Article: Minocycline: The Wonder Drug? | Arthritis Information


I read an article on the Road Back Bulletin board which said minocycline
could be used to treat strokes, when I noticed this paragraph:

"The antibiotic is being studied in a variety of trials to determine whether
it can protect brain cells in Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease,
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and traumatic brain injury, Swanson said."

Minocin: the wonder drug.

I wish RA was included in that list. With the amount of people treating
their RA with minocycline you'd think it would be a no brainer.

Edited to make a link that works!Gimpy-a-gogo39357.4947106481

well considering that the study is being performed by neurologists and all of the diesase mentioned are diseases and injuries of the neurological system it is not suprising that a joint disease wasn't mentioned.


That's a good point---I somehow missed that in my wonderment. We stayed at a hotel that was housing a neurologist convention, and I was creeped out because my neurologist experience was creepy (they are just as much of a downer as rheumatologists...).  Who knew??  I should have been eavesdropping.  They must be on to something finally.

I know I've seen a summary article on Mino and stopping some cancers in it's tracks - particularly colon cancer.  Just have no idea what I did with it.


I am proud GoGo posted a link.  My brother has Parkinson's from carbon monoxide poisoning at work - I had seen that and sent it to him, but he is not biting yet.  I will land him eventually :)  And I too was surprised to see all the other possibilities. 