OT-The ways this is an unfair disease! | Arthritis Information


Dear folks, this is an unfair disease. A few ways I've found it to be totally unfair: We often don't even know we have it until it has already damaged our joints. WE inherit it from our family members, sometimes we know that they have it sometimes we don't.  There is so much misinformation out there people don't understand what we go through. People often hide the fact that they have it because they fear retribution at work and among their friends and family. The drugs we take are uncomfortable, we risk infections because we are trying to protect our joints. Some people are allergic to the drugs that would help them. The drugs take a long time to 'work' so we spend an unfair, unknown amount of time 'waiting' while we sort out whether they will work or not!? Gastly, when we are in pain. Pain medications don't always help us because this is such an unusual disease. This disease attacks children, some as young as 18 months old, young people who don't deserve to have to deal with this nasty stuff. Mothers with families who work and are in pain, sapped of their energy. Fathers who need to work and take care of their families get it. It robs so many people of a happy, productive lives. Some of us continue our 'normal lives' with help from the new super drugs. Some of us no matter what we take it doesn't seem to help completely. I know that you all have lots of examples of the unfairness of this disease. Please share your thoughts. Thanks, Lynda

You know what's so unfair? 

There are no superheroes. 

In the old days scientists were heroes.  Men like Sabin and Pastuer. 

Now we got Research Pimps trying for 'therapies' instead of the Nobel Prize.


I can see I'm still upset.  It's been the day from hell.  Spent hours arguing with insurance and THEN lost my cell phone.

I think I'm going offsite until I can be civil.



PIP there are always super heros. John Mclaine {Bruce Willis}, from diehard is my personal favorite.  Life isn't fair. Desease isn't fair. I try to look at it this way. This is my own personnal challenge. I'm better than this and i will make it. But yes i have my synical days. I just can't feel sorry for my self. If a desease takes my body, i refuse to let it take my spirit. I won't give it everything. Pain gets me down of course. Money problems. I hate days where it is to painful to walk as far as the bathroom. and insurance companys, well i don't blame you. You could borrow my super hero. He will find your cell phone , and take care of that rotten insurance company. I can't take alot of meds so the insurance company can't help me to much. So you see i have to believe in super heros. See i ran out of antibiotics i could take years ago. Someone invented Leviquin. I am not allergic to it. So there is always hope. If we have nothing else.

I guess for me it is a series of unfairness, and I guess I am not alone, so I really don't want to complain.

1.  I lost the job I loved and always wanted

2.  I have pain every day for the last eight months...no matter what has been done(short of pred.) I still have deep, sharp pain that keeps me awake and if I do sleep I do not sleep soundly, because of pain.

3.  I have tried a few combos that have not worked, and the one that I am holding on to working has just complicated the pain with nausia, and diahria...then addition of more meds tonight.

4.  My marriage has gone through the worst period I have ever been through in 19yrs. and almost ended with me losing my kids as well as my husband.

5.  I am a friendly person that does not have a friend in town or anyone that will ever check on me except my natural mother, who lives in Oregon. 

6.  I just want to be happy again.  I was such a free spirited happy person, and I am just not that any more. 

I do love my life and I love my kids, but gosh I really want to give up at this point and say to Hell with it all.  All of the treatment.  I have NOT given up on life itself, but I guess I just want pieces of my life back. 

Sorry...I wish this was a happy post, but instead it is just honest.

Wow, Lynda...I didn't know that I had all of those feelings inside.  Thanks, for letting me vent.

Sorry about your foot!

For me this is so unfair because I was lucky enough to have a 3rd child at 40 and I am in so much pain that somedays I do not get to enjoy her.  It hurts all of the time.  What will her life be like when she is older?  Will I be in a wheelchair?  How much will this disease shorten my life?  To Shelly41 I completely understand about your marriage and how bad it can be.  My husband has had a terrible time with me being sick.  Our marriage almost ended and he did say that if we split up he would take our little girl.  I would not be able to take care of her, and he was right.  We are trying to put it back together, but it is a choice we make everyday to love each other. 


reading all this makes me incredibly sad.  Dammit.....they need to hurry up and find a cure for this.  anyone want to guesstimate how long it will take before science can find a cure for this horrible disease?

Well, today I just feel 'beat'.  I do have my cell phone back so I guess I'm saying thanks to John McClaine (or my hubby who went back to all the stores I was at yesterday until he found the damn thing.)  I have never lost it before and needed it for my LIFE!

