How much pain can stress produce? | Arthritis Information


I know stress can have an adverse affect on our pain levels, but I'm wondering how much pain it can produce...for example, do you think it could cause a flare all by itself, or only exacerbate an existing one?

Right now I'm having terrible pain in my hands and arms, even on the Dilaudid, but I'm also under a lot of stress.  I've been in pain for weeks, but just in the last hour it's been much worse, and I've been acutely stressed in that time.  Could all that extra pain be just from the stress?

Or maybe the question is how much stress does pain cause? Yeah, Cordy, it is. 

I am so sorry about hubby.  But, I am glad you are taking care of yourself.  I agree with everyone else about the never ending cycle of stress, flares, flares, stress... it is all related and I personally got my first flare up when I was under some very serious emotional overload!!!

Hang in there and I am also sending lots of hugs!!!


Suzanne, I can relate to hubby stress, and hope you can find some peace while he goes.  Just rest and eat and sleep.  I hope the infusion gets moved for you, and that you will be able to heal some.  I hate that you are under this much stress, but he is a big boy and he needs to step up.  Sorry again. 

Hugs to you...take care!

Stress is a big factor in our health. I believe stress can trigger flares? Does anyone else? Stress comes in many 'forms' , moving, losing yur job, death of loved ones, troubles at home with spouses, kids, money, it just gets heaped up and I believe contributes to our ill health. My husband is up tight about EVERYTHIng, so I constantly have to fight to stay calm. It is a full time job. He worries all the time. A type personality. I try to relax, but it is hard when you are around a totally stressed person all the time. (I adore him, but he is a fussy guy, he even talks to all the other car drivers at the intersections, know like 'well, it is your turn!!) which is funny to me but I wouldn't dare laugh!!!!)Lynda

Then, half an hour later he called and said he wasn't going because he wasn't feeling up to it.  I honestly cried just thinking about the loss of my week of peace and how it would now be a week of stress again.  It's scary when you just want to be rid of the stress no matter what the cost.

In any case, hubby was back home for about half an hour, when he was suddenly "over it".  He couldn't take the stress anymore, started apologizing and making up and doing everything possible he could do for me.  Now we're talking about what steps we need to take so we don't go down this road again.  There'll be no FL for either of us this week (I really think the plane ride and the high humidity would have done me in), but we have some "free nights" we can take at one of the Atlantic City hotels (about 2 hrs ride) so we'll do that at the end of the week.

So if anyone reading along at home is thinking about my hubby and going "bipolar", well, yes I have to agree with you.  He even says it sometimes, but hasn't bothered to get a diagnosis or treatment.

One step at a time...

BTW, I am usually the type A person, but hubby is the one who talks to all the drivers.

Oh hun!!!! I'm sorry but I'm happy for you at the same time. Sometimes it takes a huge explosion for people to see what's really wrong. You know, a slap in the face to wake you up kind of thing. I know Justin and I have gone through "slap in the face" moments a few times. As long as he and I both agree to work on what the problem was, and we stick to it, we do great. I hope that you and your hubby get through this peacefully, and I know it's possible. Good luck to you both and may this be the turning point that you both have been waiting for! *hugs*

Stress is deadly.....

Negative emotions (anger, hate, resentful, jealousy, guilt, etc..) like the same as drinking battery acid (corrosion to physical body).

references to neg. thought process:

MOVIE:  Peaceful Warrior or BOOK about getting rid of trash in your head

Or if you can find, very bizarre series of book that make you THINK written by HILARION (MUST BE READ WITH OPEN MIND AND TAKEN WITH A GRAIN OF SALT)

Happy Hunting,



Stress and worry. My husband worries a lot about things that never happen!! Lynda