OT - Panic Attacks / Anxiety | Arthritis Information


Alright, I really need to get this under control. I think talking to people who deal with the same stuff I do would be great. As in, a forum perhaps? Has anyone had any experience with any forums related to either topic? I did some google searching last night, but nothing really jumped out at me.Hello Katie,
I don't have a forum for you but certainly have about 30 years worth of experience.  Under control?  Not completely, but I do work, raise a family and live life.  I guess I am doing OK.  Well thanks hun, that's much appreciated. :)Katie, google panic attacks support groups.  There are all kinds of them out there.  I thought you were a googler Katie! And you know I am here too, anytime, Katie love.

I would google panic attack support groups or panic disorder support groups. There would definitely be a forum out there. I will let you know if I come across anything.

Something to start with.

Ivillage has tons of message boards..here's one u can check out


http://www.helpguide.org/mental/panic_disorder_anxiety_attac k_symptom_treatment.htm#treatment

And another that has good information.
And another. I googled panic attack support forums.

Thanks guys, I did google some. But I just wasn't really impressed. I'll check all the links you've given me tonight. Thank you so much!!! Alright. So after reading a lot about panic attacks I've noticed some very important things. (yes I will be bringing this up with the doc, but for now Im gonna throw it out here)

I've seen a lot of talk about how basically by teaching someone how to breathe and exposing them to the physical sensations of a panic attack (ex - having them hyperventilate on purpose) it alleviates their fear.

Um nope. I have no fear of ANY of the physical sensations, in fact I get them all the time individually for no apparent reason. Nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath etc etc. The physical aspect of the panic attacks does not bother me in the least, it's just something that I cannot control anymore.

It's the MENTAL part that freaks me the f* out. And so far I can't find any information about that.

Am I not having panic attacks? Have I gone about this all wrong?

Also - everyone's description of a panic attack STARTS with the physical symptoms, and leads into the fear. I am COMPLETELY opposite. The thoughts start going, the fear RAGES and then bam, I'm in an attack. I also can't find any info on attacks that occur this way.

Man I'm really messed up.

Katie - I have occasional anxiety/panic type attacks, and mine ALWAYS start with the fearful, deep, thinking and mental images first, and then I start with the physical symptoms.

I always just assumed that's the way a panic attack starts. Interesting that you read that most people start with the physical symptoms first and then procede to the fearful thoughts and mental images.

I wish there was something I could say or do that would help, but mine are so infrequent that I don't even take medication for it.

You really need to see a doctor and discuss your current medication regimen, and see if there's something else that might better control your panic attacks. I'm so sorry you're going through this...

It's okay. Everything for a reason. Who knows what'll come of this!

Appt is at 9am on monday......just a few days to go!!! My biggest problem when I get into "fits" like this is that I can end up going days with TERRIBLE sleep. Cause 99% of my attacks occur right before I fall asleep. Creates QUITE the little insomniac out of me. Sorry to hear all this Katie, I agree with you that just breathing and exposure aren't that helpful and I always have the mental thing first and then the physical.  I am much better at recognizing them now.  I thought that my anxiety went hand in hand with my depression, but it doesn't. They take turns Thanks Mary. I think the frustration is in part because I feel like I went so long without any problems, and this time around it's SO much more intense. I sort of thought I had it licked last time. But I guess not? Honey, I am 46 and have had them since my early teens.  If you figure out how to "lick" them completely, please let me know. panic attacks, dredful. i used to get them. my heart would race thought i was having angina. i still can't sleep, and i have heart burn all the time. i can relate. i really don't get panic attacks much any more or if i do i just don't worry about it. some meds make me more pron to panic attacks, of course life stressing issues add to the problem also. i have alot of anxiety still. it is just who i am the lady that gets nervous about everything.I really appreciate the kind words. Makes me feel less nutty.  Well, just let me know about the bracelet.  The offer stands.

Hi Katie,

Oh, do I know about panic attacks!  I've had them on and off for 35 years.  However, since being diagnosed hypothyroid and starting Synthroid last year, I haven't had so much as a twinge of panic.   I believe I may have always been slightly hypothyroid -- but when the normal range was lowered a few years ago I finally tested "high" and was treated.  No more panic attacks.

Have you had a blood test for thyroid recently?

My daughter had her first panick attack when she was 13. My husband was bringing her into the hospital to see me when I was on life support. She scared him so much that he thought he would end up with both of us in there. She has had a few since. But doesnt take anything for them as they are so far and few between. But thats the problem she never knows when it will hit as there doesnt seem to be one reason that causes them.


Katie, I had panic attacks for awhile. Mine, I was told, started when I got sick with my thyroid. I didn't know I had Graves, until my symptoms were bad. Then it took about two years to find a Dr who could diagnose me. I had been having panic attacks for two years by then. I, like you and Gale started with the fearful thinking too first, not the shallow breathing and such.... Dr who diagnosed me with Graves sent me to a therapist, who specalized in anxiety/panic attacks. What the Dr said was, it didn't matter what caused them to start. Once you start having them, they are hard to stop. The therapist told me when I started the fearful thinking, to do my deep breathing. concentrate on my breathing. To keep repeating to myself, I'm relaxed & listen to my breathing. Then he taught me visualization (sp?). It wasn't easy for me, I had to practice lots! But for me that did help. I know for some it doesn't help at all. I know how awful panic attacks are. Good luck at your Drs appointment. I'll be thinking about you.



Katie this is what seems to help me. I start feeling it build so I work on my breathing and think "breathe in thru my nose, blow out through my mouth." It helps take my mind away from the panic. Then I also visualize. Try to let your mind take you to the most pleasant place you have ever been. Keep working on the breathing and let your mind try to go off and relax in your favorite place.

The other thing I do if it starts to get ahold of me and I am feeling out of control, is I keep telling myself that it is silly! There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Sometimes I get some really nutty claustrophobic (sp) issues; like the house is too closed in!  LOL NOW..THAT'S JUST SILLY.

I wish you well!!
Heres a screening for Anxiety.

Oh those screenings always tell me to "speak to your medical professional TODAY as your test results indicate you have severe General Anxiety Disorder."

Yeah, I know.
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