Bro - Lynda hit my hot button - children with this disease.  And I kind of just blew up.  My original post is my thoughts only - I don't think they are looking for a cure.  We're much to valuable as a 'revenue stream' and that's why all the studies or PR reports say 'lead to new therapies'.  I've only seen 1 report in the 18 months I've been sick that even mentioned the word 'cure'.  And that's O'Dell who was famous in AP circles - but who I have a sneaking suspicion sold us out. 

So, I'm thinking the only way we're getting a 'cure' is if some researcher wants to be the new Pasteur or Sabin or whatever.  Somebody who wants the Nobel Prize and will do work 'outside the box'.  He's out there....how do we find him?

That - and we have to do our own research and figure out what our bodies need to heal.  Masking symptoms is not the answer. 

But what do we do if the pain is too bad?  I know I'm painfree and still healing...but what if my microbes mutate enough so that AP doesn't work in the future?  What if I can't heal the gut?

See what I'm saying...it's not just me and my AP - it's all of us. 

Who is going to help us?


P.S.  Sick people are the last people to organize - but if we only could.

Fatigue: the nasty fatigue consumes you. No matter how much coffee you drink you still can't get a lift! It follows you around every where and no one can see how it feels.

NO one can see how it feels: People look at me and say, "you look great'!! well, I don't feel GREAT.

The doctors are over works, and they can't see you when you need them! I'll have to go the weekend without help, as he's GONE for the afternoon! HUH????!!

Members of my family don't understand what I'm going through and expect me to do the same things I've always done.

I feel numb, cry a lot for no reason, laugh less.

Will my son inherit this stuff??? The guilt is overwhelming?


She commiserated about the upset tum, the tiredness, the hair thinning, the pain that cant be stopped no matter what drugs you take, the loss of energy, the removal of your self worth but she said she's only got one life and she's going to bloody well live it.

In light of that I decided that sunlight and some positivity were the order of the day. Its too easy to dwell at the unfairness of this, its too easy to get into the depressive thinking that comes very easily with this disease and its too easy to become totally consumed with the misery that it brings. So I'm trying to 'do a Margo'... I got one life, and am going to make the best of it. Hubby loves me, son loves me, cat adores me, family loves me, we work, the bills get paid, heatings on.... aint it great?


This disease is so misunderstood and has ruined my career, my relationships, my childrens' lives and my livelihood. I would like to mention though like my brother always says  concerning his son with cancer..."it is what it is". "The alternative is worse".


Gosh, this thread makes me so sad, but it's a great tool for those who need to vent, and that's no small thing.  Sometimes it seems like that's all we have, isn't it?  I don't really have anything to add with regard to the subject matter, but reading all these sad posts reinforces and reminds me of the incredibly important service this board offers.  I just hope on the days when it seems the pain will never end or when it just seems like too much effort to keep trying, EVERYONE who needs to will vent, cry, yell or do whatever it takes to feel better, and the wonderful people here will help them through the roughest patches.  I hate to think there are people out there who, for whatever reason, are afraid to post.  (Like, "I'm not a good speller, I don't write well, they might think I'm a crybaby," etc.)  I hope those people will believe that we don't care about grammer, spelling, etc.  We just want to know how you're doing and what can we do to help.  Any new posters out there having a bad day who want to join us? 

Hi everyone and your posts are so welcome. Today what's bugging me the most is what I want to do hurts the most! I like to play golf and tennis with my husband, but when I do my left foot ends up feeling like it is 'on fire'!! The pain is like nothing I've ever experienced. Pain pills do stop the hurt, but with all the meds I'm taking you'd think they would fix this!! Now, that is depressing me! To the doc on Wed. to tell him this. I hope he can help me. Lynda

Went to the garage sales today, and got in and out of the car a million times, plus walked around a 'neighborhood sale' which was about 10 blocks, no pain yet, yippy. Waiting.

Taking methotrexate in a minute.

