Carpal Tunnel Question | Arthritis Information


< =text/>_popupControl(); basically we have figured out that Danny has some Carpal Tunnel going on with both wrists.  We are not surprised at this considering what he does for a living and how long he has been doing it.  What I am wondering is this....can weather affect carpal tunnel?  Like increase the pain from it?  He said his wrists were very painful this morning...more than they normally are even after working 10 hours.  I am flaring HARD from the weather.  Is there any connection between weather and carpal tunnel?  Is heat or ice better for carpal tunnel?  Should I put him back on naproxen to help with swelling and pain?  I know a few of us here have it and I really appreciate any input at all on this. 

I have CTS and have never noticed weather making it worse.  But then again, I've never felt that weather affects my RA either.  No connection for me.

Hi Liz- I have carpel tunel in my left hand. I find a combination of hot and cold helps relieve the pain. I run my wrist and hand under running cold water and then immerse it into a bowl of hot water( as hot as I can bear it) and repeat it until the pain has eased.I also find if i try and raise my arm above my head it also relieves some of the pressure. The weather affects me but I dont know if thats the RA or not. If its stormy and damp my fingers and wrist hurts like heck.

Sorry to hear both you and Danny are hurting I hope its wont last too long.

GS, I'm so sorry that your Danny has carpal tunnel. The weather doesn't affect the CTS but will affect the arthritis in his wrists. The best thing that he can do is take the NASIDS, wear CTS splints at night and warm the wrist before doing something and ice afterwards.

If it gets to painful and he's losing feeling in his hand, then it's time for a trip to the docs for eval.

I battle this for a long time before I knew what was going on. Hope that this helps.

< =text/>_popupControl(); Thank you everyone for your answers and kind support.  We really appreciate it.  I have felt for awhile now that he has some OA going on with a few body parts.  His left shoulder from a surgery many many moons ago, his hips, and his wrists.  He does have a reptitive motion job that a lot of times requires him to weld in really funky positions.  I just really feel from all the years of slinging around upwards of 200 lbs. of steel at a time has just finally taken a toll on his body and it is time for some xrays and to get serious that he most likely has OA in the body parts.  Hello,

I have had CTS in both wrist and had surgery on both.  My hands were bad when I woke up if I didn't wear my splints.  I hope he get help soon for them.  The surgery was very helpful for me, but I hope he doesn't have to go that route.
