overdone it.  It is diffiuclt to figure out how much ou can do until you over do it though (lol). 

If you are having extreme pain or swelling don't exercise that particular joint except to stetch or do range of motion which you should do every single day anyway

Always try to warm up the joints before attempting any exercise.  A gentle walk on will warm up the big joints.  The paraffin bath or a warm moise towel (wrapped in a dry one) around the hands will help those. 

for exercising the hands you want to use soft malleble medioums.. Play dough is good.  Don't use a normal exercise ball since you want something you can sqeeze all the way through to get full range of motion.  with the squeeze balls you only get half motion.   I have a friend who took up making bread...the kneeding was great exercise.

When completing any active exercise ice you joint (s)

Shelly, just kidding about the wife's hot wax LOLOL.....Buckeye thanks for the info...i've been using heating pad a lot and hot water w/epson salts....y'all take care now!!!!