Wow. My kids are grown. and that is just unfair for these moms. Don't feel guilty please, if anything this is not your fault. When i first got fibro i got so darned deppressed. It is simply deppressing. It is unfair. I honestly must admit i could not take care of small children. And family, well they probably get deppressed and worried, and it is easier for them to stay in denial alot of times. I have to let them know when it's a day i need help. Some days you know i am just find, well used to be. I have this new problem so i don't know what is instore me. Anyway i have to tell them because they don't know how i feel unless i do. Some days i have to yell, hey this is one of those days i can't take care of myself. Well alright then. And i changed doctors a few years ago. I have enough problems if a doctor or nurse gets rude with me. Well i found a great doctor, thank goodness. I tell my family leave me alone i need to rest, i have to repeat medical information and remind them it's not just my idea. That if they leave me alone now they get better use of me later. Thats how i will get well by taking good care of myself. And they usually all pitch in thinking it's a good investment to get me well. And it really made me mad that doing  a little research on arthritis left 60 cookies and 15 spyware cookies in just the first 15 minutes. Yes there are people looking to make a buck off of other peoples pain, and illness. Vent, get angry. I just don't want to see anyone give up, or feel guilty for something that isn't there fault. It is of little comfort that you are not alone in how you feel. It makes sad to here of these mothers, that is just not fair.Anyway i by no means meant to insult Pip or anyone. I have been to the dark place. I just meant that i myself could not go there that day. I was in to much pain to think that nothing could be done about it. I was just saying that i have been so miserable for the past 5 weeks that hope is all i have. I had a fibro attack about 5 years ago that lasted three months, I couldn't use my arms to lift anything, i couldn't sign a check hardly. Somedays i couldn't walk. I had rigamortis and i was still alive. The muscle relaxer wouldn't relax my muscles, the meds didn't work. I lost my job. Things got dark believe me, i remember the way i felt mentally more so than the pain. Now i'm in active fibro, with arthrirtis active and fatique. No i certainly don't think that is fair. And it is really scary. With the fibro if i was fatiqued i could just quit taking the flexeril. I'd be in pain but i could make that chioce. I can't do anything about this fatique now. I guess, i've been threw so much anger and deppression in the past over the fibro i don't have any left. Because for some reason my spirits are good. Well maybe i don't think that RA can hurt any worse than fibro. What is really unfair i think is the dark place. It is what i hate the most, I hate to see people get discuraged and deppressed on top of not feeling well. I hate for them to feel alone or hear that their family is not being supportive. I think it's unfair that i can't just hop out of bed and go out to dinner. I do I think the dark place is the most unfair part of it all.


I also think that you can be in a dark place and still have hope.  I hope that the meds will work, and I hope that my family will rally behind me, and I hope that neither of my kids will have this.  I also know that my body was created, and being created there has to be a blueprint and a rhyme to the reason...I may never know that on this side of  the world, but in time I will know.  I can only hope to do the best I can everyday, and if that means there are days I only survive than, that is the best for that day. 

I do feel alone for the most part.  Without all of you I would absolutely be alone.  Am I angry because I am alone...no, because I do not have the energy to foster a friendship and am quite tired of the fact that it has always been me that has done the initiating in all of my relationships.  So for me, right now, I do not need the stress of relationships.  Just living is stressful enough. 

I've reached a point in my life where there isn't any unfairness....it is what I make of it. 

My life with RA has been somewhat different than many of yours.  I was diagnosed with RA when I was well into my fifties.  I was at the point in my career that I could retire and I did.  RA contributed to my ealy retirement but I was ready, unlike many of you who are younger.  I don't have children at home that I have to care for.  It's just my husband and myself.  My only response is, my retirement isn't what we thought it would be.  Our traveling is limited to a certain extent.  Sometimes I have to be in one spot until my RA is controlled and that can take months.  There are times when we have to change our or modify our plans. My husband doesn't mind, in fact he's the first to suggest a change because he sees that I'm not doing well.  I'm stubborn and many times won't give in to the disease. 

If there is unfairness in my life it's that my life with my husband will be shortened.  I have no doubt of that.  I've already developed cardiac and pulmonary side effects from RA.  Even though I feel 75% better the disease marches on.  I would like to have another 20 plus years but that's unlikely and that's no fair.  Lindy 

 I really need to speak to people that understand. I just got married in June. 

 Well, the first of Aug. I had to go the the ER with my shoulder...that's the major joint affected. My Rheumy was out of town that week, so they had to send me to a new MD for a shot in my shoulder joint. The bill from the hospital visit was 7.00 and after my 0.00 payment to the other MD and a bill just came and I owe him 7.00 more. If you haven't already guessed, I don't have any insurance. 

 I haven't been sleeping worrying about all these bills. I think Tuesday night I slept a total of 45 minutes and had to work on Wednesday because there was no one else to do it. I feel like I am flaring up but don't feel like I can go to the Rheumy because of $ and work.

