RA and bad cholesterol | Arthritis Information


My cholesterol level is off the chart I found out today. My RA has been very bad the past two days, but I refuse to let it get me down. I still have to go to school, get up and clean the house, take care of my kids, deal with my ex-wife, etc. All I WANT to do is lay on the couch all day. Well, I spent 3 years on the damn couch and that is enough for me. I lost my marriage due to RA, my job, and almost my house. I will not lose anything else. I am wondering if my bad cholesterol is why I feel so run down and I sweat and feel terrible after any physical activity. Hmmmmm


I don't know if they have a connection but I also have bad cholesterol and RA. 

I am sorry for all your troubles.....sending hugs to you.

You and I have lots in common though....lost my marriage also.

Keep you head up!!!

My cholesterol is off the chart too. It was that high even before I was dx with RA in Dec 06.

I had to keep a food diary for a month, everything that passed my lips went into the diary and they, like me couldnt understand why my cholesterol is so high.

I asked my GP and my Rheumy Consultant if there was a link and both said no. I eat very healthily, exercise (as best I can), dont drink (much... the occasional gin & tonic), have never smoked and yet my liver pumps out the bad stuff like no tomorrow.

However, if your arteries are filling up and the blood is finding it difficult to get where its going to that can lead to more pressure inside the body and more heat and ergo more sweating... you should speak to your GP about your concerns.

Commiserations and well wishes.


Hi, there!  I don't post too much around here, but I wanted to let you know that I've got high cholesterol as well, it started creeping up a few years ago, and I was recently diagnosed with RA. 

Good luck with everything! 

Chris, I'm so sorry for all you've been through.  I'm having some difficult times right now myself, but the best advice was just get through the next thing on your list, one at a time.

On the cholesterol, I thought sometime in the past I had seen a link between depression and high cholesterol, which I thought might be at work here, but now all I'm finding are references to low cholesterol and depression.  But I did find this under high cholesterol causes:

Mental stress: Several studies have shown that stress raises blood cholesterol levels over the long term. One way that stress may do this is by affecting your habits. For example, when some people are under stress, they console themselves by eating fatty foods. The saturated fat and cholesterol in these foods contribute to higher levels of blood cholesterol.

Of course one of the "cures" is physical activity, but if you're feeling that badly after activity, maybe you need to slow it down a little or talk to your doctor.

I've also had high cholesterol, especially the triglycerides, and it's gotten higher since my RA.  Recently I started a plant sterol/stanol supplement (NatureMade's Cholest-Off) and it has been helping.

My cholesterol went through the roof last year with no warning . It was then that my doctor checked my thyroid and found out I had hyperthyroiditis. Its common to have thyroid problems with autoimmume diseases. And it was the thyroid that was causing the high cholesterol. So it might pay to get your thyroid checked. I now take thyroxine and lipitor for the cholesterol.
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