red palms? | Arthritis Information


My palms  have many, many, small looks like broken spider veins on them.I was at my rhemy office today and he said it looks like a liver problem and is going to do liver test.Anyone else have these on their palms? thanks

No but at the base of my thumbs you can see *ALL* of my veins. When I show a doctor or they notice they always say "huh...well that's unique"


I hope it's not a liver problem :( That's kinda scary! What meds are you on?

My palms get very red ( I don't know why) but I don't see the veins like you describe. My feet are covered with very tiny spider veins. My dr has never noticed them. Let us know what you find out. I hope it is not serious.


I would post a picture of my red palm,but I don't know how.