But it's just not that. As most of you know, this sh*ty disease isn't going to just go away anytime soon. I have a wonderful husband and even though I told him prior to us getting married I don't think people really understand without first hand knowledge.

RA SUCKS! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I don't really have anyone to talk to about all this without feeling more guilty about making my family feel bad. 

I take Humira twice a month with the sure click pen but it STINGS. I used to take Remicade but it stopped working but the MTX injectable weekly. So not only do we have to take crappy meds but even my lortab doesn't always do the trick and it's hard to ask my Rheumy for it sometimes. I don't want him to think I'm all about taking them just for fun

I feel so helpless right now. Thank you for taking the time to read my sob story.


Lindy, I was struck by how similar our circumstances are.  I was diagnosed recently at 55 and am also retired.  My children are grown so I only have two grandchildren to deal with on a monthly basis.  I love caring for them, but it's tough on my arthritic spine.

I was stunned to read that you believe your life expectancy has been shortened.  Have you been told that as fact or is it something you feel in your heart?  My blood work does not show raging RA but I do have vasculitis, which can also be life threatening.  It's under control now, but your post has me thinking I need to discuss this with my RD. 

My sister was deathly ill with RA nine years ago at age 62 but has done so well all these years and at 71 shows no signs of illness.  I just assumed that tweaking meds as needed would keep RA type diseases at bay indefinitely.  Am I wrong about that?  Anyone who has more information on this and how it affects life expectancy, please enlighten me/us. 

Jesse, I have pulmonary fibrosis caused by sarcoidosis and exacerbated by RA.  It can be a slow process or a rapid process.  Mine to date has been slow but it involves both lower lobes.  I've also developed cardiac issues and the cardiologists weren't sure if they're related to RA or the meds that I've been on.  They've finally decided that it's a combination of the two.  No one can predict one's longevity but based on the above my life expectancy has been shortened.  I've not gotten better but worse.  I've had an increase in symptoms and diagnoses in the last few years. 

Because we're on DMARDS and Biologic treatments doesn't mean the disease has gone into remission.  Your sister was very lucky.  I've been on Enbrel, MXT, AP Therapy, Humira, and now Remicade and they've all been tweaked.  At this point in time we're still hoping for further control of the disease.  Damage to your synovium and joints is an ongoing process unless you're in full remission, few people reach full remission. In my particular case damage is also ongoing with my lungs and heart.  I might be fortunate to live longer than predicted with these medical issues but the chances are slim.  It's not something that I dwell on but it is something that makes me live each day to it's fullest and in the moment. 


You know, I can deal with all the things that are unfair about this disease. I have pretty much accepted it. But there is one thing I really hate. That is not being able to wear cute shoes because of my disfigured toes! That may sound really shallow, but really, can I get a pair of cute shoes PLEASE!? 

Well, I don't think it's shallow.  I'm freaked about one of mine.



Paint your toenails and get some cute shoes.  I don't care that my toes are pointing east and west.  I love shoes and I've found some cute ones.  The cute ones I can only wear for short periods of time and no walking any distances.  Just out to dinner or to friends for a party. 

Lynda, awesome thread. 

RA is unfair.  I hate that I can't play with my daughter like I want to.  I want to get down on the floor with her and roll around and know that getting up off the floor is simple rather than a huge production involving various pieces of furniture.  It would be nice too not to walk like a duck.  I mean they're cute animals and all but come one!  And I'm all for the cute shoes too.  I'm sick of wearing sneakers and ugly nurse type shoes.  I don't have any disfigured toes but my feet can't take heels of any height.  And I'm a shorty so I need heels.  Now what's up with that!

But I'm a stubborn person and like Margo I am making the most out of this life, shortened or not, pain or no pain.  RA isn't going to stop me.  Now, I'm going to go drop myself onto the floor and roll around like an idiot.  If I'm not back in 60 minutes, call someone.  LOL No, just kidding.  I'm not rolling around on the floor any time soon. 

Christina...I'm with you....I hate that I can no longer find shoes that I like that will fit my feet.  I have to buy extra wide shoes now and there doesn't seem to be much in the way of sexy/cute shoes for wide feet.


