Doctors today...nervous! | Arthritis Information


Hey everyone,

I need to do some venting. I am here at school just sick to my stomach. I am going to the doctors today to find out what meds I am going to be put on. I am so nervous! I am not quite sure why. My blood work came back ok,  I have been having a flare in my wrists, thumbs and knee. But I am so nervous to go on meds! I don't do well with them and haven't been on them in 10 years. I still don't know what I am going to tell him. He wants humira,but I think I am saying no to that. I don't think I am bad enough for it. Since I was little I have been denying that I have this disease, if I go on meds that just makes it too real. I know that probably sounds goofy!

This board is good therapy! I don't talk about it with ANYONE. Thanks for letting me vent!


Christina, having been a few months ago where you are now, I totally relate to how you're feeling.  Take a deep breath and keep posting here and asking questions.  It will truly help you through.  I personally resisted taking methotrexate because of the scary side effects and when the RD wanted to put me on not only that but Plaquenil too, I freaked.  I put off the MTX but finally took it and now I'm glad.  The more I learn about RA and it's disease "cousins" the more I realize how important it is to get out of the denial phase and get down to the business of preventing permanent damage.  If it will make you feel better, get a second opinion if you feel the doctor is putting you on the really heavy drugs too soon based on your blood work.  You may be sero-negative but the doctor may see physical symptoms that warrant the heavy-hitters.  It's common now for doctors to really hit this disease hard early on and be very aggressive.  Is your doctor a rheumatologist?  You really should see a doctor who specializes in your disease, especially if you're not comfortable with your doctor's treatment plan.  Hang in there.  You can do this and we'll be here to help you!He is a rheumatologist. He is supposed to be a good one, but I am new to the area and always leary. Thanks for the advice! My second grade class is coming in a minute, so hopefully they will get me to chill out!Hi Christina, I don't think it will be as bad as you imagine. You will be protecting your joints. GO FOR IT!! We all had the same thoughts you have, we braved it. It sounds like you are one of the lucky folks who have insurance (?!) we'll all be here to listen when you take your first dose (probably a low one) Lynda


Christina...I have only been truely dx for about six-eight months, and they will start you on a very low dose and increase it according to what you need.  I am not going to lie to you...there are side affects.  I did finish teaching the last couple of months.  Yes, I did feel queasy, and I did tell the secretary, and a teacher close to my room in case I had to leave the room.  Be careful with telling people.  You can do this and you have a support system.  I did not have the board support until June, so I went a few months without any help or advice.  Stay close to us and we will be able to tell what is "Normal" and what is not. 

Chin up and you will be fine.  Well, after the disease is under control.  I am not there yet, but I bet you will beat me. 


Thanks for he advice. I just got back from the doctor and I am going to go on enbrel. I have my first injection next week. I don't know what meds you take, but if you take  one like enbrel, do you find that you get sick more being with all of those kids?

That is what I am most concerned about. We have had MRSA at our school running rampant. That is scary! I told the doctor that and he doesn't seem too concerned.

The best part of my day though was when my husband showed up at the appointment! So cute he was concerned :)

Hi Christina! I'm glad your appointment went well. I've just been diagnosed since March. My Dr started me on Plaquenil. He was actually leary of putting me on the Methotrexate (SP?) because I'm also on PTU for Graves---which is another immunosuppresant (SP?) drug. So he doesn't want to put me on that unless absolutely necessary. He feels the Plaquenil is working for me. I was in denial for a long time...and in a way I still am, just because I don't have all the classic symptoms. ( like hardly any morning stiffness, once I get in the shower I'm pretty good...)

Anyway---hopefully the enbrel will be the drug that'll help you!! GOod luck, keep us updated.We have also had MRSA in the building at school. I have been on some
sort of biologic since 2000. I haven't had too much of an issue with
additional infections. Basically, if I come down with something I go to the
dr. and I don't try to wait it out. That tends to prevent infections from
becoming a major issue.

I hope the Enbrel will be your drug!

beckyWhat's MRSA?Its an infection that can't be treated with regular antibiotics. It is very hard to get rid of. I know 2 people that had to have surgery to oget rid of it. ONe was a student at my school, they had to cut a chunk out of his thigh...gross.

SOrry to be such a pain....I am just so worried that I am not bad enough for the biologics and that the risk out weighs the benifits. ALso, my doctor told me that enbrel would help with my fatigue, and I have read on here that it makes you much more tired!

Thanks for any answers!