Kelstev, have you tried Zappos on the internet?  I didn't think I could buy shoes without trying them on but I've ordered from Zappos and there's one other site and I can't remember the name but will post when my memory returns from it's stroll.  I know what works for my feet so I've been lucky with internet buying.  LindySteph, got down on the floor the other day, by accident.  I was trying to retrieve my cell from under a small low table and I was in an odd position with one leg bent at the knee and the other (replaced knee) straight out behind me and I don't guess my weight was distributed equally because I slowly toppled over.  It took me awhile to pull myself up and of course all 3 cats were lined up, heads tilted to the side, watching me do my acrobatics.  Fortunately, Stan was outside.  Haven't done that in awhile and don't plan on putting myself in that position again.  Stay off the floor, woman!

This unfairness makes me so fatigued, well not the unfairness so much as the disease and the unfairness of it. This morning I got up after sleeping pretty well for me (only up at 2am for awhile!), and then felt like going right back to bed. I've felt that way all morning. Had 3 cups of coffeeee with caffeine, walked around 'freakmart' with my husband to buy paint for our kitchen cabinets HE"S painting all by himself (sweet man)!!, I'm not even trying to help....my hands would never make it.

So, it goes a day of 'half-asleep' living. dreary, really. No enthusiasm for anything today.??? Do you all have these days? Love ya,Lynda

I have my flipflops here, but I am determined to wear these all day since the flip flops are sort of unprofessional. I do wear them and I am used to people staring at my toes, I just wish the shoes looked better!  It gets akward when my students keep asking. I just tell them I broke them! They seem to buy it!

I guess that is something that is unfair. I wish I had more energy for my students. I know I am more fun than this! Hopefull I will be once this enbrel kicks in!

Lindy, no worries about that.  I'm not doing floor acrobatics any time soon.  I know if I tried, it would be disastrous(sp). There's no one else home during the day and I highly doubt if Isabel could pick her Mommy up off the floor.  I mean, she's strong but I'm fat.  LOLChristina, Zappos is the website and they have hundreds and hundreds of name brand shoes.  Also, some hard to fit sizes.  I've ordered 3 pairs of sandals from them.  Lindy

Lindy, thanks for the explanation.  I'm so sorry for the multiple health issues you're facing.  But how strong and mature you are!  I expect, even though you're not a young adult anymore (me either), you're still young enough so that you can expect more successful therapies down the road.  Please keep your good mental attitude.  You're an inspiration to us all.

Count me as another who hates not being able to wear the nice, open shoes I like, but for a different reason.  With this vasculitic neuropathy, my left foot feels like anything but a tie-on shoe is going to fall off, so it's sneakers for me most of the time or those awful tie-on Oxford type shoes.  Boy, that will make a girl feel old and frumpy!


I think I am going to make that my new profession. Making comfy shoes that look cute! I am an artist...I think I can pull it off. Who knows maybe I will become a millionare!Go for it Christina!  I'd be one of your first customers.

I am sorry you are having so much trouble. Big hugs to you honey.

The reason I think this disease is unfair:

My childrens childhood is changed forever.

My marriage ended due to this stupid disease.

I am so tired of being in pain every single day of my life.

I am mad because now I am a single mom and have to go though this alone.

I pray that I can live semi-normal at least until my kids are raised.

Thanks Lynda for the thread..... Love ya honey

 This is a terribly unfair disease because it hurts so many good people!! LIke you. Give your children a hug for me.

Here's what I think of this stinkin' disease

Love ya, Lynda

I know we'll find a cure some day!!

WOW Erica, you brought tears to my eyes.....you are so amazing! You could write articles to newspapers and magazines and bring your experiences out so other people can benefit.

I was so hoping Opra or some powerful person on TV would hear about our disease and tell the world everything you've just said. We all feel like few people 'get it', when we say Arthritis, no one hears the Rheumatoid, they just say, "oh, I have that', and we try to explain....BUt, this is different!!. This is the bad one that attacks your joints, makes you stiff, and hurt and scream with pain. THIS one makes you so tired , we call it 'the fatigue' , it is hard to get up in the morning, hard to do anything we want or need to do.Impossible to care for our family.

I understand Erica how your personality changed. How your bubbly person disappeared. I hope you can find her again with the proper medications!! Some of us have succeeded, well almost back to 'normal'.

We need your posts, we need you to put into words some of the feelings we've all had about this stuff. You give it a voice. Thanks for typing with your swollen fingers.

(there was a post somewhere about special things that make our every day lives better. I have levers on all my doors instead of knobs, a one touch can opener that someone suggested, ways to get in and out of the car, special shower instalations, others have many great ideas.

Loved your posts!! Lynda
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